Spanish and international authors

Event type

Casa del Lector. Matadero de Madrid
Paseo de la Chopera, 14

Short description

Lorem Bitsum exhibition aims to inform the general public electronic literature (also called "digital literature"), a type of artistic halfway between literature and digital art, which has been produced in the Hispanic circuit. The works that this exhibition brings together are presented in various formats: poetry with code, hypertext narration, interactive fiction, kinetic poetry, generative works, performance, installations, interactive children's stories, etc.  these artists place experimentation with digital technology at the center of their creation while reflecting on our strong relation with the computing devices that surround us and the connective and global digital world.

Record Status
By Laura Sánchez Gómez, 11 June, 2019
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Ciberia: Biblioteca de Literatura digital en Español, a collection of electronic literature works in Spanish created by the LEETHI group (European Literatures from Text to Hypermedia), using OdA 2.0., a learning objects’ repository built by ILSA research team at the Computing Sciences Faculty of the University Complutense of Madrid. Ciberia library emerges from the need to make digital literature in Spanish more visible, report its development, and leave a trail that would compensate for its ephemeral quality. This collection is part of the research carried out by two research groups in Spain: ILSA, which has developed the software, and LEETHI. This library now works as the nucleus of derivate projects that includes a publisher focused on electronic literature creation and on electronic and ciberculture theories and is part of Cell Consortium project.

By Maya Zalbidea, 3 August, 2014
Publication Type
Public Domain
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Poststructuralism has influenced novelistic creations along the last forty years, in such a way that novels are changing their linear structure. I would like to describe the importance of some fundamental points of poststructuralism in the structure of three different novels from diverse spanish and international authors who wrote between the 60s and 80s. I will describe the important role played on each by the plot, the author and narrator, and also the reader, whose importance has grown after the apparition of the reader-oriented theories.

Abstract (in original language)

El postestructuralismo como conjunto de ideas teóricas de pensamiento ha forjado algunas creaciones novelísticas a lo largo de los últimos cuarenta años de tal forma que la novela en su conjunto, si bien paso a paso, está modificando su anterior estructura lineal, aunque el cambio no se haya generalizado aún, salvo en la literatura hipertextual propiamente dicha, gracias a la difusión y experimentación de las nuevas tecnologías. Me gustaría repasar la importancia que algunos de los principios del postestructuralismo han tenido sobre la estructura de tres novelas diferentes de autores, países, literaturas y décadas distintas, como ejemplos clave de una evolución.