
By Carlota Salvad…, 24 May, 2021
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Abstract (in English)

In 1956, the Brazilian avant-garde poet Wlademir Dias-Pino published one of his most famous books: A Ave. All copies of this conceptual work were produced in a craft press, and the content and form of the text (a process poem, as Dias-Pino called it) are inextricable from the materiality of the book, composed of superimposed perforated pages of different colors and transparency levels, with printed letters and polygonal lines. Scholars have considered A Ave an analog predecessor of new media poetry, reflecting on the affordances of paper, ink, punch hole, and bookbinding, and their creative use in a book of visual poetry centered on the imagery of birds in flight. Wlademir Dias-Pino also wrote theoretical texts and a manifest that point to the permutational and the procedural nature of poetic language as code. His contributions as an antecedent to Latin-American digital literature still require further investigation, especially because scholars interested in the history of new media poetry in the continent often pay more attention to the Brazilian concrete poets from São Paulo, such as Augusto de Campos, Haroldo de Campos, and Décio Pignatari. Nonetheless, an important gesture of acknowledging Dias-Pino’s contribution to the field was made by the Uruguayan poet Clemente Padín, who created in 2003 the Flash piece Homenaje a Wlademir Dias-Pino. In this animation, a bird graphically constructed as a calligram is seen in flight, and the animal’s body and wings are made of a combination of words that allude to the metadata of A Ave among apparently random ASCII symbols. Padín’s work is included in the Litelat Anthology, but it can no longer be accessed in its “original” format due to the obsolescence of Flash. Although this might initially seem just a setback, the limited temporality of Flash has more to say: as a technological platform with its own lifecycle, it highlights the historicity of Homenaje a Wlademir Dias-Pino as a piece of electronic literature produced for specific software from a specific age. A Ave, on the other hand, is a piece of analog procedural literature meant to be read without any extraneous device, but also susceptible to the physical deterioration that all material culture is liable to. This poster presents some reflections on convergences and dissonances between Wlademir Dias-Pino’s A Ave and Clemente Padín’s Homenaje a Wlademir Dias-Pino, considering both artists’ aesthetic projects, the poetic codes they used, and the affordances of the materialities in which they inscribed their images of birds in flight. We intend to point out how the work by a prominent predecessor of electronic literature is revisited by an established digital artist of our times in a dialogue that is of much interest to the community of Latin American e-lit and to that of electronic literature as a whole.

Description (in English)

The process also allowed the idealization of Oneirographia, which is a 3D interactive online environment that is under construction and will be finished by the end of February of 2021. In this work, the interactor can build or simulate his digital dreams with data input that´ll randomly create a sensory ambiance. First, the user fills a form and, then it will be possible to choose between a dream or a nightmare to define the atmosphere of the digital experience. After that, the user will navigate between images, words, and sounds, and, at any moment, he can choose to capture photographs of the digital dream to download or share them on the social media networks. Dreams hold relevant messages and memories that we cannot access otherwise. However, its encrypted language makes it difficult to understand, and usually, during the wake, we quickly forget what we have dreamed of. Oneirographia aims to facilitate the remembering, reimagining, and sharing of our dreams. The work will be available in three different languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.


Oneirographia is a project that started in March 2020, when the quarantine due to the Coronavirus pandemic began in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The conceptual project started from a dream and proceeded, at first, with the help of Internet search engines and it was an encouragement at the critical moment of confinement and pessimism. Somehow that fact so unique and different from other experienced dream phenomena aroused a series of sensations and reflections on the possibility of incorporating the unforeseen and irrational element as a means of promoting academic inquiry and artistic research. The dream experience allowed a deviation in the search algorithms using private intuition. This methodology contradicts the rational tendency behind the “improvement” of the artificial intelligence of these mechanisms. This effort included bibliographic research and the creation of a web page called “Prague Dremiary” that contains more information about the work.


Source: exhibition documentation

Screen shots
Oneirografia main page
Oneirografia text box
Oneirografia dream
Remote video URL
Description (in English)

The Coronary's starting point is a set of 25 words, popular in the context of Covid-19, such as Zoom, alcohol gel, and pandemic, for which we offer a small glossary. A heat map dynamically checks the audience’s attention regarding the words we listed in the coronavirus lexicon. The most accessed by the audience change their color on a scale that varies from blue (cooler) to red (hotter and, therefore, more accessed). These heat maps have become recurrent images in the context of Covid-19. They are key images in the pandemic context. Coronary appropriates the visual vocabulary of the coronavirus to perform a critical "live surveillance" exercise. This appropriation allows the public to watch a standard procedure of monitoring how they access the Internet, which is usually invisible and ignored. At the same time, the Coronary discusses the symbolic capital of attention and its structuring role in the economy of attention and the politics of gaze that rules the digital world. Finally, while interpreting the coronavirus in the context of culture, the Coronary assumes that we are facing not only one of the most severe public health crises in history. The coronavirus is also a landmark time of the consolidation, as well as the emergence, of social and economic transformations in the globalization process.

Screen shots
A heatmap showing words related to the pandemic. Coronavirus, 24/7 and live are warm.
A heatmap of words related to the covid-19 pandemic. Coronavirus, Zoom and 24/7 are warm.
Remote video URL
Description (in English)

Re-reading of «Oceanographies (the memory of water)», programmed by Antero de Alda on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum microcomputer, Sever do Vouga, 1/1/1986.

Description (in original language)

Releitura de «Oceanografias (a memória da água)», programado por Antero de Alda num microcomputador Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Sever do Vouga, 1/1/1986.

Description in original language
By Rui Torres, 21 February, 2021
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

In this speculative text some cyberliterature works are presented in a pedagogical perspective located in an uncertain future (this: 2029). Parodic fiction, it results, on the one hand, from experiences in teaching electronic literature seminars, courses and workshops and, on the other, from creative practice involving digital poems. It starts with the hypothesis that in the scope of electronic writing there is no essential difference between pedagogical and creative practice, rather explorations or creative investigations: writing and reading activities that use the means of communication available in their time to understand their limits and potentialities in the light of a reflective didactic perspective. Therefore, a future is envisaged in which the Portuguese National Reading Plan 2027 finally comes into play.

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Neste texto especulativo apresentam-se alguns trabalhos de ciberliteratura numa perspectiva pedagógica situada num futuro incerto (este: 2029). Ficção paródica, resulta, por um lado, de experiências na docência de seminários, cursos e oficinas de literatura electrónica e, por outro, de prática criativa envolvendo poemas digitais. Parte-se da hipótese de que no âmbito das escritas electrónicas não há uma diferença essencial entre prática pedagógica e criativa, antes explorações ou investigações criativas: actividades de escrita e leitura que usam os meios de comunicação disponíveis no seu tempo para entender os seus limites e potencialidades à luz de uma perspectiva didáctica reflexiva. Imagina-se por isso um futuro no qual o Plano Nacional de Leitura 2027 entra, finalmente, em vigor.

By Rui Torres, 21 February, 2021
Publication Type
Record Status
Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Neste segundo volume da renovada coleção CIBERTEXTUALIDADES, dedicado à Investigação-Experimentação-Criação, no eixo Arte-Ciência-Tecnologia, reúnem-se especialistas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, com reconhecido currículo científico e/ou artístico a nível nacional e internacional, e promovendo uma multiplicidade de abordagens, tão inovadoras e arrojadas quanto rigorosas e atentas. Não defendendo que as três componentes que serviram de mote a este volume sejam completamente indistinguíveis, a maleabilidade e o diálogo afirmaram-se, contudo, como critérios definidores para a estruturação do mesmo. Assumindo-se o esbatimento de fronteiras naturalmente existente entre os eixos apontados, os ensaios / poemas (visuais) / resenhas artísticas aqui reproduzidos distinguem-se, acima de tudo, pela sua natureza autorreflexiva e pelo seu cariz marcadamente multi/inter/trans e, por vezes, até mesmo, antidisciplinar.

Description (in English)

by rt to pt, with advertising soundbites speeches + - slogans advertisements jingles. constellation ?! Combinatory

Description (in original language)

por rt para pt, com propaganda soundbites discursos +- slogans advertisements jingles. constelação ?! Combinatória

Description in original language
Screen shots
Contributors note

Rui Torres: txt, xml, html, snd; Nuno Ferreira: js, html

Description (in English)

Inspired by poems by António Gedeão, António Ramos Rosa, Fernando Pessoa, Herberto Helder, Miguel Torga and Ruy Belo. Commissioned by the Museum of the Tree of Alto Minho, Portugal. Combinatory poetry with lexicon of flora from Northern Portugal.

Description (in original language)

Inspirado em poemas de António Gedeão, António Ramos Rosa, Fernando Pessoa, Herberto Helder, Miguel Torga e Ruy Belo. Encomenda do Museu da Ávore do Alto Minho, Portugal. Poesia combinatória com léxico de flora do Norte de Portugal.

Description in original language
Screen shots
Contributors note

Rui Torres: txt, xml, html, jpg; Nuno Ferreira: js, html; Luís Aly: snd

Description (in English)

Adventures with inter-linguistic combinatorial poetry, machine translation and text-to-speech.

Description (in original language)

Aventuras com poesia combinatória inter-linguística, tradução automática e text-to-speech.

Description in original language
Screen shots