
By Torkjell Fosse, 17 September, 2020
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
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Abstract (in English)

In their article "Electronic Literature and the Effects of Cyberspace on the Body" Maya Zalbidea and Xiana Sotelo discuss how new technologies are facilitating the emancipation of subjugat- ed subjects aimed at transforming unequal social relations through an intersectional and performative approach. This perspective is discussed through the exploration of the so-called intersectional ap- proach described by Berger and Guidroz, Haraway's situated knowledges, and Butler's performative agency based on transgressions. Framed within the posthuman, post-biological deconstruction of so- cial and cultural hierarchies, Zalbidea and Sotelo argue for the value of a conjuncture between post- colonial post-modern/post-structuralist literature and the field of feminist cultural studies. Based on previous theories of gender and bodies in cyberspace, Zalbidea and Sotelo develop ideas about bodies, gender, and anxieties, and how these theories may be illustrated metaphorically in electronic literature and new media art works.

Creative Works referenced
By Glenn Solvang, 9 November, 2017
By Malene Fonnes, 16 October, 2017
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Abstract (in English)

Ken Hirschkop questions whether poststructuralism andself-referentiality offer workable alternatives to the military ‘WorldTarget’ that, according to Rey Chow, provides the framework forknowledge production in Departments of Comparative Literary Studies.


By Malene Fonnes, 16 October, 2017
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Abstract (in English)

One of a series of eco-critical reviews, Stephen Dougherty exploresthe new ways that “matter is made to matter” in Ira Livingston’swriting on science and literature. The payoff of an ecocriticismgrounded in the materiality of language itself, can bee seen by thestrong political positioning toward the end of Dougherty’s essay.


By Daniele Giampà, 4 April, 2015
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Abstract (in English)

In this interview Serge Bouchardon resumes his many activities in the realm of digital media. Besides a professional background in e-learning and the activity as researcher and professor he has also authored a book about electronic literature and several literary works. He explains why in his book he chose the theories of structuralism to analyse a topic that reaches out to post-structuralism or post-modern theories. Furthermore he describes the way the aesthetics of the literary text changes in the digital context. He then ponders about the status of electronic literature in the field of academia and talks about his current projects.

Creative Works referenced
By Maya Zalbidea, 3 August, 2014
Publication Type
Public Domain
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Abstract (in English)

Poststructuralism has influenced novelistic creations along the last forty years, in such a way that novels are changing their linear structure. I would like to describe the importance of some fundamental points of poststructuralism in the structure of three different novels from diverse spanish and international authors who wrote between the 60s and 80s. I will describe the important role played on each by the plot, the author and narrator, and also the reader, whose importance has grown after the apparition of the reader-oriented theories.

Abstract (in original language)

El postestructuralismo como conjunto de ideas teóricas de pensamiento ha forjado algunas creaciones novelísticas a lo largo de los últimos cuarenta años de tal forma que la novela en su conjunto, si bien paso a paso, está modificando su anterior estructura lineal, aunque el cambio no se haya generalizado aún, salvo en la literatura hipertextual propiamente dicha, gracias a la difusión y experimentación de las nuevas tecnologías. Me gustaría repasar la importancia que algunos de los principios del postestructuralismo han tenido sobre la estructura de tres novelas diferentes de autores, países, literaturas y décadas distintas, como ejemplos clave de una evolución.

By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 8 April, 2012
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
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Abstract (in English)

A wide-ranging literary essay, what Joyce dubs a "theoretical narrative," surveying the desire for media "transparency," an ideal that retains its allure even after philosophers and theorists have revealed its illusoriness.

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Transparency on the one hand is not to be read aesthetically, and on the other it is how we read something as having an aesthetic dimension. Hiding is disclosing, disclosing hiding, and a gap or its lack alike is a gap.

On its face I think we are inclined to think well of the word 'transparency' at least in its musicality, its traversal softened by the lapsing (if not lisping) sound of the sea at its end, the 'para' rising above its center in a billow and gently drifting down.