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This animation made by Pascale Brinkel is based on the poem 'Aftelversje' by Judy Elfferich and was created in fall 2009 in the e-poetry [digidicht] workshop at the AKI in Enschede.

Description (in original language)

Deze animatie van Pascale Brinkel is gebaseerd op het gedicht \'Aftelversje\' van Judy Elfferich en kwam najaar 2009 tot stand in het kader van een digidicht-workshop aan de AKI in Enschede.

(Source: Literatuur Op Het Scherm)

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Description (in original language)

Der Metricalizer analysiert jedes beliebige deutsche Gedicht in seiner metrischen Struktur. Der Metricalizer kann hierbei die Stellen hervorheben, die zu einem Reibungsverhältnis zwischen Metrum und Normalbetonung führen. Dieses Verhältnis nennen wir „metrische Komplexität‟. Metricalizer kann in der neusten Version (Dezember 2015) jede Analyse typologisch bewerten und mit Statistiken anreichern.

(Source: https://metricalizer.de/de/)

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Description (in English)

Reimbox is a poetry generator which is able to generate and perform poetry algorhithmically. The poems use metrical patterns and rhymes. It was not the intention to let the box generate something like „sense“, the box should show the endless creativity of a machine. Reimbox brings the audience back to the times of dada, where artists tried to tear down the walls of buzzwords. The box also illustrates how our conceptions of „author“, „work“ and „creativity“ will change during the use and spreading of algorhithmic literature.

Description (in original language)

Die Reimbox ist ein Gedichtgenerator, der algorhithmisch Gedichte generieren und vorlesen kann. Die generierten Gedichte sind metrisch geordnet und gereimt. Die Reimbox wurde nicht darauf hin trainiert, sinnvolle Texte zu erstellen, vielmehr soll gezeigt werden, wie kreativ eine Maschine mit Sprache umgehen kann. Die Reimbox verführt den Zuhörer zurück in die Zeit des Dadaismus, in der versucht wurde, die künstlich auferlegten Grenzen der Sprache zu sprengen. Die Reimbox soll zudem verdeutlichen, wie sehr sich unsere Vorstellungen von Begriffen wir „Autor“, „Werk“ und „Kreativität“ durch die Anwendung und Verbreitung von algorhithmischer Literatur einem Paradigmenwechsel unterziehen werden müssen.

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Description (in English)

All of the prior remixes of Nick Montfort's _Taroko Gorge_ rewrote the text, while leaving Nick's code unchanged or almost so. I thought that was a shame. I also thought it was an opportunity! Since they all essentially consisted of word-lists plugged into a schema, I was able to remix them together on two axes at the same time:* Combining the word-lists of any two poems;* Mutating the stanza schema.I also took the opportunity to randomize the color schemes of the pages. (But not the font choices or the background imagery that some of the poems indulged in. Optima for everybody, I'm afraid.)Nick's original poem generates a constant ABBA-C pattern, with some extra B's thrown in. This page essentially invents a new pattern (for example A-, or BC-BA, or CCC, or so on) for each block. The code for the pattern is on the left, and the generated output is on the right.To answer the obvious question: Yes, this page really does execute the code that's displayed in the left column, and it really does generate the text in the right column.The most entertaining part of this project was inventing a way to mutate Nick's original code, while still having it *look* distinctly like Nick's original code. If you're not painfully familiar with that code - e.g, if you're neither Nick nor me - go to http://nickm.com/poems/taroko_gorge.html and select "View Source" in your browser, and look near the bottom. You'll recognize the form of the "do_line()" routine. Some of mine are simpler than his; some are more complex.The *complete* code for this page is of course much more involved than Nick's (because it has to *generate* Nick's code, plus a lot more). But I tried to stick to Nick's coding style wherever I could.The blocks strictly alternate between a single poem (with a mutated schema, but the original word lists) and a mix of two poems. I thought that would be the best lead-in for someone familiar with the original poems.A (perhaps interesting) result of my mixing is that some poems dominate others. Yoko Engorged has the longest word-lists, Fred and George has the shortest; so if they get mixed together, the randomizer selects many more Beatles references than Potter ones. I could have adjusted for this, but I didn't.

(Source: Author's notes in the source code of the work)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
Argot, Ogre, OK! screenshot