
By tye042, 26 September, 2017
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Abstract (in English)

An overview of Gregory Ulmer’s thought by Victor Vitanza.

1. How do we not know we think, yet think?

Gregory Ulmer (a.k.a. ‘Glue’) has been for some time developing a theory of invention that would be appropriate and productive for those cultural theorists who have an interest in electronic media. (Invention, classically defined in oral and print culture, is the art of recalling and discovering what it is that one would think or say about a given subject. In electronic culture, invention takes on new ramifications). In his Applied Grammatology (1985), Ulmer moves from Derridean deconstruction (a mode of analysis that concentrates on inventive reading) to grammatology (a mode of composition that concentrates on inventive writing); that is, he moves towards exploring “the nondiscursive levels - images and puns, or models and homophones - as an alternative mode of composition and thought applicable to academic work, or rather, play.

Pull Quotes

It is equally deadly for a mind to have a system or to have none. Therefore, it will have to decide to combine both.   Frederich Schlegel

By tye042, 26 September, 2017
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Abstract (in English)

Linda Brigham hypercontextualizes contemporary philosophy.

Although a hard-copy book and a hypertext essay hardly present us with apples and oranges, this particular pair troubles the work of comparison. This trouble is not simply a matter of form. Content-wise as well, Arkady Plotnitsky’s interdisciplinary exploration of poststructural metaphysics (or “meta-physics”) and David Kolb’s meditation on the textuality of philosophy relate to each other in a fashion at once too intimate and divergent. Like Blake’s Clod and Pebble from the Songs of Experience, they are contraries, or, to pick up the theme, “complementary.” As Blake would insist, though, it is through such contraries that progress happens.


By Kristen Lillvis, 7 June, 2017
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Abstract (in English)

This essay discusses Holes, a ten syllable one-line-per-day work of digital poetry that is written by Graham Allen, and published by James O’Sullivan’s New Binary Press. The authors, through their involvement with the piece, explore how such iterative works challenge literary notions of fixity. Using Holes as representative of “organic” database literature, the play between electronic literature, origins, autobiography, and the edition are explored. A description of Holes is provided for the benefit of readers, before the literary consequences of such works are examined, using deconstruction as the critical framework. After the initial outline of the poem, the discussion is largely centred around Derrida’s deconstruction of “the centre”. Finally, the literary database as art is re-evaluated, drawing parallels between e-lit, the absence of the centre, and the idea of the “deconstructive poem”.

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Creative Works referenced
By Alvaro Seica, 6 May, 2015
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Abstract (in English)

In Archive Fever, Jacques Derrida deftly guides us through an extended meditation on remembrance, religion, time, and technology—fruitfully occasioned by a deconstructive analysis of the notion of archiving. Intrigued by the evocative relationship between technologies of inscription and psychic processes, Derrida offers for the first time a major statement on the pervasive impact of electronic media, particularly e-mail, which threaten to transform the entire public and private space of humanity. Plying this rich material with characteristic virtuosity, Derrida constructs a synergistic reading of archives and archiving, both provocative and compelling. (Source: University of Chicago Press)

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Led, plastic, custom electronics Economics and life, physicists and lyricists: these idiomatic phrases evoke a stream of associations from early childhood, sunlit and full of endless happiness. As any artist, Aristarkh Chernyshev gets out these memories and uses them to create art, with his at once recognizable expressive means, using method of documenting the information stream (installations «Final Customization», «Chewing Mud», «Thirst», the object «TVblaster»), though applied to text. The dispute between physicists and lyricists was won by managers, as both physicists and lyricists turned out to be different subspecies of naive romanticists. In modern rationalized, globalized world, there is no space left for lyricism. The poetry of today is stock exchange rates, oil and gold prices, celebrity news and ad slogans. «Lyric Economy» brilliantly embodies this idea, at the same time leaving a hope that there is still a place for art in this world, if nothing else as shimmering lights of advertisement boards. The installation visually deconstructs a traditional poetic text (Goethe, Shakespeare, Pushkin, you to decide) and replaces it with a news feed coming in real time through RSS channels.

(Source: exhibition catalogue)

Description (in original language)

Светодиоды, пластик, электроника собственной разработки Экономика и жизнь, физики и лирики: эти устой- чивые словосочетания сразу вызывают поток ассоциаций из глубокого детства, залитого (из каталога выставки) солнечным светом и чувством бесконечного счастья: И как всякий художник, Аристарх Чернышев достает эти воспоминания из своей памяти и делает из них искусство, своими, сразу узна- ваемыми выразительными средствами, исполь- зуя прием деконструкции информационного потока (вспомните инсталляции ‘Окончатель- ная настройка’, ‘Жевательная грязь’, ‘Жажда’, объект ‘ТелеБластер’), только теперь приме- ненного к тексту. В споре между физиками и лириками победили менеджеры, так как и физики и лирики оказа- лись всего лишь разными подвидами наивных романтиков. В современном мире нет места лирике. Сегодняшняя поэзия — это биржевые сводки, курсы валют, цены на нефть и золото. Объект ‘Поэтическая экономика’, выполнен- ный в стиле дивайс-арт, ярко воплощает в себе эту идею, все же оставляя зрителю надежду на то, что еще есть в жизни место искусству, хотя бы в виде мерцающих огней рекламных вывесок. Инсталляция визуально деконструирует традиционные поэтические тексты (Гете, Шекспира, Пушкина) и заменяет их новост- ной лентой, идущей в режиме реального времени.

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Description (in English)

A hypermedia work, or ficto-critcal art history, LUX deconstructs, contextualizes and manipulates the Bronzino painting, "The Exposure of Luxury".


Source: trAce archive

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