human – machine interaction

By Daniele Giampà, 4 April, 2015
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Abstract (in English)

In this interview Serge Bouchardon resumes his many activities in the realm of digital media. Besides a professional background in e-learning and the activity as researcher and professor he has also authored a book about electronic literature and several literary works. He explains why in his book he chose the theories of structuralism to analyse a topic that reaches out to post-structuralism or post-modern theories. Furthermore he describes the way the aesthetics of the literary text changes in the digital context. He then ponders about the status of electronic literature in the field of academia and talks about his current projects.

Creative Works referenced
Description (in English)

"_the data][h!][bleeding t.ex][e][ts" are remnants from email performances devoted to the dispersal of writing that has been inspired and mutated according to the dynamics of an active network. The texts make use of the polysemic language system termed mezangelle, which evolved/s from multifarious email exchanges, computer code flavored language, and net iconographs.

(Source: Author's description from the 2001 Electronic Literature Awards)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots