
By Maya Zalbidea, 18 February, 2014
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Public Domain
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Nowadays the relationship between cyberliterature and traditional literature is very complex. Despite there is a number of digital works and the increase of using the Internet, cyberliterature does not appeal easily to readers, editors and critics. The general public, even though active on the Net, does not seem to be interested in this new narrative form that hypertext uses, multimedia and interactivity. In this situation we wonder: To what extent digital genres inherit from the printing machine or its hybrid modalities -transmedia, crossmedia, multimedia, mash-ups, pastiches- from successful genres of the 20th century -photography, radio, cinema and television?And to conclude, the main question is: Can we talk about literature when most of the digitally born works have made of words (LITER) a "litter", a waste element substituted by the NET and its images, sound, videos, animations, digital art, graphic design, etc? To sum up, is LiterNETature, LITERature?

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

La relación entre la ciberliteratura y la literatura tradicional es actualmente muy compleja. A pesar del número creciente de obras digitales y del aumento de uso de Internet, la ciberliteratura tiene dificultad para atraer la atención de los lectores, de los editores y de los críticos. El público general, aunque sea usuario activo de la red, parece no interesarse por esta nueva forma narrativa que utiliza el hipertexto, los recursos multimedia y la interactividad. Ante esta situación nos preguntamos: ¿Hasta qué punto los géneros nacidos digitales heredan a la imprenta o son modalidades híbridas (transmedia, crossmedia, multimedia, mash-ups, pastiches) de los géneros triunfantes en el siglo XX (fotografía, fonógrafo, radio, cine, televisión)? Y en fin, la pregunta fundamental: ¿Puede hablarse de literatura cuando la mayoría de las obras nacidas digitales han hecho de las palabras (LITER) un elemento residual, siendo sustituidas por la NET y sus imágenes, sonidos, videos, animaciones, arte digital, diseño gráfico, etc.? En suma, ¿es ya la LiterNETura, LITERatura?

Description (in English)

"Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el nuevo paradigma" (Praise to Digital Text. Keys to interpret the New Paradigm) is an essay about the history of printed text and the history of the digitization of texts. The author supports the idea of updating the universities curricula by using knowledge bases. (Description written by Maya Zalbidea Paniagua)

Description (in original language)

"Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el nuevo paradigma" es un ensayo acerca de la historia del texto impreso y la historia de la digitalización de los textos. El autor apoya la idea de actualizar los currículos universitarios utilizando plataformas de conocimiento. (Descripción redactada por Maya Zalbidea Paniagua)

Screen shots
By Stefano Calzati, 21 December, 2011
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Through the analysis of three case-studies, I investigate what happens to blogs when they are transposed outside the web, in media such as printed books or ebooks. Starting from Walker-Rettberg's definition of blog (2008), three orders of change are identified: blog's life and function; author's life and role; blog's structure and content. These three levels open the discussion to gender and genre issues with reference to digital texts and to the possibility that, far from sealing the death of the author or the onnipotence of the reader, the web opens texts to emancipation. 

Pull Quotes

Asking what happens when blogs are remediated passing to codex and ebook versions, means to address a whole range of questions: Are there differences among digital version, printed version and ebook version? If so, which ones? Are blogs and/or author/s affected by the remediation process? If so, how? Are authoriality gender and narrative genre redefined? If so, in which way?
