RiTa† is designed to be an easy-to-use toolkit for experiments in natural language and generative literature. RiTa is implemented in Java and JavaScript with a single API and optionally integrates with Processing. It is free/libre and open-source via a GPL license.
Some of the features of RiTa include:
- Text-generation via Context-Free Grammars and Markov-chains
- Taggers for Syllables, Phonemes, Stress, Part-of-Speech, etc.
- Modules for tokenization, verb conjugation, pluralization, and stemming
- A user-customizable lexicon with a letter-to-sound phoneme generation
- Integration with Processing, ProcessingJS, and NodeJS
- Runs in or outside the browser, with or without Processing(also in Android)
- Optionally integrates with (locally-installed) WordNet dictionary