Incomplete record (stub)

By Hannah Ackermans, 6 August, 2021
Presented at Event
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Abstract (in English)

This presentation details how to structure metadata about born-digital literature for collections in The NEXT. It introduces the extended metadata schema the Electronic Literature Lab (ELL) utilizes for The NEXT, showing both how information displays on the front end of the spaces, as well as organized on the back end for the database.

Leading the discussion is Dene Grigar, Director of ELL and the Managing Director and Curator of The NEXT, and Richard Snyder, Assistant Director of ELL and the Metadata Specialist for The NEXT.

If you currently have works held in The NEXT or are thinking of donating them in the future, this presentation will shed light on the process undertaken to ensure works are accessible and provide precise information about them. Participants will leave the presentation with a copy of both the schema ELL is using and an metadata spreadsheet template for their own use.

8:00-8:10        Introductions—Dene

8:10-8:30        Metadata on the Front End—Dene

8:30-8:50        Metadata on the Back End—Richard

8:50-9:00        Q&A  


Database or Archive reference
Organization referenced
By Hannah Ackermans, 6 August, 2021
Presented at Event
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Playable Comms is an interdisciplinary, collaborative network of projects with the aim of examining interactive digital narratives (IDNs) as tools for educating audiences on topics of science and health. More specifically, the research evaluates the efficacy of using IDNs for health and sci-comm, attempting to measure message uptake from outright rejection to holistic adoption engendering associated behavioural change. As a practice-based practitioner/researcher composing IDNs and evaluating their efficacy on multiple projects, I aim to develop a model for health and science communication through reading and writing IDNs that can be implemented in a wide array of scenarios and topic areas.

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Description (in original language)

Navega entre la permutación constante alrededor de tres palabras que solo se diferencian en una letra y cuyos significados varían completamente según los artículos que las unen. Se han dispuesto de forma fantasmal todas las variaciones conocidas de la unión entre estas tres palabras para que el lector explore y descubra los variantes. El poema abre un proceso de escritura normalmente oculto al lector y lo pone a su disposición desmitificándolo.

(Source: Author's page)

Description in original language
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Description (in English)

Speak, Pen is a web-based art tool programmed in JavaScript. It’s a drawing tool that replaces the traditional paintbrush with custom text inputs. Users are free to use text on the canvas to make visual poetries, interactive drawings, and performances, etc. The work explores the materiality of text, and ways in which users experiment with texts beyond their semantic functions.

Created during a radical tool workshop at SFPC, Speak, Pen takes inspiration from other “radical” tools that encourage DIY spirit and playfulness. It is not just a digital drawing tool, but rather, a community that aims to inspire makers to experiment with texts beyond their daily functions. It is something that can be performed, alone, or alongside others. I intend to blur the lines between users and the creators or mediators of a platform. Our community guidelines are based not on rules for how to use the text brush, but examples of how past audiences have experimented with it. The meaning of the works lies not within the interpretation of the texts in the drawings, but the different engagements with the tool within and outside its community.

(Source: ELO 2021)

Screen shots