
By Scott Rettberg, 4 April, 2017
Publication Type
ix, 237
Record Status
Librarian status
Approved by librarian
Abstract (in English)

This volume examines the structure of text-based Future Narratives in the widest sense, including choose-your-own-adventure books, forking-path novels, combinatorial literature, hypertexts, interactive fiction, and alternate reality games. How 'radical' can printed Future Narratives really be, given the constraints of their media? When exactly do they not only play with the mere idea of multiple continuations, but actually stage genuine openness and potentiality? Process- rather than product-oriented, text-based Future Narratives are seen as performative and contingent systems, simulating their own emergence.

(Source: Publisher's abstract)

Creative Works referenced
Content type
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Record Status
Description (in original language)

O primeiro livro publicado na Candonga é um pequeno livro de poesia que procura novos caminhos para se fazer e refazer. Nas suas páginas encontramos uma exploração conceptual e plástica da verbalidade, num emaranhado de estratégias discursivas que pretendem testar a natureza do texto ao transformá-lo em agente híbrido co-habitado por linguagens humanas e maquínicas. Source: Publisher website (

Description in original language
Screen shots
Contributors note

Googlism by Paul Cherry e Chris Morton (

By Alvaro Seica, 8 April, 2015
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Herberto Helder died. Helder is one of the most consistent and innovative Portuguese poets of the second half of the 20th century. Even if his later œuvre has been marked by a traditional experimentalist reworking of crafted language, whose poiesis engages with a very idiosyncratic vocabulary, one should not forget Helder’s eclectic trajectory. Having been influenced by, among other movements, Surrealism and international avant-garde experimentalism, Herberto Helder was, firstly together with António Aragão (1964), and secondly with Aragão and E. M. de Melo e Castro (1966), the editor of two important anthologies or cadernos (chapbooks), Poesia Experimental 1 [Experimental Poetry 1] and Poesia Experimental 2 [Experimental Poetry 2]. Both these anthologies opened up most of the major pathways of literary and artistic experimentalism in the 1960s, from which the PO.EX (Experimental POetry) movement emerged. Several genres, formal and thematic threads were originally tried out in these two anthologies and further work of the movement, namely concrete and visual poetry, ‘film poetry,’ sound poetry, ‘object-poetry,’ ‘poetic action’ and happening.

(Source: Author's introduction)

Abstract (in original language)

Herberto Helder morreu. Helder é um dos poetas portugueses mais consistentes e inovadores da segunda metade do século vinte. Ainda que a sua obra mais recente tenha sido marcada por um trabalho de reformulação da linguagem que podemos considerar como um experimentalismo tradicionalista, cuja poiesis se empenha e se alicerça num vocabulário idiossincrático, não podemos esquecer a trajectória ecléctica de Helder. Tendo sido influenciado, entre outros, pelo surrealismo e pelo experimentalismo vanguardista internacional, Herberto Helder foi, primeiro com António Aragão (1964), e depois com Aragão e E. M. de Melo e Castro (1966), editor de dois importantes cadernos antológicos, Poesia Experimental 1e Poesia Experimental 2. Os cadernos desencadearam a maior parte dos principais caminhos do experimentalismo literário e artístico dos anos 1960, a partir dos quais o movimento da PO.EX (POesia.EXperimental) emergiu. Diversos géneros, incluindo novas estruturas e temas, foram originalmente testados nos dois cadernos antológicos e no restante trabalho do movimento, como é o caso da poesia concreta e visual, “poesia fílmica”, poesia sonora, “poesia-objecto”, “acção poética” e happening.

(Fonte: Introdução do Autor)

Critical Writing referenced
By Alvaro Seica, 8 April, 2015
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Herberto Helder died. Helder is one of the most consistent and innovative Portuguese poets of the second half of the 20th century. Even if his later œuvre has been marked by a traditional experimentalist reworking of crafted language, whose poiesis engages with a very idiosyncratic vocabulary, one should not forget Helder’s eclectic trajectory. Having been influenced by, among other movements, Surrealism and international avant-garde experimentalism, Herberto Helder was, firstly together with António Aragão (1964), and secondly with Aragão and E. M. de Melo e Castro (1966), the editor of two important anthologies or cadernos (chapbooks), Poesia Experimental 1 [Experimental Poetry 1] and Poesia Experimental 2 [Experimental Poetry 2]. Both these anthologies opened up most of the major pathways of literary and artistic experimentalism in the 1960s, from which the PO.EX (Experimental POetry) movement emerged. Several genres, formal and thematic threads were originally tried out in these two anthologies and further work of the movement, namely concrete and visual poetry, ‘film poetry,’ sound poetry, ‘object-poetry,’ ‘poetic action’ and happening.

(Source: Author's introduction)

Critical Writing referenced
Content type
Record Status
Description (in English)

This is a stub-entry. For an elaborated description of the work in English, see the record provided in the Electronic Literature Directory. A description in French is provided in the NT2 database.

Description (in original language)

Poemas combinatórios e generativos, programados de modo a permitir ao leitor alterar dinamicamente, em tempo de execução, os paradigmas que alimentam a sintaxe original; Som gerado aleatoriamente a partir de bases de dados previamente gravadas, com vozes e texturas sonoras; Além de alterar o poema, o leitor pode guardar as suas versões/leituras num weblog disponível na Internet. Duas versões disponíveis (versão horizontal e versão vertical) dão aos leitores a possibilidade de navegar entre distintas tipologias de página: em modo de panorama ou em modo de página html: A versão horizontal (panorama) inclui video, permite ao leitor alterar as palavras e enviar para weblog; A versão vertical (html) permite ao leitor alterar as palavras, alterar as listas e enviar para weblog.


Screen shots
Poemas no Meio do Caminho: Poesia Combinatória Animada por Computador
Contributors note

Ana Carvalho: video
Luís Aly: sound
Luís Carlos Petry: images
Nuno F. Ferreira: programmer
Nuno M. Cardoso: voice
Manuel Portela: critical writing
José Augusto Mourão: critical writing
Laura Borràs Castanyer: critical writing
Luís Cláudio Fajardo: critical writing