combinatory poetics

By Scott Rettberg, 1 May, 2018
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Librarian status
Approved by librarian
Abstract (in English)

Electronic Literature considers new forms and genres of writing that exploit the capabilities of computers and networks – literature that would not be possible without the contemporary digital context.In this book, Rettberg places the most significant genres of electronic literature in historical, technological, and cultural contexts. These include hypertext fiction, combinatory poetics, interactive fiction (and other game-based digital literary work), kinetic and interactive poetry, and networked writing based on our collective experience of the Internet. He argues that electronic literature demands to be read both through the lens of experimental literary practices dating back to the early twentieth century and through the specificities of the technology and software used to produce the work. Considering electronic literature as a subject in totality, this book provides a vital introduction to a dynamic field that both reacts to avant-garde literary and art traditions and generates new forms of narrative and poetic work particular to the twenty-first century. It is essential reading for students and researchers in disciplines including literary studies, media and communications, art, film, and creative writing.

(Source: Polity catalog copy)

Electronic Literature is the winner of the 2019 N. Katherine Hayles Award for Criticism of Electronic Literature.

Creative Works referenced
Critical Writing referenced
Description (in English)

Nigerian Prince! is a poetic spam generator created by Bruno Ministro using code by Landon Schropp.

Words used: most frequent spam trigger expressions (more than 500 collected from various lists available online)
Soundtrack consists in the combination of (almost) all the words “spam” pronounced in the “Spam” sketch by Monty Python

Source: author's description (

Screen shots
Description (in English)

It is a creative book app composed of words, images, and animations that—in addition to some ambitious poetic prose—offer a great reading adventure that can be controlled by the “rolling of the dice”. (source: ELO 2015 Catalog)

Screen shots
By Jim Andrews, 9 March, 2015
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Examines the notion of a poem with more permutations than there are atoms in the universe.

Description in original language
Pull Quotes

So there we would have on a single page a combinatorium like the mass of the material world.

Content type
All Rights reserved
Record Status
Description (in English)

A collection of poems influenced by Nanni Balestrini's Tape Mark 1 (1961) combinatorial technique.

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
By Scott Rettberg, 28 June, 2013
Record Status
Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

La publication des textes en ligne a changé nos habitudes de lecture et d'écriture, il est devenu banal de le constater. Cependant toutes les conséquences de ce bouleversement n'ont pas encore été tirées. Jusqu'à présent l'attention des chercheurs s'est surtout portée sur les nouvelles conditions de production, de diffusion et de réception du texte. De ce point de vue, l'informatique a surtout été considérée comme nouveau support, venant après le livre et remplaçant le papier, ouvrant une nouvelle ère après celle de l'imprimerie, offrant un nouveau vecteur de communication à l'œuvre écrite et instaurant de nouvelles relations entre les auteurs et les lecteurs.

Or avant d'être perçu comme un nouveau support de l'écrit, rapidement banalisé grâce au succès du traitement de textes, l'ordinateur a d'abord été utilisé par une poignée d'écrivains et de créateurs pour ce qu'il était à ses débuts - il n'était alors que cela - : une machine à calculer d'une puissance jusqu'alors inconcevable, capable de combiner non seulement des nombres, mais aussi, très tôt, des lettres, des mots et des phrases. Cette puissance de la machine a d'autant mieux exercé sa fascination qu'elle semblait offrir un outil capable de renforcer quelques fantasmes qui ont travaillé l'histoire de l'écriture depuis ses commencements et de leur ouvrir de nouvelles potentialités. Ce sont quelques-uns de ces fantasmes que je me propose d'examiner ici.

(Source: Author's introduction)

By Scott Rettberg, 26 June, 2013
Publication Type
Record Status
Librarian status
Approved by librarian
Description in original language
Pull Quotes

Peut-être serait-il intéressant de faire une fois une œuvre qui montrerait à chacun de ses nœuds, la diversité qui peut s’y présenter à l’esprit, et parmi laquelle il choisit la suite unique qui sera donnée dans le texte. Ce serait là substituer à l’illusion d’une détermination unique et imitatrice du réel, celle du possible-à-chaque-instant, qui me semble plus véritable (1467).It would perhaps be interesting to do once a work that would show the diversity that may present in mind, at each of its nodes, among which the author chooses the unique following sequence in the text. This would replace the illusion of a single determination and imitator of reality, by the possible-at-each-moment, which seems truer to me.

Description (in English)

‘The Lovers’ Bed’ is based on Marguerite Duras’ novel ‘The North China Lover’. The artist collected quotations from the book and created a new collage based on the re-edited text.
