reader's participation

By Daniele Giampà, 7 April, 2015
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Abstract (in English)

In this interview Andy Campbell talks about his first works in video games programming during his teens and how he got involved with digital literature in the mid-1990s. He then gives insight into his work by focusing on the importance of the visual and the ludic elements and the use of specific software or code language in some of his works. In the end he describes the way he looks at digital born works in general.

By Daniele Giampà, 12 November, 2014
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Abstract (in English)

Leonardo Flores tells about his beginnings in the field of electronic literature and his current project on electronic poetry. He then makes an in-depth description of the paradigmatic change from printed literature to electronic literature with special attention on the expectations of readers who are new to new media works and the tradition, so to speak, of experimentalism in literature. With the same accuracy he ponders about the status of science of electronic literature and ends the interview with some considerations about the important issue of preservation.

By Daniele Giampà, 12 November, 2014
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Abstract (in English)

Rui Torres is Associate Professor at University Fernando Pessoa (UFP) in Porto and also author of several works of digital poetry. In this interview he explains how he started working in this field and where his inspiration comes from. Furthermore he explains why he sees the works of electronic literature as literary experiments and his concept of aesthetics taking in account his privilege for multimedia and the active participation of the readers in the creation of some his works. In the end he makes some considerations about preservation and archiving of works of electronic literature.

Creative Works referenced
By Daniele Giampà, 12 November, 2014
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Abstract (in English)

TheCoevas Strumentist di Parole is an group of authors or, as they define themselves, a literary band which created an interactive novel called TheCoevasIo interattivo (TheCoevas I interactive). The novel which was published in 2011 on the blog of the authors is accompanied by a medium-length documentary and is also published in form of printed book. Another characteristic of the novel is the variety of the online versions: iWork Apple, Powerpoint and pdf. As they explain in the interview, the project as a whole is conceived as an experiment of different ways of expressions and the work of writing is similar to the musical composition of a band. The very freedom of creativity is granted to the readers who can choose various audio-visual effects and narrative paths following their emotional and individual choices according to the demands of extemporaneity.

Abstract (in original language)

TheCoevas Strumentisti di Parole è un gruppo di autori o una band letteraria, come si definiscono loro, che ha creato un romanzo interattivo intitolato TheCoevasIo interattivo. Il romanzo che è stato pubblicato nel 2011 sul blog degli autori è accompagnato da un mediometraggio ed è anche stato pubblicato in forma di libro cartaceo. Altra particolarità del romanzo è la varietà delle versioni online: iWork Apple, Powerpoint e pdf. Come spiegano nell’intervista, il progetto nell’insieme è inteso come una sperimentazione di diverse forme espressive e il lavoro di scrittura è simile a una composizione musicale di una band. Questa libertà creativa viene concessa anche ai loro lettori che possono scegliere diversi effetti audio-visivi e percorsi narrativi in base a scelte emotive e individuali secondo le esigenze dell’estemporaneità.

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Public Domain
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Description (in English)

Weblog that offers readers comment stories from "Todas las historias" collection (2001):

Description (in original language)

Weblog que da la posibilidad a todos los lectores de comentar los relatos de la colección
"Todas las historias" (2001):

Description in original language