Book (collection)

By Hannah Ackermans, 27 May, 2021
Publication Type
Presented at Event
978-1-5013-6350-4 (hardback)
978-1-5013-6347-4 (online)
978-1-5013-6348-1 (epdf)
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms & Practices is a volume of essays that provides a detailed account of born-digital literature by artists and scholars who have contributed to its birth and evolution. Rather than offering a prescriptive definition of electronic literature, this book takes an ontological approach through descriptive exploration, treating electronic literature from the perspective of the digital humanities (DH) that is, as an area of scholarship and practice that exists at the juncture between the literary and the algorithmic.

The domain of DH is typically segmented into the two seemingly disparate strands of criticism and building, with scholars either studying the synthesis between cultural expression and screens or the use of technology to make artifacts in themselves. This book regards electronic literature as fundamentally DH in that it synthesizes these two constituents. Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities provides a context for the development of the field, informed by the forms and practices that have emerged throughout the DH moment, and finally, offers resources for others interested in learning more about electronic literature.

(Bloomsbury description)

By David Jhave Johnston, 25 May, 2021
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

ReRites is a project consisting of 12 poetry books (generated by a computer then edited by poet David Jhave Johnston) created between May 2017-18. Jhave produced one book of poetry per month, utilizing neural networks trained on a contemporary poetry corpus to generate source texts which were then edited into the ReRites poems. (The limited edition boxset) is a conceptual proof-of-concept about the impact of augmented creativity and human-machine symbiosis.

This book contains 60 pages of poems selected from the over 4500 pages of ReRites poems;  some of the Raw Output generated by the computer; and 8 Response essays. 

Introduced & edited by Stephanie Strickland with essays by Allison Parrish, Johanna Drucker, Kyle Booten, John Cayley, Lai-Tze Fan, Nick Montfort, Mairéad Byrne, Chris Funkhouser, and an author-note from David (Jhave) Johnston.

Pull Quotes

Introduced & edited by Stephanie Strickland with essays by Allison Parrish, Johanna Drucker, Kyle Booten, John Cayley, Lai-Tze Fan, Nick Montfort, Mairéad Byrne, Chris Funkhouser, and an author-note from David (Jhave) Johnston.

Creative Works referenced
Publisher Referenced
By Rui Torres, 21 February, 2021
Publication Type
Record Status
Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Neste segundo volume da renovada coleção CIBERTEXTUALIDADES, dedicado à Investigação-Experimentação-Criação, no eixo Arte-Ciência-Tecnologia, reúnem-se especialistas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, com reconhecido currículo científico e/ou artístico a nível nacional e internacional, e promovendo uma multiplicidade de abordagens, tão inovadoras e arrojadas quanto rigorosas e atentas. Não defendendo que as três componentes que serviram de mote a este volume sejam completamente indistinguíveis, a maleabilidade e o diálogo afirmaram-se, contudo, como critérios definidores para a estruturação do mesmo. Assumindo-se o esbatimento de fronteiras naturalmente existente entre os eixos apontados, os ensaios / poemas (visuais) / resenhas artísticas aqui reproduzidos distinguem-se, acima de tudo, pela sua natureza autorreflexiva e pelo seu cariz marcadamente multi/inter/trans e, por vezes, até mesmo, antidisciplinar.

By Rui Torres, 21 February, 2021
Publication Type
Record Status
Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Entre 2006 e 2017, a Revista Cibertextualidades publicou 8 números com artigos sobre textualidades eletrónicas e escritas digitais. Agora, avançamos para uma nova aventura, criando, sob a mesma designação, uma coleção de livros electrónicos (PDF), com ISBNs individuais, mantendo a linha editorial e temática, assim como o apoio e a distribuição, em acesso aberto, pelas Publicações Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Esta será uma coleção de livros em língua portuguesa e espanhola, sem periodicidade fixa, com mais flexibilidade em relação às datas e aos conteúdos. Este primeiro livro da coleção, sobre e-poetas (e-xperimentais e e-lectrónicxs), que tem como título “Fobias - Fonias - Fagias. Escritas Experimentais e Eletrónicas Ibero-Afro-Latinoamericanas, reúne artigos, ensaios visuais, depoimentos, poemas, reflexões. Mostrámo-nos abertos a diferentes abordagens, e o estilo adoptado é também ele diversificado: sem tamanho mínimo ou máximo, sem um formato imposto. O nosso único critério foi a qualidade, a relevância, a criatividade e a pertinência em relação a esse triângulo: fobias, fonias, fagias.

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 26 November, 2020
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This book introduces an archaeological approach to the study of media - one that sifts through the evidence to learn how media were written about, used, designed, preserved, and sometimes discarded. Edited by Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka, with contributions from internationally prominent scholars from Europe, North America, and Japan, the essays help us understand how the media that predate today’s interactive, digital forms were in their time contested, adopted and embedded in the everyday. Providing a broad overview of the many historical and theoretical facets of Media Archaeology as an emerging field, the book encourages discussion by presenting a full range of different voices. By revisiting ‘old’ or even ‘dead’ media, it provides a richer horizon for understanding ‘new’ media in their complex and often contradictory roles in contemporary society and culture.

By Scott Rettberg, 17 September, 2020
Publication Type
HB: 978-1-4742-8626-8
Hardback Set: 978-1-4742-8626-4
All Rights reserved
Record Status