
Description (in English)

Inspired by poems by António Gedeão, António Ramos Rosa, Fernando Pessoa, Herberto Helder, Miguel Torga and Ruy Belo. Commissioned by the Museum of the Tree of Alto Minho, Portugal. Combinatory poetry with lexicon of flora from Northern Portugal.

Description (in original language)

Inspirado em poemas de António Gedeão, António Ramos Rosa, Fernando Pessoa, Herberto Helder, Miguel Torga e Ruy Belo. Encomenda do Museu da Ávore do Alto Minho, Portugal. Poesia combinatória com léxico de flora do Norte de Portugal.

Description in original language
Screen shots
Contributors note

Rui Torres: txt, xml, html, jpg; Nuno Ferreira: js, html; Luís Aly: snd