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Description (in English)

Eight attempts in understanding what a book is.

Pull Quotes

"Forfattere kender til den besynderlige rytme, hvor bogen først længe eksisterer som hemmelighed, selv for forfatteren, i en intens og samlet koncentration. Så publiceres den, og spredes for alle vinde, i en stor ukontrolleret gestus; det, der før var forbeholdt én, tilhører nu alle." "Uddrag af rapport til et akademi i en fjern galakse: " - [...] I rumskibets overlevelseskapsel fandt vi et rektangulært, kasseformet objekt. Objektet vejer 808 gram og er et konglomerat af papir, tryksværte, lim og bindegarn.""

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Description (in English)

A virtual lexicon of contemporary culture rhetoric. Each word is explained or illustrated through image, sound, text, animation or interactivity. Style and characteristics of each entry can vary from the highly informative to the satirical and humorous.

Description (in original language)

"Til hvert ord leverer bidragyderne en "ordforklaring" i en blanding af tekst, billede, lyd, video, animation og interaktivitet. (...) Sprogkurset strækker sig indholdsmæssigt fra det dybsindige til det revyagtige. (...) Det er er vores håb, at Afsnit Ps nye Parlør kan medvirke til at nuancere den efter vores opfattelse noget monotone kulturelle hjemlige debat, som virker fastlåst i en mediebestemt og merkantil diskurs, og levere et reelt og intelligent modspil til den udbredte forskrækkelse over for det poetiske, kunstneriske og intellektuelle udtryk, for ikke at sige over for alt ukendt og anderledes." -Afsnit P beskrivelse.

Description in original language
Pull Quotes

kompetenceforurening: se IT bagerforeningen. Hvor tidligere bagere arbejder sammen med tidligere dataloger om at skabe en pragtfuld kage i printplader med glasur og 20 gigabyte skum. frygtlinge: mennesker der er næsten lige så bange for det ukendte som for sig selv.

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Description (in English)

In the film ”when” Ottar Ormstad is transferring his practice as concrete poet to the realm of a programmable networked space, blending his poetry with specially composed modern music with electronic elements. His b/w photographs developed in the darkroom are presented in combination with words in different languages, some of them exceeded into ”letter-carpets”. Some sentences are from well known songs or films, other letter-combinations are invented by the author.

The film is telling a story about life and death, basically from the standpoint of cars, rotten in a field in Sweden. The narrative is very open, and each viewer may experience the film very differently. This is also dependent upon the language background, any translation is – intentionally – not given.

when has been screened at festivals for experimental short film, so far in France, Romania, Russia and Norway.

Screen shots
Technical notes

Produced in HD 16:9 (FinalCutPro), 07:00 min.

B/w photographs shot on Kodak Tri-X with two Minolta SRT 101 cameras with original Rokkor lenses.

Contributors note

Animation (Ina Pillat) and music (Jens Petter Nilsen and Hallvard W. Hagen from Xploding Plastix) in close collaboration with the artist.

By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 12 June, 2012
Presented at Event
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Abstract (in English)

In my paper I present some points of view concerning strategies for experiencing electronic literature and art made in different languages, and suggest ways for dealing with language diversity in electronic literature. Although educated as a sociologist, I am not a researcher but an artist, and use some of my own works of concrete and digital poetry as a basis for my presentation. This includes two paper-based works of concrete poetry (audition for fenomener uten betegnelse and bokstavteppekatalogen), the screening of my first work of video–poetry LYMS (2009) and my latest film “when” (2011). Because of the nature of my works – and a lot of different works in the world of e-lit – I use the concepts literature and art in a broad sense.

Two possibilities of what I see has exemplarily been done in our community are to make either a new version in another language (“Loss of Grasp”, Serge Bouchardon and Vincent Volckaert) or present the original version with an explanatory list of vocabulary in English translation which I call “explanatory translation” (“The Set of U”, Philippe Bootz and Marcel Frémiot). Additionally I reference Loss P. Glazier’s “White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares”. Basically, I question if we can take it for granted that all visual poetry can be translated. I draw conclusions, suggesting non-translation as poetic experience that I manifest in a model presented along with different strategies for experiencing a work of language-based art.


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Description (in English)

"Imaginary Landscape 4.1 (betamix)" is an attempt to think what Greek post-print fiction might look like. Its main narrative is made up of two narrative strands;  a metanarrative commenting on the process of the composition of the text itself along with some fragments of computer code and other discourse complete the text. "Imaginary Landscape 4.1 (betamix)" is an attempt to meditate on the relationship of Greek language to programming code. 

Description (in original language)

Tο αφήγημα "Φανταστικό τοπίο 4.1 (betamix)" είναι μια απόπειρα να σκεφτεί κανείς τι μπορεί να σημαίνει μυθοπλασία στα ελληνικά στο πλαίσιο της ψηφιακής κειμενικότητας. Η βασική αφήγηση του ""Φανταστικού τοπίου 4.1 (betamix)" αποτελείται από δύο μέρη· μια μετα-αφήγηση σχολιάζει την καθεαυτή διαδικασία σύνταξης του κειμένου. Η μετα-αφήγηση συμπληρώνεται από θραύσματα κώδικα και άλλων αφηγήσεων. Το "Φανταστικό τοπίο 4.1 (betamix)" μπορεί να ειδωθεί ως μια απόπειρα να σκεφτεί κανείς την σχέση της ελληνικής γλώσσας με τις γλώσσες προγραμματισμού. 

Description in original language
Pull Quotes

"...σταδιακή μετατροπή της πραγματικότητας σε ένα λαβύρινθο από κωδικούς"

Description (in English)

Author description: The first part of the project, Tierra de Extracción 1.0, was begun in 1996 and completed in 2000 for the Multimedia Writing Seminar promoted by the Center for Communication Research at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas). In a quest for a multimedia rhetoric, we then began to develop Tierra de Extracción 2.0, which was completed and published in 2007. With 63 hypermedia chapters, the action takes place in the region of Zulia, in a town called Menegrande, the location of the first big Venezuelan oil well: Zumaque I, which started the commercial era of oil production in the country in 1914. The narration occurs in three distinct periods: the beginning and ending of the 20th century and a period in between. At a certain moment, which very well can be the beginning or the end according to the path taken by the reader, the stories break their natural timeline and are united in the same space.

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Technical notes


Contributors note

Doménico Chiappe, novel, songs, and multimedia screenplay; Andreas Meier, programmer, artworks and graphic and multimedia design; Ramón Leún (artworks), Manuel Gallardo (artworks), Humberto Mayol (photography), Edgar Galíndez (photography), Pedro Ruiz (photography), Raúl Alemán (music).