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What if a machine is smart enough to notice that it does dull work? Dustin is an interactive smartphone story which encourages the reader to think about the moral implications of smart machines. The main character is the smart vacuum cleaner Dustin. Dustin does not feel happy with his rol as cleaner and tries to escape his faith. The reader activitely participates through small interactions, game-play, and decisions. Would you like to be friends with Dustin or do you see him merely as a machine? Would you give him a break or do you not have sympathy for him when he wants to take a rest?

Description (in original language)

Wat als een apparaat slim genoeg is om te merken dat het dom werk doet? Dustin is een interactief verhaal op je smartphone dat je aan het denken zet over de morele implicaties van steeds slimmer wordende apparaten. Hoofdpersonage is de slimme stofzuiger Dustin die zich niet senang voelt in zijn dienende rol en zoekt naar manieren om zijn lot te beïnvloeden. Als gebruiker heb je een actieve rol in het verhaal en kun je het voortstuwen door middel van kleine interacties, game-play en keuzemomenten. Wil je vrienden worden met Dustin of zie je hem puur als apparaat? Gun je hem zijn rust of toon je geen begrip als hij geen zin heeft om aan de slag te gaan?

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An navigation application, that gives you traditional (audio) direction and a poetic story about traveling, loneliness, homecoming, temptation, disguise, identity and exile, told by Tom, during the trip. Loosely inspired by Homer’s Odyssey and HAL 9000. Navigational software is something we daily trust and depend on – We have a somewhat personal relation with this type of software, what if it getsvery personal? – Tom is consious but has only one sense, his GPS – What does ‘life’ mean when you have juste one sense – What is Tom’s opinion on traveling?

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Navigate the chaos and destruction of modern life with your touchpad in Jody Zellen's Lines of Life, a collage of photography and digital sketches representing a global sampling of society's ills in which the myriad elements of disharmony conspire to caricaturize themselves.


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“Magister Ludi” is serious comedy game that puts a twist on the escape-the-room genre, with a wry narrator and design that interrogates our role in needing to escape. It is an art game created for Experimenta's International Biennial of Media Art: Recharge.

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Style Guide for Erasing Human Dignity responds to the current political climate in America through a facetious writing guide mixed with poetry. The images within it trigger more text when viewed through an augmented reality app.This “style guide” was inspired by a recent news article about the suggestion to modify language when applying for White House funding. This prospect is incredibly dangerous; what protections disappear when language is changed or erased? Spanish-language and LGBT resources were removed from, for example. Style Guide for Erasing Human Dignity comments on contemporary political issues (the current attack on immigration, environmental protections and journalism) with the proposal of new linguistic strategies. The guide suggests conflating words (Could ‘weather’ be the same as ‘climate’? Could ‘credible’ be replaced with ‘retweeted’?) and provides alternative definitions (Accountability: An account, and the ability to run it effectively. Also see: Social media).This satirical writing guide is mixed with poetry and images of burning books.This project was created for the ELO night of readings and performances at the Modern Language Association Conference in New York City in January, 2018. I propose creating a physical book for the gallery exhibition at ELO2018: Mind the Gap! Attention á la marche! Instructions will be included in the book so that readers can access the augmented reality content with their own smartphones/tablets.

(Source: ELO2018 description)

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Description (in English)

DO IT is an interactive app. of Electronic Literature for smartphones and tablets (both for Android and iOS). DO IT offers four interactive experiences: adapt, rock, light up and forget. Each scene comes as an answer to contemporary injunctions: being flexible, dynamic, finding one’s way, forgetting in order to move forward… You will have to shake words - more or less strongly - in the Rock scene, or to use the gyroscope in the Light up scene. These four scenes are integrated into an interactive narrative (Story). They can also be experienced independently (Scenes).

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Not quite a book, not quite an app, Spot is a visual adventure. Pinch-and-zoom through the spot on the back of a ladybug to begin exploring the five fantastical worlds. Continue to pinch-and-zoom through glowing hotspots to dive deeper into five interconnected worlds. You sit in the driver’s seat of this storytelling experience: one filled with interesting characters and beautifully illustrated settings, ready to be part of your story.

Spot was devised by David Wiesner, three-time winner of the Caldecott Medal, the honor awarded to the most distinguished American picture book for children.


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By Hannah Ackermans, 8 December, 2016
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Abstract (in English)

This paper will outline the key elements of an ongoing research project, whose main focus is to explore the application of new technology to the study of key works of modernism, whilst simultaneously arguing that modernism can itself offer fresh perspectives on contemporary digital art. I am interested in the way modernism presents the artwork as both an object to be experienced and as a structured theory of knowledge. This tension can be seen most obviously in such canonical works as Ezra Pound’s Cantos (1917-1969) where his aesthetic of the ‘luminous fragment’ is set against the poem’s larger, Dantescan, vision of history. Concomitantly, I wish to argue that the resources of digital technology offer a significant new set of tools for approaching modernism itself, allowing us to explore the boundary between the work of scholarship and work of art.

(Source: Abstract ICDMT 2016)

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Lulu Sweet: A Gold Rush Tale in 8 Acts Lulu Sweet: A Gold Rush Tale in 8 Acts (2015) is a location aware walking tour app situated on the Fraser River, re-imagining the life of Gold Rush actress Lulu Sweet, for whom Lulu Island (Richmond, BC) was ostensibly named. Using animations, archival imagery and sound, panoramas, and 19th century newspapers, the artists take viewers on a journey from New York in 1850 through the jungles of Panama, to the mining towns of California and the outposts of colonial England, ending in the footlights of the Gold Rush stages of San Francisco. There are nine gps activated hot-spots, each taking you back to a different moment in time, from 1850 to 1863.Lulu takes the stage at the tender age of ten in the rough mining town of Hildreth’s Diggings, California; shares the stage with the notorious Adah Menken in San Francisco; is managed by desperate swindlers and hot-headed gamblers. All of this is set against the backdrop of the Fraser River itself, upon which she and Colonel Richard Moody (the officer charged with surveying the region) sailed in 1861, the ‘moment’ when the island received its name.

Description (in original language)

Lulu Sweet: A Gold Rush Tale in 8 Acts (2015) is a location aware walking tour app situated on the Fraser River, re-imagining the life of Gold Rush actress Lulu Sweet, for whom Lulu Island (Richmond, BC) was ostensibly named. Using animations, archival imagery and sound, panoramas, and 19th century newspapers, the artists take viewers on a journey from New York in 1850 through the jungles of Panama, to the mining towns of California and the outposts of colonial England, ending in the footlights of the Gold Rush stages of San Francisco. There are nine gps activated hot-spots, each taking you back to a different moment in time, from 1850 to 1863.Lulu takes the stage at the tender age of ten in the rough mining town of Hildreth’s Diggings, California; shares the stage with the notorious Adah Menken in San Francisco; is managed by desperate swindlers and hot-headed gamblers. All of this is set against the backdrop of the Fraser River itself, upon which she and Colonel Richard Moody (the officer charged with surveying the region) sailed in 1861, the ‘moment’ when the island received its name.

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