Ice-bound is an interactive novel that combines a printed art book with an iPad app. Our goal was to create an experience with both high-quality surface text and significant player agency. The story concerns an encounter with a fictional artificial intelligence, a simulation of a long-dead author who enlists the player's help to finish his original's final novel. Inspired by the dense, labyrinthical texture of works like Nabokov's Pale Fire and Mark Danielewski's House of Leaves, the novel is a unique collaboration between two artists, both of whom are writers, coders, and graphic designers. Each story is built around a dynamically chosen set of symbols representing possible elements of the story. These might be traits a character could have, or plots that could be included in the story. When a story is first visited, the symbols are assigned to an author-defined group of sockets which can be turned on or off by the player. However, the player can only turn a limited number of sockets on at one time. As different combinations of sockets are activated, a version of the story is displayed, projecting what might happen if the symbols associated with those sockets were part of the story. While players explore possible stories, they also carry on an ongoing conversation with the AI character, who comments on the reader's activity, engages in philosophical discussions, and ultimately demands physical proof that a reader's selected ending for the story is appropriate. The reader provides this by finding a page from the companion printed book that contains an overlapping theme with the selected ending. Using markerless tracking augmented reality (AR), we can identify which page of the print book the player is pointing the iPad's camera at, and display additional layers of story content overlaid on the physical book. Once a story is resolved, the themes associated with it are strengthened. In this way the next story has thematic connections with the way the reader resolved prior stories, and as play progresses subsequent stories become more and more similar to the reader's own aesthetic. (Source: authors abstract)
interactive novel
Fabrizio Venerandi is author of two novels published in form of hypertextual ebooks and also co-founder of the publishing house Quintadicopertina. In this interview he talks about the book series Polistorie (Polystories) and about the basic ideas that inspired this project. Recalling the experience he made with the groundbreaking work on the first MUD in Italy in 1990, Venerandi describes the relations between literature and video games. Starting from a comparison between print literature tradition and new media, at last, he faces the problems of creation and preservation of digital works.
Fabrizio Venerandi è autore di due romanzi pubblicati in forma di ebook ipertestuali ed è anche cofondatore della casa editrice Quintadicopertina. In questa intervista parla della collana delle Polistorie e delle idee di fondo che hanno ispirato questo progetto. Ricordando l’esperienza legata al lavoro pioneristico al primo MUD italiano del 1990, Venerandi descrive la relazione tra letteratura e i video giochi. Da un paragone tra la tradizione della letteratura a stampa e i nuovi media, infine, affronta il problema della creazione e della preservazione delle opere digitali.
TheCoevas Strumentist di Parole is an group of authors or, as they define themselves, a literary band which created an interactive novel called TheCoevasIo interattivo (TheCoevas I interactive). The novel which was published in 2011 on the blog of the authors is accompanied by a medium-length documentary and is also published in form of printed book. Another characteristic of the novel is the variety of the online versions: iWork Apple, Powerpoint and pdf. As they explain in the interview, the project as a whole is conceived as an experiment of different ways of expressions and the work of writing is similar to the musical composition of a band. The very freedom of creativity is granted to the readers who can choose various audio-visual effects and narrative paths following their emotional and individual choices according to the demands of extemporaneity.
TheCoevas Strumentisti di Parole è un gruppo di autori o una band letteraria, come si definiscono loro, che ha creato un romanzo interattivo intitolato TheCoevasIo interattivo. Il romanzo che è stato pubblicato nel 2011 sul blog degli autori è accompagnato da un mediometraggio ed è anche stato pubblicato in forma di libro cartaceo. Altra particolarità del romanzo è la varietà delle versioni online: iWork Apple, Powerpoint e pdf. Come spiegano nell’intervista, il progetto nell’insieme è inteso come una sperimentazione di diverse forme espressive e il lavoro di scrittura è simile a una composizione musicale di una band. Questa libertà creativa viene concessa anche ai loro lettori che possono scegliere diversi effetti audio-visivi e percorsi narrativi in base a scelte emotive e individuali secondo le esigenze dell’estemporaneità.
A historical description of the relations between computation and literature in France, from digital poetry to interactive novels.
La « littérature », c'est par définition ce qu'on « lit ». Du moins était-ce ce qu'on avait l'habitude de « lire » jusqu'à présent sous une forme imprimée dans des livres. C'est également ce qui a commencé à être « affiché » depuis le début des années 1980 sur les écrans d'ordinateurs car la « littérature », c'est aussi quelque chose qui commence à être « créé » et à être « vu » désormais sur les consoles de visualisation des nouveaux équipements technologiques. Or, on l'ignore trop souvent, la création littéraire a commencé à s'intéresser très tôt à l'utilisation de l'informatique et des ordinateurs . Dès 1959, en France, Raymond Queneau et François Le Lionnais créent un éphémère « Séminaire de Littérature Expérimental » qui se transforma dès 1960 en l'« OULIPO », à savoir l'« Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle », qui voulait s'intéresser aux ressources que pouvaient receler ces nouvelles « machines à traiter l'information »3 qu'on hésitait encore à appeler des « ordinateurs ». Entre-temps, les premiers vers libres électroniques avaient été composés historiquement, en allemand, en Allemagne, à Stuttgart par Théo Lutz. En français, ce ne fut réalisé qu'en 1964, au Canada, au Québec, à Montréal, grâce à un ingénieur, Jean A. Baudot, qui devint par la suite professeur d'informatique à l'université de Montréal. Les premières présentations publiques de « littéraciels » conçus en français (autrement dit de « logiciels » de création littéraires) n'ont eu lieu qu'en 1975 à Bruxelles, en Belgique, sous l'égide de l'Oulipo lors d'une exposition intitulée « Europalia ». Les premiers essais de publications télématiques ont été présentés ensuite, en 1986, à Paris, au Centre Georges Pompidou, lors d'une autre exposition sur les « Immatériaux ». C'était le temps des pionniers. C'était aussi celui des toutes premières expérimentations.
(Source: Author's Intro)
Blue Lacuna is an ambitious new long form interactive fiction comprising nearly 400,000 words of prose and natural language source code. The longest work yet produced in the Inform 7 language, it is also among the most substantial text-based story games in existence, an interactive novel with an average play time of fifteen to twenty hours. In development between 2006 and 2009, Blue Lacuna features several experiments of interest to creators of long-form interactive stories. This paper describes these experiments and performs an anecdotal post-mortem on what succeeded and failed in the project's realization. I focus on how successful I was at achieving my three principal goals: 1) simplifying the IF interface so those unfamiliar with the medium can easily participate, 2) telling a story which revolves around the player's ability to make choices with real dramatic repercussions, and 3) creating a character able to form a complex relationship with the player across the span of a novel-length story. Among the mechanics discussed are Blue Lacuna's streamlined keyword-based system for entering commands, its attempts to match a much broader range of input styles than traditional IF, and various techniques to adapt the story to include the player's narrative goals, such as tracking which character the player thinks the story is about. I'll also discuss the design of the story's central character, a mentally unstable castaway named Progue, who evolves into one of twelve archetypes (such as friend, mentor, lover, or sycophant) based on the way the player treats him during 70 potential scenes across ten chapters of story.