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The Girl with Skin of Haints and Seraphs is a polymorphic poem first implemented in a non-interactive form as the initial deployment of the Alloy algorithm for generative purposes within another system. It has been subsequently updated with each iteration of GRIOT and it provides a good example for tracing through the execution of an interactive polymorphic poem. As stated above, this polypoem is a commentary on racial politics, the limitations of simplistic binary views of social identity, and the need for more contingent, dynamic models of social identity.

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Generated with GRIOT system.

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Possibly the first computational poetry generator. Poems by the generator were published in Horizon Magazine and possibly in Time Magazine in 1962.

"Librascope engineers, concerned with the problem of effective communication with machines in simple English, first ‘fed’ an LGP 30 computer with thirty-two grammatical patterns and an 850-word vocabulary, allowing it to select at random from the words and patterns to form sentences. The results included “Roses" and “Children". Then Worthy and his men shifted to a more advanced RPC 4000, fed with a store of about 3,500 words and 128 sentence structures, which produced … more advanced poems."
(Source: text in Horizon Magazine 1962 as digitized by Google Books)

Pull Quotes


Few fingers go like narrow laughs.
An ear won’t keep few fishes,
Who is that rose in that blind house?
And all slim, gracious, blind planes are coming,
They cry badly along a rose,
To leap is stuffy, to crawl was tender.

Description (in English)

Speculation is an alternate reality game that explores the culture of Wall Street investment banks in the context of the 2008 global economic crisis. From cryptographic puzzles and online simulations to live performances and geocaching, Speculation incorporates a wide range of media to build a transmedia world in which the logic of capital has accelerated beyond control. In the process of discovering, decoding, reconfiguring, and remixing Speculation, thousands of players transformed the game into a collaborative platform for speculating on the future of finance capital. (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

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An e-mail romance. Description on Steadman's website in 2001 read as follows: "Two Solitudes is a short work of fiction delivered through e-mail. Upon subscription to the service, readers receive, over the course of several weeks, carbon copies of messages exchanged between two persons familiar with each other, as they send them. Mentioned in many magazines and newspapers, on several radio shows, and on a European television program. Subscription requests should be addressed to ; place the word "subscribe" in the Subject line or anywhere in the body of the message. 23 September 1994." ELMCIP's editors have not verified whether or not the email server is still active, but the full text is still available at Intertext Magazine.

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Indra's Net III

Collocational procedures applied to three related texts, generating a new work which explores strictures and constraints associated with both sex and language.

(Source: Author's description)

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In "The IBM Poem" (1966) twenty-six words are randomly chosen from a dictionary and each is associated in a list with a letter of the alphabet to form lines; the letters of words in one line are then permuted to make subsequent lines.

(Source: Chris Funkhouser, "Le(s) Mange Texte(s): Creative Cannibalism and Digital Poetry")