Description (in English)
This animation made by Pascale Brinkel is based on the poem 'Aftelversje' by Judy Elfferich and was created in fall 2009 in the e-poetry [digidicht] workshop at the AKI in Enschede.
This animation made by Pascale Brinkel is based on the poem 'Aftelversje' by Judy Elfferich and was created in fall 2009 in the e-poetry [digidicht] workshop at the AKI in Enschede.
Deze animatie van Pascale Brinkel is gebaseerd op het gedicht \'Aftelversje\' van Judy Elfferich en kwam najaar 2009 tot stand in het kader van een digidicht-workshop aan de AKI in Enschede.
(Source: Literatuur Op Het Scherm)