computer generated poem

Description (in English)

“Dial” is a new collaboration by Lai-Tze Fan and Nick Montfort, a generative emoji-embedded poem representing networked, distant communication.

Two voices are isolated from one another, yet connected by the passing of time over changing seasons. The work is both a dialogue and a representation of monologue over time; time itself can be adjusted using the dials, by clicking the clocks at the bottom of the project.

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Description (in English)

A poetry-generating machine that was developed for Roskilde Library. Up to three readers can interact with the machine using leather-bound books turned into controllers that affect the nature of the lines of poetry added to the poem.

Description (in original language)

Installationen består af: en skærm, en computer, en bonprinter og 3 bøger. I hver af bøgerne er der indbygget sensorer, der kan registrere tryk. Ved at trykke på bøgerne, kan man skabe et digt, som automatisk printes ud på en bonprinter, og som man kan tage med sig.

Description in original language
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