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The Playground is primarily a test and demonstration of our ability to build interesting characters that engage in reasonably complex social behaviors. These behaviors have to reflect the personality of the character, the emotional state of the character, and the relationship the character has with the other characters.

This is a simulation of 3 kids (one is the user) on a playground. Although they can engage in a number of different behaviors, one of their favorites is trading baseball cards.

Source: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/oz/web/worlds.html#playgro…

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Carnivore is a surveillance tool for data networks. At the heart of the project is CarnivorePE, a software application that listens to all Internet traffic (email, web surfing, etc.) on a specific local network. Next, CarnivorePE serves this data stream over the net to an unlimited number of creative interfaces called "clients." The clients are each designed to animate, diagnose, or interpret the network traffic in various ways.

Description (in English)

An urban intervention project involving electronic billboards and user-selected graffiti.

"Conceived in the context of a broad urban intervention, Did You Read the East? dialogued with the guerilla teactics of graffiti. Participants were invited to choose e-graffiti that I had created--a series of six video-poems, composed in stylized fonts--and "invade" the programming of the electronic pantel. The graffiti appeared among advertising, mixing and remixing themes that included violence, social hypocrisy, love, and lyricism." 

Screen shots
Leste o Leste? screenshot
Leste o Leste? screenshot
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I Love Bees (also known as ilovebees or ILB for short) was an alternate reality game (ARG) that served as both a real-world experience and viral marketing campaign for the release of developer Bungie's 2004 video game Halo 2. The game was created and developed by 42 Entertainment. (Wikipedia)

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Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 10:22:47 +1100
From: mez
Subject: term.i.nation net.wurk[er] (gmx)

/M strength & f.lesh[ion]ed
/trans *.itive + w[k]eep.ing
/string lac[x].tos[s]ing + poi.son.ed

/pet (com) .itive
/pe[a]t (hevy) (primo leviesque)
[a (s)p(r)ock.et full of sX.pense]

||tilting border(lined)s + wilting g(r)amma.t[id]olatry||
||[st]itching limb[ic system]s in c[d]o(g)ursing pro.grammes
||p.lum[i.nous]met + kah.quay n.gorged

*** Con.nec[ks + throats of blood-gold]ting[les] 2 (666)
*** Un[lye]able 2 re.sa[l]ve (g)lo(b).c.al host
*** Can.cell[s + market .genes](is.)ed connect


. . .... .....

.i.dream.the.n e X ][t][ us.

.... . .??? .......