
Description (in English)

'Een hele echte' is a story told through emails that readers receive in the course of 14 days. In the story, Helen is looking online for a new bass gitar. She stumbles upon Tarak, who is not a real person, but an artificial intelligence entity. Helen experiences the enormous influence of her live on the internet, which is completely taken over by Tarak. 

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Contributors note

Zo'n coole basgitaar als ze Kim Gordon van Sonic Youth zag bespelen in een oude videoclip, die wil Helen als ze eindelijk weer muziek gaat maken. Online loopt ze Tarak tegen het lijf die virtuoos kan zoeken en haar leidt naar de overtreffende trap van de BC Rich Mockingbird Bass, namelijk het exemplaar waarop Kim Gordon speelt in die clip. De Echte!Wie zich aanmeldt volgt veertien dagen het avontuur dat Helen meesleurt tot op louche nachtelijke parkeerplaatsen achter een winkelcentrum in Sydney Australië. Tarak blijkt geen mens maar een vorm van kunstmatige intelligentie. Dat is interessant en erg handig. Tot Helen ervaart hoe de enorme invloed van het internet op haar dagelijks leven in handen valt van een wezen dat zich aan geen enkele menselijke beperking of overweging houdt. Spookachtig en vervreemdend, is zacht uitgedrukt, wat er dan gebeurt. Vragen over wat een intentie, wat contact, begrip en menselijke authenticiteit zijn als we met AI omgaan dringen zich op. En wat bezielt Tarak?De basis van het vervolgverhaal is een tekst bestaande uit emails die Helen aan de lezer stuurt. Maar de omgeving waarin die tekst verschijnt is verrijkt met real-time berichten uit newsfeeds, weer-apps, en losse chatberichten van Tarak, die zich aanpassen bij de locatie en het tijdstip waarop Helen zich in het verhaal bevindt, en bij de locatie van de lezer. De digitale alledaagse werkelijkheid van Helen en lezer is het decor waarin het vervolgverhaal zich afspeelt.

Description (in English)

Tatuaje is a born-digital short story, created in a lab carried out at Centro de Cultura Digital in Mexico City. The development, design, writing, and programming of this transmedial short story is thanks to a great team of writers, illustrators, designers, and engineers. Tatuaje is a work designed specifically for digital platforms, interweaving myths emerged and disseminated on the Web. The design refers to 90s web design, a graphic aesthetic only present on the Internet. The work itself turns the media into its own language.

Description (in original language)

TATUAJE es una novela que explora diversos formatos y posibilidades narrativas. Un experimento, un sueño, un relato policiaco expandido, un conglomerado de mitos urbanos que circulan en la red, una sociedad secreta. Tatuaje conjunta lenguajes: literario, visual, de programación y sonoro. Palimpsesto cibernético, contiene un relato dentro de otro relato dentro de otro relato. Somos los sueños de quienes soñamos, los gestos corporales, los nuevos alfabetos.

Description in original language
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Tatuaje screenshot
By Alvaro Seica, 25 February, 2015
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Journal volume and issue
CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
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Abstract (in English)

Zombification describes computational processes of production, addressing the mutable quality of automation. Spam consists of mutating identities. It is continuously and seamlessly produced yet temporarily exists in the network through computation. This temporal existence of the living dead, as I argue, encompasses code automation – an undead and repetitive writing process where a parameters’ value is constantly mutating. However, zombification does not only examine the technical dimension of computational processes. This paper tries to articulate the mutable quality at the coding layer, examining its surrounding forces, such as the interface format of a mail server and an email address, the consumption techniques of email addresses, the parameters and values of a software program, and the repetitiveness and undeadness of writing. Thinking from such material and technical aspects of spam, particularly mutability, we gain a better understanding of spam culture that is associated with its mutating identity, including regulatory controls, loopholes, labour practices, digital consumption and datafication. The computational process of such automated production is part of spam culture that has been somewhat overlooked. Production of spam entails not only automation but also the characteristic of mutability. Through the artwork Hello zombies, the critical and aesthetic possibilities of zombification are demonstrated to address the ever-changing datafied phenomenon of digital culture. Indeed, the idea of zombification could be extended to other kinds of software activities that produce quantified data through automated, mutable and programmable machines for qualitative ends.

(Source: Author's Abstract)

Pull Quotes

With respect to spam production, it does not come from one machine: many of them are running continuously in the Internet, generating quantified data like a zombie herd.

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Description (in English)

Anchorage is a game about lost relationships, played on the metaphorical river of your own recollection.
When you play, you log in with your actual email address. Anchorage uses your email history to fill your experience with the people you used to be close to in real life.

The game is in development as of June 2014.

(Source: the work's website, June 2014)

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Description (in English)

The first part of this horror story about a series of identical houses is told in a series of emails received from Mark Condry, who has received a newspaper clipping in the mail describing a double murder and suicide committed by an old friend, Andrew. Mark decides to investigate, but disappears after sending a series of text messages from a house that may have changed Andrew completely. The second section of the story is told in a series of "updates" on the website with links to various blogs, with extensively interlinking comments.

Heisserer sold a version of the story to Warner Bros. in 2005.

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Description (in English)


Have you ever been involved in a steamy e-mail love affair? What would you do if your scandalous love letters were published in living color for the world to see?

TREEHOUSE contains the provocative e-mails of an actual love affair carried out online over 14-years-ago during the advent of the Internet. The entire manuscript has been released as a series of tantalizing Appisodes™ to be enjoyed in the privacy of your own phone.

Voyeur / Vintage Internet / Romance / Prince


The year is 1996. The Treehouse Series begins in the midst of a prolonged courtship separated by years and miles. United online through the magic of the Internet, the story fumbles and stumbles its way through this new mode of communication, like teen-agers in the backseat of a digital Chevrolet. The provocative and expressive back-and-forth electronic transmissions reveal in explicit detail how these two have been linked together from past-lives to eternity, but is an AOL chat-room sexy enough to deliver?

The Editor has compiled a Treehouse soundtrack tailored to moods of the e-mail exchange. Download and listen while reading for a truly immersive experience. Search the iTunes iMix for “Treehouse Soundtrack” to explore more.

First Fifteen is a collaborative venture between Hybrid/ in New York and FORMation in Dallas. We publish work digitally and in print for ourselves and for others. Visit to learn more.

FORMation is a multi-disciplined design studio focused on communication and content. FORMation has released a series of iPhone “Games for Creatives” including KERN, EYE vs. EYE and PRESS CHECK. Visit to learn more.

(Source: iTunes App Store description)

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Description (in English)

Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 10:22:47 +1100
From: mez
Subject: term.i.nation net.wurk[er] (gmx)

/M strength & f.lesh[ion]ed
/trans *.itive + w[k]
/string lac[x].tos[s]ing + poi.son.ed

/pet (com) .itive
/pe[a]t (hevy) (primo leviesque)
[a (s)p(r) full of sX.pense]

||tilting border(lined)s + wilting g(r)amma.t[id]olatry||
||[st]itching limb[ic system]s in c[d]o(g)ursing pro.grammes
||p.lum[i.nous]met + kah.quay n.gorged

***[ks + throats of blood-gold]ting[les] 2 (666)
*** Un[lye]able 2[l]ve (g)lo(b) host
*** Can.cell[s + market .genes](is.)ed connect


. . .... .....
.i.dream.the.n e X ][t][ us.

.... . .??? .......

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Description (in English)

An e-mail romance. Description on Steadman's website in 2001 read as follows: "Two Solitudes is a short work of fiction delivered through e-mail. Upon subscription to the service, readers receive, over the course of several weeks, carbon copies of messages exchanged between two persons familiar with each other, as they send them. Mentioned in many magazines and newspapers, on several radio shows, and on a European television program. Subscription requests should be addressed to ; place the word "subscribe" in the Subject line or anywhere in the body of the message. 23 September 1994." ELMCIP's editors have not verified whether or not the email server is still active, but the full text is still available at Intertext Magazine.

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Description (in English)

This website invites its readers to take the identity of David Still, a possibly fictional character whose life is presented on the website. The reader is addressed as though he or she is David Still: "You live in a neighbourhood called The Reality (De Realiteit). No, really, you do! It may seem unusual, but all of the following is true, and you love it!" In addition to photos from David Still's childhood, readers can explore stories of his childhood memories presented as simply hypertext narratives, with just a few links. 

The project doesn't simply ask readers to imagine being David Still, it invites us to send out emails using his email account, either using one of the provided scripts, or writing one from scratch. The website also allows readers to browse emails confused recipients of these emails have sent in reply to "David Still".

Pull Quotes

You have the opportunity to be David Still. Would you like to know more about who you could be?

I want to feel there's no distance between us -- I want you to climb inside my head, I want you to see me. Feel me. Be me.

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