
By tye042, 5 October, 2017
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Abstract (in English)

Christopher Knight on Stanley Fish’s Professional Correctness.

In Representations of the Intellectual (New York, 1994), Edward Said writes,

The particular threat to the intellectual today, whether in the West or the non-Western world, is not the academy, nor the suburbs, nor the appalling commercialism of journalism and publishing houses, but rather an attitude that I will call professionalism. By professional I mean thinking of your own work as an intellectual as something you do for a living, between the hours of nine and five with one ear cocked at what is considered to be proper, professional behavior - not rocking the boat, not straying outside the accepted paradigms or limits, making yourself marketable and above all presentable, hence uncontroversial and unpolitical and “objective.” 

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“amateurism, the desire to be moved not by profit or reward but by love for and unquenchable interest in the larger picture, in making connections across lines and barriers, in refusing to be tied down to a specialty, in caring for ideas and values despite the restrictions of a profession” Edward Said.

By J. R. Carpenter, 24 June, 2015
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
issue 14
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Abstract (in English)

Not quite a short story, not quite a stage play, ‘Once upon a Tide’ is just one of those moments in literature when time … stands … still. When plot advances by simply refusing to budge. One of those waiting times, slack tides, great hollows within which heat intensifies, cold deepens, night thickens, fevers rage, or the sun continues its relentless blaze. Tension builds, and still nothing happens; neither the sight of a sail on the horizon nor the slightest breath of wind. It is within these long stillnesses that sailors’ yarns unravel. In Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899), the entirety of Marlow’s tale is recounted in one evening whilst sitting utterly still on the deck of a ship moored on the Thames. In the pitch dark and the heavy night air of the river, the narrator strains to discern meaning: ‘I listened, I listened on the watch for the sentence, for the word, that would give me the clue to the faint uneasiness inspired by this narrative that seemed to shape itself without human lips…’.

In fiction, these long feverish pauses eventually break. In a variable text, however, we may hover forever within the tense and nuanced relation between reading, listening, watching, and waiting for the sentence, the word, the clue…

(Source: J. R. Carpenter, The Junket)

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There is no logical reason to cause Conrad-esque characters to speak Shakespearian dialogue. The compulsion to do so is born of reading and re-reading sea stories across genres and across centuries. The reader of ‘Once Upon a Tide’ is encouraged to do the same – read and re-read, aloud if possible.

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Description (in English)

‘Once upon a Tide’ is a variable, restless, shifting narrative. Turns of phrase, stage directions, and lines of dialogue from Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1610-11) are randomly, repeatedly, and somewhat enigmatically recombined within a close, tense, ship-bound setting reminiscent of Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Sharer (1910), or The Shadow-Line (1916). On the deck of a ship off the shore of an island, two interlocutors are closely observed by a narrator who remains hidden from view.

Not quite a short story, not quite a stage play, ‘Once upon a Tide’ is just one of those moments in literature when time … stands … still.

(Source: J. R. Carpenter, The Junket)

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Once upon a perigee tide we sailed past a lagoon, our ship charmed. On the forecastle deck two stout men sat mending nets. From their looks I wondered that they had come from calmer shores, certainly none so desolate as these.

Once upon an apogee tide we piloted past a cliff, our ship a brave vessel. On the poop deck two mean boatswains squated twisting tales. From their looks I assumed that the pair had set out from foreign shores, certainly none so harsh as these.

Once upon a spring tide we piloted past a delta, our ship dashed all to pieces. On the tween deck two old strangers loitered mending nets. From their apparel I reasoned that both had sailed from braver shores, surely none so harsh as these.

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Once Upon a Tide || J. R. Carpenter
Event type

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM)
Milwaukee , WI
wisconsin, WI
United States

Short description

This paper discusses a semester-long classroom project in which senior seminar students were required to take Shakespeare’s Sonnet 14 and convert it into various media objects and texts. The assignments made use of Ian Bogost’s “procedural rhetoric” (“a type of rhetoric tied to the core affordances of computers: running processes and executing rule-based symbolic manipulation”), assigning tasks based on the core concepts of “encoding” and “algorithm.” Some objects were electronic (music, twitter feeds) while the majority were physical objects, but they all made use of a procedural rhetoric sketched out by the original shape of the sonnet itself and the long tradition of scanning poems. In doing so, the objects produced force us to ask: where, exactly, do we “hold the light”? Is it e-lit if there’s no “e”?

(Source Abstract Author)

Record Status
By Sumeya Hassan, 26 February, 2015
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

This paper discusses a semester-long classroom project in which senior seminar students were required to take Shakespeare’s Sonnet 14 and convert it into various media objects and texts. The assignments made use of Ian Bogost’s “procedural rhetoric” (“a type of rhetoric tied to the core affordances of computers: running processes and executing rule-based symbolic manipulation”), assigning tasks based on the core concepts of “encoding” and “algorithm.” Some objects were electronic (music, twitter feeds) while the majority were physical objects, but they all made use of a procedural rhetoric sketched out by the original shape of the sonnet itself and the long tradition of scanning poems. In doing so, the objects produced force us to ask: where, exactly, do we “hold the light”? Is it e-lit if there’s no “e”?

(Source: Author's Abstract)

Description (in English)

Sonnet One Four is a cryptographic experience. While the puzzle is relatively simple, each tweet is representative of a line of the poem, in scrambled, random order, each tweet is meant to take you on your own unique journey to matching the clue to the line of the poem. Each line is unique and thus you as an individual will ultimately take your own path to not only interpreting the poem, decoding/encoding the poem, but you will also take different implications away from the clues. The clues sometimes are metaphorical, otherwise they are literally pointed at a word or phrase within the line of the poem the clue correlates to. In summation, when you start trying to match tweets to meanings and the lines of the poem as we have assigned each tweet to, you may in fact Google different things, or think of different references and meanings true to your experiences (intertextuality). I expect people will use the internet as a main resource to decode/match each tweet to each line but that is because I made the twitter that way. However, you could use other resources or prior knowledge. The digital aspect of the twitter is important though, it is current, it involves metrics like trending and popularity, it takes on the Shakespearean sonnet in a totally new, unexpected way. The way that the twitter functions as an art piece is in how it is an interactive installation of poetry which can be projected in a public space for people to strive to understand. You have all the answers in front of you, the name of the sonnet, each line in coded form, but the goal is to make your own meaning of the poem with our guidance.


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Midway along the road of our life: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Description (in English)

Romeo and Juliet in real time across Twitter and the web, with six Royal Shakespeare Company actors living the story in a UK town in 2010. In addition to Twitter, actors, fans and readers used other social media including Facebook and to enact the story.

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Description (in English)

Inspired partly by JM Coetzee's statistical work on Beckett's writing style, Swift-Speare is a set of experiments in machine-learning-assisted poetry composition using the Dr. Johnson prototyping framework Matias designed for TouchType.

Source: author description.

By Jill Walker Rettberg, 27 January, 2014
Publication Type
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Abstract (in English)

Journalistic essay about Nathan Matias' Swift-Speare project, where he uses machine-learning and word-prediction to generate sonnets in the style of Shakespeare. The essay is notable for its publication on an extremely popular website.

Creative Works referenced
Description (in English)

"...and by islands I mean paragraphs" casts a reader adrift on a sea of white space extending far beyond the horizon of the browser window, to the north, south, east and west. Navigating (with mouse, track pad, or arrow keys) reveals that this sea is dotted with islands... and by islands I mean paragraphs. These paragraphs are computer-generated. Their fluid compositions draw upon variable strings containing fragments of text harvested from a larger literary corpus - Deluze's Desert Islands, Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, Bishop's Crusoe in England, Coetzee's Foe, Ballard's Concrete Island, Hakluyt's Voyages and Discoveries, and lesser-known sources, including an out-of-date guidebook to the Scottish Isles and an amalgam of accounts of the classical and possibly fictional island of Thule. "Individually, each of these textual islands is a topic – from the Greek topos, meaning place. Collectively they constitute a topographical map of a sustained practice of reading and re-reading and writing and re-writing islands. In this constantly shifting sea of variable texts one never finds the same islands twice... and by islands, I do mean paragraphs."

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
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Islands are a perfect topic. Topical islands come forward only under the condition that one is thoroughly lost. They are paragraphs. They show that insularity is a formal determination. Isolated writing is always without grammar or dictionary. The castaway constantly invokes the reader.

The island upon which I was cast away was a great rocky hill with a flat top. I thought I was to spend the rest of my days there. I might just as easily have been cast away on an island home of some foreign adventurer gone mad with solitude. An island without seed. I was carried by waves. I pursue with my own dull story. They say Britain is an island too, a great island. In every story there is a silence. Was it effrontery to say that? Questions echo in my head without answer. The world is full of islands. I am saved.

The island pointed towards the west and the decling sun. The forgotten traffic forced on relentlessly. Plunging through the grass. For the first time since the crash, clear of mind. Ten thousand pounds. You'll be able to buy the island. The grass festered over the ground.

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...and by islands I mean paragraphs || J. R. Carpenter
...and by islands I mean paragraphs || J. R. Carpenter