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Description (in English)

This poem is an interactive landscape. Bicycles, letters and a traveler's musings pass bij. 

Description (in original language)

K. Michel en Dirk Vis maakten een gedicht in de vorm van een interactief landschap. Fietsen, letters en de mijmeringen van een treinreizigster schieten voorbij.

Description in original language
Screen shots
Description (in English)

Mark Ditto Mark is a conceptual novel generated by a browser extension. When installed and activated, the extension will alter any names of people which appear on the currently displayed Internet page: first names are changed to “Mark,” and last names are changed to “Ditto.” In this way, Mark Ditto Mark transforms the Internet into a gigantic, sprawling novel about someone named “Mark Ditto.”

Screen shots
Mark Ditto Mark logo
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Description (in English)

AdLiPo is a browser plugin that replaces advertisements with generated language art. Leveraging the ad-detection techniques of popular ad-blockers, AdLiPo not only blocks ads, but replaces them with calls to a JavaScript language library (the RiTa library, in this case), filling the advertising regions of pages with static or kinetic text created for the specific context (the containing page, advertising-content, and dimensions of the ad-frame). (Source:

Screen shots
Description (in English)

I/O/D4: The Web Stalker is a speculative software application for reading and manipulating information on the most popular portion of the Internet - the World Wide Web. As Web Browsers become increasingly more bloated and pointless, I/O/D 4: The Web Stalker gives users fast access to this media.

Description (in original language)

Vier aus dem Internet gebeamte Browser-Fensterchen namens Lea, Pia, Ed und Max huschen vor dem Leser über den Bildschirm, locken, umschmeicheln und verfluchen ihn. Der Leser klickt, was ihm gefällt, und macht sich Liebhaber, Feinde, Bewunderer, Beleidigte. 


Description in original language