Gregory L. Ulmer

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United States

Short biography

 Gregory L. Ulmer is the author of Internet Invention: From Literacy to Electracy (Longman, 2003), Heuretics: The Logic of Invention (Johns Hopkins, 1994), Teletheory: Grammatology in the Age of Video (Routledge, 1989), and Applied Grammatology: Post(e)-Pedagogy from Jacques Derrida to Joseph Beuys (Johns Hopkins, 1985). In addition to two other monographs and a textbook for writing about literature, Ulmer has authored numerous articles and chapters exploring the shift in the apparatus of language from literacy to electracy. His most recent book, Electronic Monumentality: Consulting Internet Memory, is forthcoming from the University of Minnesota Press.

Professor Ulmer’s media work includes two videos: “Telerevisioning Literacy” (Paper Tiger TV) and “The Mr. Mentality Show” (Critical Art Ensemble, Drift). He has given invited addresses at international media arts conferences in Helsinki, Sydney, and Hamburg, as well as at many sites in the United States.

Professor Ulmer’s Internet experiments are organized around the problematic of electronic monumentality – a long-term project concerned with the mutation of the public sphere in electracy and the consequences for American national identity. As coordinator of the Electronic Learning Forum <>, Ulmer collaborates with students and faculty at UF and elsewhere on projects relating to teaching, research, and service involving new media and technology.

(Source: Faculty webpage at the University of Florida)


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