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Description (in English)

A floor seperated into 40 sections. The authors get, by random draft, allocated each their section. They get an hour to write a text, that they place in each section. Everyone then goes on to a new, empty section which by then has adjecent texts in their vicinity. The authors now has to actively work in regards to the other text in the other sections. [Description by author. Taken from official website]

Description (in original language)

Et gulv opdelt i 40 felter. Forfatterene får ved lodtrækning tildelt hver sit felt at sidde i. De får en time til at skrive en tekst, der derefter bliver liggende i felterne. Alle går så videre til et nyt, tomt felt -der nu har en eller flere tekster i de tilstødende felter. Forfatterne skal altså aktivt forholde sig til hinandens tekster i skrivningen af de nye felter. [Description by author. Taken from official website]

Description in original language
Technical notes

shockwave plug-in

Description (in English)

The idea is to create a structure online, where authors, but also soundengineers, videoartists and graphicaldesigners kan make contributions to the same history-universe, with special emphazies on the litetterary. The history should not be understood in a lineary sense, but rather as an experience of a story where each piece ( picture, sound) could be experienced unchronologically. The way [the author does] this is by creating a text-concept that can be visualized in a graphical form. The authors have to pertain to this form and place their text in a visual room. Their text will then become apparent as a visual grapical element in relations to the other elements. The reason [the author] calls it a "performance" is because the creation of this little universe is being controlled by [the author] and will transpire over several days. Contributers are placed in several countries and everything will be run online, by email and ICQ. And probably a phonecall or two.

Source: author's description

Description (in original language)

Ideen er at skabe en struktur på nettet, hvor forfattere, men også lydfolk, videokunstnere og grafikere kan komme med bidrag til det samme historie-univers -dog især med hovedvægt på teksterne. Historie skal ikke forstås i liniær forstand, men nærmere som en oplevelse af en historie idet de enkelte afsnit (billede-, lyd-afsnit) skal kunne opleves ukronologisk. Måden jeg gør dette er ved at skabe et tekst-koncept, der kan visualiseres i en grafisk form. Forfatterne skal forholde sig til denne form og placere deres tekst i et visuelt rum. Deres tekst vil da fremstå som et synligt grafisk element i forhold til andre elementer. Grunden til at jeg kalder det "performance" er at tilblivelsen af dette lille univers skal styres af mig og vil foregå over flere dage. Bidragyderne er placeret i flere lande og alt kommer til at køre over nettet, via email og via icq. og sikkert osse en telefon eller to. [Description by author. Taken from official website]

Description in original language
Technical notes

shockwave plug-in required

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 1 February, 2013
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Weekendavisen #14, 3. april 2009
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Abstract (in English)

This newspaper article describes the launch of the collaborative fiction project Radiant Copenhagen, where hoax press releases were sent out and published by newspapers. The article also describes the project.

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Description (in English)

A poem where each line is superimposed on a video of a man putting an oddly shaped box on a table and slowly unpacking it. The poem describes the box as containing chaos, bought at a shop and well packaged. The work is entirely linear, but after a few lines of poem and 10-15 seconds of video the image pauses and darkens until the reader touches the screen and thus makes the poem continue. A certain momentum is achieved simply because the reader does not know what is in the box until the end of the poem.

Screen shots
Contributors note

Images: Anders Bojen & Kristoffer Ørum

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Description (in English)

A short story told from the perspective of a young girl named Stella, who is lying in the grass in the summer sunshine when she realises that she cannot move. She finds that in order to escape from this immobility she can change herself into a series of other things and creatures: a stone, a fish, a house - and she finally finds that she in fact wants to be herself again. This is a lyrical story raising questions of identity and the transition from child to adult.

The story is displayed as a series of pages with a paragraph on each page and graphical elements beneath. It is entirely linear, but designed to be read on an iPad.

Screen shots
Screenshot of Stjernetime.
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Description (in English)

This is the story of two women whose souls switch bodies during their surgery after a traffic accident they were both involved in. The story is told in a standalone iPad app, narrated in part by the sister of one of the women and in part through a series of documents that the sister finds or is given: the doctor's report of the surgery, emails and chat transcripts from people reacting to the soul-swapping, and various other Although the story is entirely linear, the illustrations and the feeling of opening documents on the screen make this short story well suited to the tablet reading environment. The style of writing is humorous and at times somewhat caricatured, though also raising large questions about identity and mortality.

Screen shots
Contributors note

Illustration: Anna Jacobina Jacobsen

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Description (in English)

What happens with an essay when it abandons the set form of book pages, and steps out into the internet's virtual space? Webessay is an invitation into a digital meta-essay: an enormous text-tapestry of quotations, photos, rt and music produced from the two essayists associations and personal library, and arranged into four metaphorical trips: the scientific expedition, the internal journey, the big city holiday, and space tourism. The travelers move past over fifty different stops in all, and are sketched out with the help of many hundreds of airmail-striped envelopes. The program is organized so that the traveler can follow the predetermined routes' tracks, or take a spontaneous trip with the help of self-selected links. You can search in the depths, surf freely away in a labyrinth of hypertexts, or you can choose to be led by the webessay's composition. You're guaranteed to get lost, and find something you weren't expecting.

Description (in original language)

Hvad sker der med essayet, når det forlader bogsidens faste form og træder ud i nettets virtuelle rum? Webessay er et bud på et digitalt meta-essay: et svimlende tekstvæv af citater, fotos, kunst og musik iscenesat ud fra de to essayisters associationer og personlige bibliotek og tilrettelagt som fire metaforiske rejser: den videnskabelige ekspedition, den indre rejse, storbyferien, rumturisme. Rejserne bevæger sig forbi over et halvt hundrede forskellige stop i alt og aftegnes ved hjælp af flere hundrede luftpost-stribede kuverter. Programmet er tilrettelagt, så den rejsende enten kan følge ruternes forudbestemte spor eller tage på spontane udflugter ved hjælp af håndplukkede links. Man kan søge i dybden, surfe frit af sted i labyrinten af hypertekster, eller man kan lade sig lede på vej af webessayets komposition. Der er garanti for, at man farer vild og finder noget, man ikke ventede.

Description in original language
Screen shots
Webessay - first lexia
Contents of another "envelope" on the "inner journey"
Contents of an "envelope" on the "inner journey"
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All Rights reserved
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Description (in English)

A poetry-generating machine that was developed for Roskilde Library. Up to three readers can interact with the machine using leather-bound books turned into controllers that affect the nature of the lines of poetry added to the poem.

Description (in original language)

Installationen består af: en skærm, en computer, en bonprinter og 3 bøger. I hver af bøgerne er der indbygget sensorer, der kan registrere tryk. Ved at trykke på bøgerne, kan man skabe et digt, som automatisk printes ud på en bonprinter, og som man kan tage med sig.

Description in original language
Screen shots
Content type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Description (in English)

"This is my most comprehensive fictional work to date. It meditates the fact that most important words in the Danish language has either 'rum', 'skab' or 'værelse' as a suffix, hence the title (which rougly translates into 'Space Closet Room'). All the terms are 'roomy' terms which that opens up for some playing around. It is also a field-novel (describing a field rather than a narrative - to reflect a contigent reality) and one of the first hypertext-novels in Danish (actually it's the only one I know of)." -Martin Ferro-Thomsen