Portuguese electronic literature

By Hannah Ackermans, 7 December, 2018
Publication Type
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Abstract (in English)

The inherent complexity of multimodal databases constitutes a challenge in terms of structuring and interoperability. However, it also stimulates the translation of organized data into enhanced and adaptable interfaces. Using the Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature (www.po-ex.net) as a framework, I will describe possible strategies for curating digital archives, through appropriation and remixing of database assets, allowing artistic and creative re-interpretations of experimental and electronic literature.

(source: abstract repository)

By Hannah Ackermans, 7 December, 2018
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The aim of PO.EX: A Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature (http://po-ex.net/) is to represent the intermedia and performative textuality of a large corpus of experimental works and practices in an electronic database, including some early instances of digital literature. This article describes the multimodal editing of experimental works in terms of a hypertext rationale, and then demonstrates the performative nature of the remediation, emulation, and recreation involved in digital transcoding and archiving. Preservation, classification, and networked distribution of artifacts are discussed as representational problems within the current algorithmic and database aesthetics in knowledge production.

(source: abstract DHQ)

By Hannah Ackermans, 7 December, 2018
Publication Type
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Abstract (in English)

Funkhouser describes the PO.EX’70-80 project and highlights several elements of the database, praising the taxonomy and preservation/representation of works.

Pull Quotes

Two primary features of PO.EX make it a truly stellar example of a digital archive: (1) an effective, functional taxonomy that enables users to search for works logically; and (2) thorough preservation and representation of the works that are being catalogued within the archive. These crucial aspects of the PO.EX archive are a model of how a digital archive can reach peak effect. PO.EX, communal and focused, presents a scientific and proficient organizational scheme; its contents are not difficult to negotiate and may be used reliably.

Platform referenced
Creative Works referenced
Description (in English)

"Consumição" ("Consumption") presents itself as a digital wordlyphagic variation of a sequence that has as its starting point the paradox between noise and silence that permeates language and communication. In a collision of centripetal and centrifugal forces between the excess of speech and the reduction of words to the (almost) silence, which at one time is exhausted and renewed, in the form of a spiral, in the curves that revolve around a certain point, moving away or approaching according to a certain law, space is opened up to the consumption of words, which are devoured, chewed, digested, and returned, to be swallowed up again.

Description (in original language)

Fase derradeira de "PALAVROFAGIA" (https://po-ex.net/taxonomia/materialidades/digitais/wreading-digits-pal…), “CONSUMIÇÃO” apresenta-se enquanto variação palavrofágica digital de uma sequência que tem como ponto de partida o paradoxo entre ruído e silêncio que permeia a linguagem e a comunicação. Num choque de forças entre o excesso palavrofágico e a redução de palavras ao (quase)silêncio, que a um tempo se esgota e se renova, na forma de uma espiral, nas curvas que giram em torno de um determinado ponto, dele se afastando ou aproximando segundo uma determinada lei, abre-se espaço à consumição de palavras, que se devoram, mastigam, digerem, e se devolvem, para de novo serem engolidas.

Description in original language
Part of another work
Screen shots
Contributors note

Tiago Schawbl and Mariana Oliveira - Voices

By Hannah Ackermans, 27 November, 2018
Publication Type
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Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Livro com alguns dos resultados do projecto «PO.EX’70-80 – Arquivo Digital da Literatura Experimental Portuguesa», financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia com fundos da União Europeia. Edição de Rui Torres, com textos sobre a maioria dos autores representados neste arquivo digital.


Short description

“Language and the Interface” features a selection of 27 works, and results from research work carried out for the FCT PhD Programme in Materialities of Literature. The exhibition is curated by Daniela Côrtes Maduro, Ana Marques da Silva and Diogo Marques. It has been designed as an exploratory sample of writing strategies from different moments (1990-2015), in various languages (English, Portuguese, French), using diverse technologies (stand-alone and networked computer, tablets and mobile devices, augmented reality applications). The show is part of the international conference “Digital Literary Studies” hosted by the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra, May 14-15, 2015. The works will be on display at the Faculdade de Letras (Room 6, 4th floor). For further information see: Exhibition “Language and the Interface”. (Source: Digital Literary Studies Conference 2015)


Curatorial Statement:

When considered as a simulating machine, the computer blurs the distinction among media or forms of representation. Sounds, images, films, animations and verbal language can now share the same inscriptional surface. Literary experience is impacted by this shift in media ecology. The concept of language itself can refer to spoken and written language, but also to other semiotic systems. Within the computer environment, the linguistic, visual, aural and kinetic forms are themselves made up of layered executable languages of computer codes. The computer can be described as a semiotic machine and processor of languages. It is through the conventions and structures of the graphical user interface that our interaction with digital objects is mediated. What is displayed on the screen is the result of multiple-order representations (or translations) that allow the inscription, processing, and presentation of data.

William S. Burroughs once wrote that “Language is a virus from outer space”. In electronic literature, the computer brings the concept of estrangement to a whole new level by rooting literary experience in an intersection between human and machine languages, and by using processing speed, data storage and programming to suggest further ways to validate or delay the production of meaning. The works presented here take creative, ludic, critical and experimental approaches to the interplay between language and interface. Choosing paths, touching words, generating new threads of meaning or jumping off a cliff are activities that the reader might be asked to perform.

The aim of the ‘Language and the Interface’ exhibit is twofold: on the one hand, to show different modes of processing and displaying language in networked programmable media; on the other hand, to call attention to the interface as both a constraining and enabling reading device. What happens when an understanding of literature as patterned verbal and written language is explored in conjunction with the metamedial affordances of the computer environment? What is the role of the interface in situating and constituting readers as subjects of digital literary works? How are the processing of language and the language of processing interfaced by the display?

This exhibit is part of the international conference “Digital Literary Studies” hosted by the School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra, May 14-15, 2015. Please feel free to join us and give it a try.

Daniela Côrtes MaduroAna Marques da SilvaDiogo Marques

Record Status
By Daniele Giampà, 22 March, 2015
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Abstract (in English)

Pedro Barbosa recalls in this interview his memories of the first studies and works of electronic literature back in the 1970s when he was a student at the University of Porto. Starting from considerations about his collaborative works he makes a comparison between printed literature tradition and the age of new media focusing on the paradigmatic change of this very transitional period with live in and the differences of the creative work. Furthermore he makes an interesting statement on regard of the aesthetics of new media by comparing works of electronic literature with the oral tradition. In the end he mentions some of the milestones of electronic literature that he considers important.

By Alvaro Seica, 5 March, 2015
Publication Type
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Abstract (in English)

"Infopoesia ou Poesia Informacional" [Infopoetry or Informational Poetry] was published on October 29, 1987, in the Diário de Lisboa, in the supplement “Ler Escrever.”

This benchmark article helped defining the state-of-the-art of “computational poetry,” by exposing the 1960s creative threads in the works by Nanni Balestrini, Herberto Helder, Margaret Masterman and Marc Adrian, and by additionally introducing new Portuguese and Brazilian authors, such as Pedro Barbosa, Silvestre Pestana, Antero de Alda, Erthos Albino de Souza and João Coelho. Furthermore, it disseminated for a general audience the relevance of computational programming in literary creation, by stressing that, for some authors, “a própria programação [é] o acto de criação poética por excelência, sendo o programa um poema” [the very programming (is) the act of poetic creation par excellence, being the program a poem], which facilitates different outputs.

[Source: Álvaro Seiça, "A Luminous Beam: Reading the Portuguese Electronic Literature Collection" (2015)]

Pull Quotes

a própria programação [é] o acto de criação poética por excelência, sendo o programa um poema (4)

By Daniele Giampà, 12 November, 2014
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Rui Torres is Associate Professor at University Fernando Pessoa (UFP) in Porto and also author of several works of digital poetry. In this interview he explains how he started working in this field and where his inspiration comes from. Furthermore he explains why he sees the works of electronic literature as literary experiments and his concept of aesthetics taking in account his privilege for multimedia and the active participation of the readers in the creation of some his works. In the end he makes some considerations about preservation and archiving of works of electronic literature.

Creative Works referenced