
By Ana Castello, 28 October, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

In 1994, Australian artist and poet Mez Breeze began to develop an online language she named Mezangelle. Using programming language and informal speech, Mezangelle rearranges and dissects standard English to create new and unexpected meaning. Mez Breeze's overall approach to codework—online experimental writing that explores the relationship between machine and human languages—is imbued with a sense of playfulness and creativity. Her Mezangelle poetry has appeared throughout the internet for the last two decades under multiple names and connected to different avatars. 

(Source: Author)

Description (in English)

“Internal Damage Data” uses the structure of a multiple choice questionnaire for self assessment of internal damage to shape the first part of the poem. For each question, Mez uses option C (maybe, unsure, other…) to develop her poem, seeking to transcend the traditional yes/no binaries in such questionnaires. In the part depicted above, she uses algorithms to structure her poem: using the logic and language of programming to guide the reader’s experience of the poem.

[From the "I Love EPoetry" “Internal Damage Data” and “Fleshis.tics” by Mez Breeze Entry.]

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
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By Daniele Giampà, 5 April, 2018
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Abstract (in English)

Mez Breeze is an awarded artist and writer of new media works. The topics in this interview range from code works, the importance of learning to code and the interplay of fiction, video games and art in some of her latest works that are characterized by multimodal narrative, game mechanics and VR technology.

By Daniele Giampà, 7 April, 2015
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Abstract (in English)

In this interview Andy Campbell talks about his first works in video games programming during his teens and how he got involved with digital literature in the mid-1990s. He then gives insight into his work by focusing on the importance of the visual and the ludic elements and the use of specific software or code language in some of his works. In the end he describes the way he looks at digital born works in general.

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#PRISOM is a Synthetic Reality Game where a player is set loose in a Glass City under infinite surveillance. It is designed to encourage players to ponder the increasing global adoption of PRISM-like surveillance technology. Every one of the “#WhatDoYouDo” scenarios that you’ll encounter when playing the game stem from real-life scenarios, including the ongoing unconstitutional treatment and [in some cases] incarceration of those keen to expose the nature of heavily surveilled and overtly monitored societies

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Description (in English)

Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 10:22:47 +1100
From: mez
Subject: term.i.nation net.wurk[er] (gmx)

/M strength & f.lesh[ion]ed
/trans *.itive + w[k]
/string lac[x].tos[s]ing + poi.son.ed

/pet (com) .itive
/pe[a]t (hevy) (primo leviesque)
[a (s)p(r) full of sX.pense]

||tilting border(lined)s + wilting g(r)amma.t[id]olatry||
||[st]itching limb[ic system]s in c[d]o(g)ursing pro.grammes
||p.lum[i.nous]met + kah.quay n.gorged

***[ks + throats of blood-gold]ting[les] 2 (666)
*** Un[lye]able 2[l]ve (g)lo(b) host
*** Can.cell[s + market .genes](is.)ed connect


. . .... .....
.i.dream.the.n e X ][t][ us.

.... . .??? .......

Description (in English)

#Carnivast is an interactive electronic literature application for desktop computers and Android devices that explores code poetry as a series of beautiful and complex 3D shapes and textures.

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Description (in English)

“Clone-ing God & Ange-Lz” is graphical and scheduled in its presentation, transforming language and images in over time in ways that subvert traditional ways of portraying such figures. Short sound loops, animated images, and animated images of text with formatting and language changes enhance her mezangelle language practice with visual information, as can be seen in words like “prayah” (emphasis added 2.high[lite] the you.z of Y.t tXt in “ah”). (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

Description in original language
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Description (in English)

This guest performance in the New Media Scotland Twitter account during her residency in July 2008 featured a daily tweet for each day of the month— making a sequence of 31 silky lines mezangelle.

_Twitterwurking_comprised of sequential “tweets” posted via a microblogging platform called Twitter. The work itself was written in my mezangelle language- a type of merging of programming languages/code with poetic elements. The Twitterwurk sought to incorporate specific users into the narrative by typing the “@” symbol before their name. The users were then made aware of this focused reply and thus deliberately enfolded into the tweetstream/project.

Quoted from I ♥ E-Poetry and "_Twitterwurking_" documentation.

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Pull Quotes

1 : g o T o [ t o + D o r o . t h e e + W i c k e d . W h i ( t { e } ) c h e s ( s ) ] .do[p]wn.the.ra[bbitten].hole.we.go || twitter_set[tlers,all].

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Description (in original language)

So schreibt die _Viro.Logic Condition][ing][ 1.1_ Science Fiction im Wortsinne der
Wissenschafts- und Technikfiktion. Jenes „new flesh“, das David Cronenbergs Film
Videodrome 1983 als phantasmagorisch-sexuelle Verschmelzung von Körpern und
elektronischer Informationstechnologie imaginiert und auf das ikonische Sinnbild
des Bildschirms verdichtet, der seinen Betrachter erotisch einsaugt, verlagert sich
hier auf die abstrakt-symbolische Ebene einer algorithmisch virulent gewordenen
Schrift. An die Stelle herkömmlicher Science Fiction, die aus einer Beobachterposition
und in deskriptiver Prosa von Technologie als Quelle kultureller und epistemologischer
Verunsicherung erzählt, tritt eine teilnehmende Beobachtung in technischer
Hybridsprache, deren epistemologische Reflexion sich aus der Beschaffenheit
ihrer Codes ableitet. Diese Codes sind sexualisiert, weil sie an Körper und Subjekte
angeheftet sind. Technische Symbole akkumulieren so zu intimen Schriften und
imaginären, alphanumerischen Cyborgs; die mezangelle der _Viro.Logic Condition][
ing][ 1.1_ schreibt ihren phantastischen und grotesken Realismus.

(Quelle: Florian Cramer: Exe.cut[up]able statements. Poetische Kalküle und Phantasmen des selbstausführenden Texts)