The idea is to create a structure online, where authors, but also soundengineers, videoartists and graphicaldesigners kan make contributions to the same history-universe, with special emphazies on the litetterary. The history should not be understood in a lineary sense, but rather as an experience of a story where each piece ( picture, sound) could be experienced unchronologically. The way [the author does] this is by creating a text-concept that can be visualized in a graphical form. The authors have to pertain to this form and place their text in a visual room. Their text will then become apparent as a visual grapical element in relations to the other elements. The reason [the author] calls it a "performance" is because the creation of this little universe is being controlled by [the author] and will transpire over several days. Contributers are placed in several countries and everything will be run online, by email and ICQ. And probably a phonecall or two.
Source: author's description