non-linear reading

Description (in English)

November 2008, mid-GFC. Kim Powe, Australia’s once wealthiest citizen, is depressed and obsessed with the $3.9 billion he lost in overseas investment. He writes ‘business plans’ for his personal life. March 2014. Paige Bligh, a runaway from Karratha, recounts her experiences for Right Now! Weekly’s follow-up feature article: Confessions of an Australian Sex WorkerPaige & Powe is a digital epistolary novel that depicts Australia’s wealthiest citizen losing considerable money, and Australia’s poorest citizen coming into considerable money. As their two lives eventually intersect, it explores controversial social issues, specifically the impact of recent Western Australian casino and prostitution legislation.

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Screen shots
Technical notes

Interface made for PC. Mobile viewing is not recommended.

Contributors note

David Thomas Henry Wright - Author

Karen Lowry - Digital Interface

Julia Lane - Illustrator

By Daniele Giampà, 12 November, 2014
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Abstract (in English)

Fabrizio Venerandi is author of two novels published in form of hypertextual ebooks and also co-founder of the publishing house Quintadicopertina. In this interview he talks about the book series Polistorie (Polystories) and about the basic ideas that inspired this project. Recalling the experience he made with the groundbreaking work on the first MUD in Italy in 1990, Venerandi describes the relations between literature and video games. Starting from a comparison between print literature tradition and new media, at last, he faces the problems of creation and preservation of digital works.

Abstract (in original language)

Fabrizio Venerandi è autore di due romanzi pubblicati in forma di ebook ipertestuali ed è anche cofondatore della casa editrice Quintadicopertina. In questa intervista parla della collana delle Polistorie e delle idee di fondo che hanno ispirato questo progetto. Ricordando l’esperienza legata al lavoro pioneristico al primo MUD italiano del 1990, Venerandi descrive la relazione tra letteratura e i video giochi. Da un paragone tra la tradizione della letteratura a stampa e i nuovi media, infine, affronta il problema della creazione e della preservazione delle opere digitali.

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Description (in English)

Began to rise gradually in the years 1997 - 1999 as a fictional girls homepage. It is a multimedia novella consisting of 42 Website pages, text, images, animations and sounds. Text is in response to the time I spent heavily on chat (since 1995) and the possibility of an interesting experience any selection of their identity, which allows chat. Today, Czech chat is not what was at the time, but the experience still offers a challenge to reality ... [Taken from official website ]

Description (in original language)

Začal vznikat postupně v letech 1997- 1999 jako fiktivní dívčí homepage. Je to multimediální novela tvořená 42 WWW stránkami textu, obrazů, animací a zvuků. Text je reakcí na dobu, kterou jsem intenzivně trávila na chatu (od roku 1995) a na zajímavou zkušenost možnosti libovolného výběru vlastní identity, kterou chat umožňuje. Dnes již český chat není to, co byl tehdy, avšak zážitek zpochybnění reality nabízí stále...

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Description (in English)

a poem written in a country distant from permanent residence, distance is obvious


Interactive poem 4079 is programmed in Processing using JavaScript. Both text and graphic user interface bring the theme of distance, moving between conditions, it questions connectedness and separation, physical and psychical proximity, remoteness and attachment. Poetics of the piece lies in the perception of individual lines of the poem as well as in interacting

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on it, its pulling and release. Some dots are hidden under the other dots. Read the poem 4079


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Description (in English)

Quote from author Andreas Okopenko: An incredibly beautiful April day I took the train to a radio drama conclusion to Saarbrücken. Symptoms of early spring, moved me (work and play and boredom and desire and relationship ly) house in the countryside, the opportunities here and there and everywhere. look around to participate, mitzuleben, but also the impossibility of all this really possible, or even to do the same so dissolved as excited as sentimental mood this morning, I decided my first novel writing: a strange novel as possible .. orgy experienced journey route I selected, but (due to the slower pre-drawing of the objects, due to the greater potential for development of the bias) is part of the Danube as a vehicle, a ship One of the main ideas was almost obsessive: the reader will be able to play the options structure in the world: in this or get out of the city from here or there weiterzuverzweigen or it remains the Danube on the main line of action may as a form presented itself immediately the alphabetic series of small portions of the inner and outer life. Add a folder indicating arrows from one article to many others, but they can be considered as a real encyclopedia optional or ignored.

Description (in original language)

Quote from author Andreas Okopenko: Eines unglaublich schönen Apriltages fuhr ich mit der Eisenbahn zu einem Hörspielabschluß nach Saarbrücken. Die Symptome des beginnenden Frühjahrs rührten mich, die (Arbeit und Spiel und Langeweile und Wunsch und Beziehung bergenden) Häuser in der Landschaft, die Möglichkeiten, hier und da und dort herumzuschauen, einzutreten, mitzuleben, und doch auch die Unmöglichkeit, all dieses Mögliche wirklich oder gar gleich zu tun. In der so gelösten wie aufgekratzten wie sentimentalen Stimmung dieses Vormittags entschloß ich mich, meinen ersten Roman zu schreiben: den Roman einer so seltsam als Möglichkeiten-Orgie erlebten Reise. Als Route wählte ich aber (wegen des langsameren Vorbeiziehens der Objekte, wegen der größeren Chance für das Entstehen einer Reisebefangenheit) eine Donaustrecke, als Fahrzeug ein Schiff. Einer der wichtigsten Einfälle kam fast zwanghaft: der Leser müßte Gelegenheit haben, die Möglichkeiten-Struktur der Welt nachzuspielen: in dieser oder jener Stadt auszusteigen, sich von hier oder dort aus weiterzuverzweigen oder aber auf der Donau am Hauptstrang der Handlung bleiben zu können. Als Form bot sich augenblicklich die alphabetische Reihung kleiner Portionen von Innen- und Außenleben an, ein LEXIKON mit Hinweispfeilen von einem Artikel zu manchen anderen, die aber wie in einem echten Lexikon wahlweise beachtet oder ignoriert werden könnten.

Description in original language
By Patricia Tomaszek, 16 November, 2012
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
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Abstract (in English)

George Landow, Espen J. Aarseth, Stuart Moulthrop and manyothers have heralded the development of hypertext because theybelieve it represents a revolution in textuality that will radicallyalter how we read and write, including of course how we read andwrite narrative. Print texts, we are reminded by the champions ofthis new medium, are linear while hypertexts are nonlinear.Consequently, the argument goes, print narratives encourage readingin a fixed, straight-line sequence—one word after another, onepage after another—under the control of the author. Even postmodernattempts to subvert the fixity of the print sequence cannotovercome the stability of the printed page and the restrictions onformat imposed by the traditional book. Hypertext narratives, onthe other hand, are fluid by design; their sequence changes basedon readerly decisions. To put it another way, as those who advancethis argument sometimes do, readers approach hypertext narrativesfrom variable positions within the narrative, and so their progressionthrough the text—indeed, the progression of the text—is notfixed but variable from reader to reader and from one readingoccasion to the next. If the medium is the message, as MarshallMcLuhan so famously pronounced, then it would follow that readinghypertext narratives should be a significantly different experiencefrom reading print narratives. It is our hypothesis, however,that the differences between hypertext and print narratives are neitheras absolute nor as stark as they first appear and that understandingtheir similarities will enhance our understanding of eachindividually. We will support this hypothesis by calling attention tosome frequently neglected features of narrative progression in bothprint and hypertext narratives and by analyzing the progression ofone well-known hypertext, Stuart Moulthrop’s Victory Garden.

Source: article's introduction

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