fairy tale

Description (in English)

‘Snelwegsprookjes’ is a location-based audiobook app that reacts to its surroundings. It builds unique stories in real-time, around ordinary objects, seen around the motorway. There are four stories that are uniquely based on the location where you are driving right that moment. The amazing in-car family app that focuses on quality family time, less screen time for the kids, and using your imagination. Connecting family car brand Volkswagen with their target audience.

Description (in original language)

nteractieve luisterverhalen voor onderweg. Samen met de beste kinderboekenschrijvers van Nederland, veranderen we een ritje op de snelweg in een fantastisch avontuur. Door slimme technologie, past ieder verhaal zich automatisch aan op jouw route. Zo komt de omgeving van de snelweg tot leven en rijd je met het hele gezin door het sprookje heen. Zo maakt Volkswagen contact met haar doelgroep.

Description in original language
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Remote video URL
Description (in English)

Fish Net Stockings is a new multimedia installation project in development and is inspired and informed by historical mermaid legends and their myriad literary variants. One discovers mermaid tales clinging like barnacles onto historic seaports, sharing themes of the cross-cultural outsider, human trafficking, economic injustice, environmental imbalance, and gender inequality. Both cautionary and emboldening, mermaid tales inhabit the blurred boundary between childhood longing and adulthood regret. In variants of the little mermaid tale, we find a story of the passage between worlds. Den lille havfrue, Hans Christian Andersen’s sacrificial rite-of-passage story screams out for alternative endings. Instead of silencing the little mermaid, Fish Net Stockings aims to give e-literature sirens a space to speak up, sing out, and hook on their stockings.
In the installation, a back projection screen serves as canvas for a richly layered mix of digital video, text, and silhouettes. The participatory space allows the audience to disrupt, subvert, and make virtual waves inside this new version of an old tale. Digital projections include a mashup hybrid of historical references, video, animation, and story fragments gleaned from the project database. Fish Net Stockings also incorporates paper-cut collage images by contributing artists, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s improvised performance art of scherenschnitte, or live scissor writing. Bifurcating imagery, like that made by folding and cutting, will play a role in the aesthetics of the work. In this way, the story will unfold with multivalent versions echoing folk art patterns and digital iterations. The audience has multiple modes for interaction: by feeding text into evolving the online story thread, by uploading images to the project database, or by diving into the projections and moving their own bodies inside the colorful underwater world.

(source: ELO 2015 catalog)

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Description (in English)

The Prince sits awkwardly on the couch, holding his glass slipper and trying to keep it from crushing. Lucinda and Theodora have the ends of the same couch, and they are taking turns seeing who can bend lowest and show off the most cleavage; while the old lady, in her wing chair, carries on about nonsense…

Glass is a conversation-oriented fairy tale, taking place in one room. It is likely to take only a few minutes to play once, but can be played several times to different endings.

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Description (in English)

Psychoterapeotic fairy tale in a form of hypertext, second place in Hypertext nomination of Teneta 1998.

Description (in original language)

В этой книге соседствует серьезное и смешное, обыденное и философское, Восток и Запад, сказка и быль, сны и реальность. Вы найдете здесь афоризмы восточных мудрецов, записи терапевтических бесед, легенды, анекдоты и реальные истории, а также многочисленные комментарии, сводящие весь этот пестрый материал в определенную философию, связанную с очень конкретной психотерапевтической практикой. Источник: koob.ru

Description in original language
Pull Quotes

Книга состоит из ╚лоскутков╩: кусочков, маленьких историй, отрывков из диалогов, снов - после каждого из которых идет отсылка к другим ╚лоскуткам╩ √ часто к нескольким √ по их первым словам или названиям. После этих слов указан раздел, в который входит этот отрывок: ╚Д╩ √ раздел ╚Диалоги╩, ╚К╩ √ ╚Комментарии╩, ╚М╩ √ ╚Молитвы, заклинания, стихи╩, ╚С╩ √ ╚Сны╩, ╚И╩ √ ╚Истории╩. Таким образом, после чтения каждого лоскутка можно выбрать, что читать дальше, хотя бы приблизительно √ по первым словам и разделу √ поняв, о чем идет речь. Значительная часть текстов √ не мои, в смысле, изначально написаны не мной. Перечень ссылок напечатан в конце. В тексте мне такие ссылки не нравятся. Книга имеет очень условное начало, но не имеет конца. Пусть увиливает от стыда за то, что здесь написано, случайный читатель, но не тот, кто принадлежит к семье, с которой всё начиналось. Михаил Михайлович Антоненко! Семейный стыд за всё, что ты натворил, пронизывает книгу, которую я писал без тебя, как нитки тигриной шерсти.

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Description (in English)

Modern Moral Fairy Tales is a tale told in 18 (chai) nodes. The story has two main lines--an upfront fairy tale dealing with greed, isolation, Nigerian scams, and online learning.  The shadow story for this main line concerns a sentient internet cafe and a state run dissemination of information or suppression of information, depending on how you approach it.  MaJe thought this was waaaaay too dark, and hid an Official History of Salmon in Clear Water Ravines, which posits a much better society--under the waves. Her shadow story handles the day to day life of salmon, from financial news to recent literary acquisitions.

Contributors note

This work is dedicated to MaJe Larsen, hypertext writer.

Description (in English)

Leishman's playful retelling of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale makes use of comic book vernacular, limited forms of explorative interaction, optional narrative paths, and a jazzy soundtrack. RedRidinghood is the type of Flash piece that suggests the potential for complex forms of interactive storytelling without typographic text.

(Source: Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1)

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Technical notes

To hear the sound, turn on the computer's speakers or plug in headphones. Move the mouse over and click active areas to interact with the environment.