Presented at conference or festival

Description (in English)

In "Errand," animation is used to establish links and disjunctions between images of moving objects in the natural world (e.g. frogs and butterflies) and the lexical and figural dynamics of the poem. These visual-kinetic images heighten the tensions among the meaning—mobilizing acts of "seeing an image," "watching a movement," and "reading a word." The work also employs cursor-activated elements, such as "touching" and "reading." "Errand" reflects on the nature of language and of reading, and these self-reflexive elements are embedded in considerations of how protocols of reading shape our consciousness.

(Source: Electronic Literature Directory entry by Patricia Tomaszek)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
Errand Upon Which We Came
Errand Upon Which We Came
Errand Upon Which We Came
Description (in English)

“Seattle Drift” leads us to think about different poetic “scenes” and how a text can enter and exit these poetic traditions through the deceptively simple mechanism of “drifting.”

(Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Pull Quotes

I'm a bad text. / I used to be a poem/ but drfited from the scene.

Screen shots
"Seattle Drift," after clicking "Do the text."
Technical notes


Description (in English)

ARTIST STATEMENT: Nuclear reactors are built to last for about 30 years. After that, the spent fuel needs to be stored for thousands of years. Zero-fault is unknown in all human endeavours. Culture fissions. Extinction Elegies is about the fragile instability of received meaning at both biological and social levels.

(Source: Artist's description on the project site)

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Screen shots
Screenshot of Extinction Elegies
Technical notes

TECHNE: The display of Extinction Elegies is non-linear and changes over repeated readings. For every time the entire poem is read (by the current reader), a mutant word(s) is introduced into every verse. In other words, after reading all the verses once, the next loop all the verses will contain one word replaced; after two reading loops, two words are replaced, etc... When the number of loops or mutation-rate exceeds the number of words in a verse, individual letters are replaced with words and all the verses disintegrate into untenable bloated nonsense.

INTERACTIVITY: Click on video, then use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys on yr keyboard to get new verses & the UP or DOWN arrow keys on yr keyboard to increase or decrease mutation. Alternatively, after the first time all the verses are read, the mutation rate auto-increases and buttons appear (at top and bottom of screen) which permit direct control of mutation rate.

Contributors note

For information on nuclear power, I am indebted to Rosalie Bertell and FaireWinds. Soundtrack (produced using Ableton's Tension) available for free download on Bandcamp. Most footage shot (March 2011) at La Societe des Plantes in Kamouraska using a Canon T2i with 50mm 1.8 lens (Author's note)

Description (in English)

R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX (remixworx) - selected works:

an online journal of digital art and writing - 2006 to 2012

R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX (remixworx) is a space for the remixing of digital media, including visual poetry (vispo), electronic poetry (flashpo), playable media, animation, music, spoken word, texts and more. It began as a blog in November 2006 and has grown to number over 500 individual works of media. The source material is made available and all media is freely given to be remixed. Each new work is remixed, literally or conceptually, from other works on the blog. Then, the new work is linked to the blog post(s) that contain the component parts, thus the blog 'talks to itself' - "I link therefore I am" (Mark Amerika). The project promotes no single 'author', and we keep dogma chained outside the gate. It is not a tame place, though, and artful innuendo is evident.

R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX is also a playful environment - as with much 'creative discourse' - and we are always surprised and delighted by the remixes. We respond to each other, to newsworthy events, and to trends in politics or art. Some works have been remixed several times and represent a creative dialogue that utilizes social software to explore 'open source', "a philosophy ... that promotes free redistribution" (Wikipedia). We sometimes post completely new work because R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX needs to be fed. In regards artistic practice, R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX is unabashedly new media - 'born digital' - but the project has roots in photography, literature, audio technology, film, animation, poetry, computer programming, dada and outsider art.

R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX is a creative micro-community. Most members were brought together, initially, by the trAce Online Writing Community. R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX continues in a spirit of learning and sharing - in the original spirit of the World Wide Web. Some members have won awards of one kind or another for digital art and writing. Often, in the heat of working on a complex project, a person needs to let off steam - R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX is a place for that, as well.

R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX is an accumulation of spontaneous ideas that spawn at random intervals, a flexible community, an adaptable entity that has been shown in a variety of ways - performed live at festivals and conferences, or remixed live as part of DJ/VJ events. The gallery page of 'selected works' has been created to 'open the project up', so to speak, with a visual interface, separate from the blog. It is presented as an online journal of digital art and writing that spans 2006 to 2012.

UPDATE: the R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX - selected works web page is no longer available but the R3M1XW0RX archive is accessible here:

Screen shots
Screen shot of remixworx - selected works gallery page
Technical notes

R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX contains a variety of media - including Flash, mp3 audio, video - collected in a blog and a javascript gallery page.

Description (in English)

Conceived and produced by Judy Malloy, Making Art Online, a work of computer-mediated  Information art/narrative, is created with artists statements about making art in early telecommunications systems.Making Art Online includes words by Scot Art, John Coate, Anna Couey and  Lucia Grossberger Morales, Pavel Curtis, Robert Edgar, Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz, Carolyn Guyer,  Michael Joyce, Roger Malina, Jeff Mann, Pauline Oliveros, Tim Perkis, John Quarterman, Howard Rheingold, Jim Rosenberg, Randy Ross, Sonya Rapoport, Fred Truck, and others.

As musician/composer Tim Perkis wrote  about "The Hub",  (created in 1986 with fellow composer John Bischoff)  "..The result is a really new kind of collective composition, a new social way of making music that didn't exist before. We have a good time." -Early versions of Making Art Online were exhibited in Reflux at the 1991 Sao Paulo Biennial, Brazil, 1991 and published in the November 1, 1991 issue of FineArt Forum. The final version was first implemented as a website for the Center for Image and Sound Research, (CSIR) Vancouver, B.C., Canada on their pioneeering ANIMA website in the early days of of the World Wide Web in January of 1994.  Making Art Online was included in the  2001 traveling exhibition Telematic Connections: The Virtual Embrace (San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA. Feb. 7-Mar. 21 among many other venues) and is currenlty published on the website of the Walker Art Center in conjunction with the documentation for Telematic Connections.

Description (in English)

Whisper Wire is an unheimlich poem, a code medium sending and receiving un-homed messages, verse fragments, strange sounds, disembodied voices, ghost whispers, distant wails and other intercepted, intuited or merely imagined attempts to communicate across vast distances through copper wires, telegraph cables, transistor radios and other haunted media. The source code of Whisper Wire is based on Nick Montfort’s elegant javascript poetry generator, Taroko Gorge, and the content is drawn from the early history of electromagnetic telecommunication technologies.

I ♥ E-Poetry entry
Pull Quotes

Packet ships channel the feedback loop.
Interferences eavesdrop.
Feedback loops resonate.
Steady hum mediates through ghosts.

fade the phenomena -

Medium captures the buzz and rattle.
Strange noises complement.
Rings reflect.
Pop-pop sound shivers through transistor.

shadow the electronic nonsense noise -

Screen shots
Whisper Wire || J. R. Carpenter
Description (in English)

Generative and combinatory translation of "O Corvo/The Crow" (Fernando Pessoa / Edgar A. Poe). Created for the Núcleo de Estudos do Modernismo em Língua Portuguesa, Universidade Fernando Pessoa.

Description (in original language)

Tradução generativa de "O Corvo" (Fernando Pessoa / Edgar A. Poe). Encomenda do Núcleo de Estudos do Modernismo em Língua Portuguesa, Universidade Fernando Pessoa.

PO.EX entry
Screen shots
Um corvo nunca mais [Rui Torres]
Contributors note

Nuno F. Ferreira: programming

Luís Carlos Petry: images

Nuno M. Cardoso: voice

Description (in English)

Work created for Oficinas do Convento de 2009, Conversas à Volta do Peso e da Leveza, Montemor-o-Novo. Texts and words by Fernando Pessoa and Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen

Description (in original language)

Trabalho realizado por encomenda das Oficinas do Convento de 2009, Conversas à Volta do Peso e da Leveza, Montemor-o-Novo. Textos e léxico de Fernando Pessoa e Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen

PO.EX entry
Screen shots
Do Peso e da Leveza by Rui Torres (screen shot)
Do Peso e da Leveza by Rui Torres (screen shot)
Contributors note

Nuno F. Ferreira: programming

Luís Carlos Petry: images

Description (in English)

Text generator and combinatory poem based on Húmus by Herberto Helder (1967) and Húmus by Raul Brandão (1917).

Also published in CD-ROM with the book: TORRES, R. (2010). Herberto Helder Leitor de Raul Brandão. Porto, Ed. UFP. ISBN 978-989-643-063-4.

Description (in original language)

Texto generativo e combinatório baseado em Húmus de Herberto Helder (1967) e Húmus de Raul Brandão (1917).

Também publicado com o livro: TORRES, R. (2010). Herberto Helder Leitor de Raul Brandão. Porto, Ed. UFP. ISBN 978-989-643-063-4.

Screen shots
Húmus Poema Contínuo [Rui Torres]
Contributors note

Nuno F. Ferreira: programming

Nuno M. Cardoso: voice

Luís Aly: sound