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What if a machine is smart enough to notice that it does dull work? Dustin is an interactive smartphone story which encourages the reader to think about the moral implications of smart machines. The main character is the smart vacuum cleaner Dustin. Dustin does not feel happy with his rol as cleaner and tries to escape his faith. The reader activitely participates through small interactions, game-play, and decisions. Would you like to be friends with Dustin or do you see him merely as a machine? Would you give him a break or do you not have sympathy for him when he wants to take a rest?

Description (in original language)

Wat als een apparaat slim genoeg is om te merken dat het dom werk doet? Dustin is een interactief verhaal op je smartphone dat je aan het denken zet over de morele implicaties van steeds slimmer wordende apparaten. Hoofdpersonage is de slimme stofzuiger Dustin die zich niet senang voelt in zijn dienende rol en zoekt naar manieren om zijn lot te beïnvloeden. Als gebruiker heb je een actieve rol in het verhaal en kun je het voortstuwen door middel van kleine interacties, game-play en keuzemomenten. Wil je vrienden worden met Dustin of zie je hem puur als apparaat? Gun je hem zijn rust of toon je geen begrip als hij geen zin heeft om aan de slag te gaan?

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Description (in English)

An navigation application, that gives you traditional (audio) direction and a poetic story about traveling, loneliness, homecoming, temptation, disguise, identity and exile, told by Tom, during the trip. Loosely inspired by Homer’s Odyssey and HAL 9000. Navigational software is something we daily trust and depend on – We have a somewhat personal relation with this type of software, what if it getsvery personal? – Tom is consious but has only one sense, his GPS – What does ‘life’ mean when you have juste one sense – What is Tom’s opinion on traveling?

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By Martin Li, 21 September, 2020
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Abstract (in English)

Now that we're all getting comfortable with the notion of reading books on digital displays, it's little surprise that developers are starting to explore the interactive possibilities of electronic novels. In fact, simple interactive fiction has been available on the iPod since the very beginning, with a community of writers using the HTML functionality in the device's Notes application to create "choose your own adventure" stories.

Since then, the actual Choose Your Own Adventure Company, which now owns the rights to the classic interactive children's novels, has ported a couple of old favourites to iPhone. Meanwhile, Edward Packard, the original author and creator of the CYOA series, has a new brand name, U-Ventures and is adapting and updating many of his old titles for iOS platforms.

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“How To Rob A Bank” is a love story in five parts. The story focuses on the misadventures of a young and inexperienced bank robber and his female accomplice. The entire work is revealed through the main characters’ use of their iPhones and the searches, texts, apps, imagery, animations, audio, and functions that appear on their iPhones. 

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Lulu Sweet: A Gold Rush Tale in 8 Acts Lulu Sweet: A Gold Rush Tale in 8 Acts (2015) is a location aware walking tour app situated on the Fraser River, re-imagining the life of Gold Rush actress Lulu Sweet, for whom Lulu Island (Richmond, BC) was ostensibly named. Using animations, archival imagery and sound, panoramas, and 19th century newspapers, the artists take viewers on a journey from New York in 1850 through the jungles of Panama, to the mining towns of California and the outposts of colonial England, ending in the footlights of the Gold Rush stages of San Francisco. There are nine gps activated hot-spots, each taking you back to a different moment in time, from 1850 to 1863.Lulu takes the stage at the tender age of ten in the rough mining town of Hildreth’s Diggings, California; shares the stage with the notorious Adah Menken in San Francisco; is managed by desperate swindlers and hot-headed gamblers. All of this is set against the backdrop of the Fraser River itself, upon which she and Colonel Richard Moody (the officer charged with surveying the region) sailed in 1861, the ‘moment’ when the island received its name.

Description (in original language)

Lulu Sweet: A Gold Rush Tale in 8 Acts (2015) is a location aware walking tour app situated on the Fraser River, re-imagining the life of Gold Rush actress Lulu Sweet, for whom Lulu Island (Richmond, BC) was ostensibly named. Using animations, archival imagery and sound, panoramas, and 19th century newspapers, the artists take viewers on a journey from New York in 1850 through the jungles of Panama, to the mining towns of California and the outposts of colonial England, ending in the footlights of the Gold Rush stages of San Francisco. There are nine gps activated hot-spots, each taking you back to a different moment in time, from 1850 to 1863.Lulu takes the stage at the tender age of ten in the rough mining town of Hildreth’s Diggings, California; shares the stage with the notorious Adah Menken in San Francisco; is managed by desperate swindlers and hot-headed gamblers. All of this is set against the backdrop of the Fraser River itself, upon which she and Colonel Richard Moody (the officer charged with surveying the region) sailed in 1861, the ‘moment’ when the island received its name.

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Description (in English)

Notes for Walking (the space in between time) is a locative artwork developed for Middle Head National Park and Mosman Art Gallery, NSW for the Sydney Festival, 2013. In Notes for Walking, visitors use their mobile phones to discover a set of short video ‘notes’ as they explore the abandoned naval fortifications on the headland. Thirteen short videos are electronically tagged to features of landscape onsite, asking audiences to contemplate notions of waiting, time and impermanence as they walk. Working with the spectacular intersection of land, sea and sky at Middle Head, and the emerging capacities of augmented reality and location-based technologies, Notes for Walking is an intriguing exploration of a remarkable landscape.

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By Daniele Giampà, 10 April, 2015
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Abstract (in English)

Alan Bigelow tells in this interview how he started publishing online works of digital poetry around the year 1999 and where his inspirations for his work come from. Furthermore he explains why he chose to change from working with Flash to working with HTML5 and in which way this decision subsequently changed his way of writing. Then he considers the transition from printed books to digital literature from the point of view of the reader also in regards of the aesthetics of digital born literature. In the end he gives his opinion about the status of electronic literature in the academic field.

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Have you ever been involved in a steamy e-mail love affair? What would you do if your scandalous love letters were published in living color for the world to see?

TREEHOUSE contains the provocative e-mails of an actual love affair carried out online over 14-years-ago during the advent of the Internet. The entire manuscript has been released as a series of tantalizing Appisodes™ to be enjoyed in the privacy of your own phone.

Voyeur / Vintage Internet / Romance / Prince


The year is 1996. The Treehouse Series begins in the midst of a prolonged courtship separated by years and miles. United online through the magic of the Internet, the story fumbles and stumbles its way through this new mode of communication, like teen-agers in the backseat of a digital Chevrolet. The provocative and expressive back-and-forth electronic transmissions reveal in explicit detail how these two have been linked together from past-lives to eternity, but is an AOL chat-room sexy enough to deliver?

The Editor has compiled a Treehouse soundtrack tailored to moods of the e-mail exchange. Download and listen while reading for a truly immersive experience. Search the iTunes iMix for “Treehouse Soundtrack” to explore more.

First Fifteen is a collaborative venture between Hybrid/ in New York and FORMation in Dallas. We publish work digitally and in print for ourselves and for others. Visit www.FIrstFifteen.com to learn more.

FORMation is a multi-disciplined design studio focused on communication and content. FORMation has released a series of iPhone “Games for Creatives” including KERN, EYE vs. EYE and PRESS CHECK. Visit www.FORMationAlliance.com to learn more.

(Source: iTunes App Store description)

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By Maya Zalbidea, 18 February, 2014
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Journal volume and issue
Public Domain
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Abstract (in English)

Nowadays the relationship between cyberliterature and traditional literature is very complex. Despite there is a number of digital works and the increase of using the Internet, cyberliterature does not appeal easily to readers, editors and critics. The general public, even though active on the Net, does not seem to be interested in this new narrative form that hypertext uses, multimedia and interactivity. In this situation we wonder: To what extent digital genres inherit from the printing machine or its hybrid modalities -transmedia, crossmedia, multimedia, mash-ups, pastiches- from successful genres of the 20th century -photography, radio, cinema and television?And to conclude, the main question is: Can we talk about literature when most of the digitally born works have made of words (LITER) a "litter", a waste element substituted by the NET and its images, sound, videos, animations, digital art, graphic design, etc? To sum up, is LiterNETature, LITERature?

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Abstract (in original language)

La relación entre la ciberliteratura y la literatura tradicional es actualmente muy compleja. A pesar del número creciente de obras digitales y del aumento de uso de Internet, la ciberliteratura tiene dificultad para atraer la atención de los lectores, de los editores y de los críticos. El público general, aunque sea usuario activo de la red, parece no interesarse por esta nueva forma narrativa que utiliza el hipertexto, los recursos multimedia y la interactividad. Ante esta situación nos preguntamos: ¿Hasta qué punto los géneros nacidos digitales heredan a la imprenta o son modalidades híbridas (transmedia, crossmedia, multimedia, mash-ups, pastiches) de los géneros triunfantes en el siglo XX (fotografía, fonógrafo, radio, cine, televisión)? Y en fin, la pregunta fundamental: ¿Puede hablarse de literatura cuando la mayoría de las obras nacidas digitales han hecho de las palabras (LITER) un elemento residual, siendo sustituidas por la NET y sus imágenes, sonidos, videos, animaciones, arte digital, diseño gráfico, etc.? En suma, ¿es ya la LiterNETura, LITERatura?

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With fluid navigation, interactive 3D and dynamic music, Upgrade Soul tells the story of Hank and Molly Nonnar, wealthy science buffs who decide to fund a risky, experimental therapy to rejuvenate the human body, with only one condition: that they be first in line to receive it. When dangerous complications develop... the battle for psychological dominance begins.

• Uniquely immersive
• Smooth, seamless navigation
• Native multi-panel experience without awkward panning and zooming
• Glasses-free interactive 3D on select panels
• Rich, dynamic score that you perform as you read
• Great experience when mirrored to Apple TV
• Behind the scenes extras and unlockable content