experimental film

Description (in English)

A poetic project about the global mass extinction of bird populations in 2011.

Description (in original language)

Begin 2011 vielen wereldwijd massaal vogels uit de lucht. Een week lang beheerste dit het nieuws, maar officiële verklaringen bleven uit. Op internet tierde het echter welig: goden in het diepst van hun gedachten die tegen elkaar opboksten met hun duiding. De mens heeft graag grip op het leven, de wereld, de dingen. In deze exercices électroniques van makers Saskia de Jong en Rens van Meegen storten de vogels neer in een werk waarin feit en fictie zich mengen, en dat juist het niet-weten de ruimte wil geven. Verticaal zijn de filmgedichten te zien zoals ze ontstaan zijn, de horizontale vlieglijn biedt ruimte aan rondzwermende associaties. Te bekijken op iPad, pc of Mac.

Description in original language
By Alvaro Seica, 6 May, 2015
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Recent innovations in digital environments may suggest that the possibility to manipulate the literal movement of the text could be one of the essential variables separating digital literature from printed literature. This bipolar distinction between digital and print media hides, however, a complex historical background. A fuller comprehension of movement as a variable in literature calls for the clarification of the historical development from the "analogies of movement" in printed literature to the innovations in video art, experimental film and multimedia poetry.

In classifying types of textual movement at least the following questions are relevant: What can be kinetic in the poetic text? How does the movement take place? Where does it take place? What is the result of the movement? And finally, what (or who) makes the text move? The article develops conceptual divisions that make answering these questions possible and thus helps to make the question of the specificity of digitally manipulated movement more precise.

(Source: Author's Abstract)

Short description

Ottar Ormstad is a Norwegian concrete poet and digital artist. In this presentation he speaks about his print works and shows his experimental films.

The presentation comes along with a lecture "From Print to Kinetic Visual Poetry" by PhD Scholar Patricia Tomaszek (University of Bergen) who demonstrates how Ormstad’s print-based work intrinsically implies motion.

The series is produced by the University of Bergen Electronic Literature Research Group & Digital Culture Program in collaboration with the Bergen Offentlige Bibliotek.

This presentation is streamed live and recorded at http://bambuser.com/channel/bergenbibliotek

Record Status