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Abstract (in English)

A timeline relating digital literature and computation divided into three main topics: technological context (brown), cultural context (blue) and digital literature [littérature numérique] (green).

Digital literature started at the same time as electronic computation. This timeline presents digital literature in context, showing its roots in terms of pioneering scientific issues and literary issues, from the poetic avant-garde of the 20th century to more traditional writing systems. Digital literature progressively transforms itself with technological updating.

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

La littérature numérique est apparue en même temps que l'informatique. Elle s'enracine dans des problématiques scientifiques pionnières et des questions littéraires issues des avant-gardes poétiques du 20e siècle ou des écritures plus traditionnelles. Elle se transforme au fur et à mesure des progrès technologiques.


Database or Archive Referenced
Critical Writing Referenced
Creative Works Referenced
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The timing of this exercise is a two hours session in the computer room of the university. It can also be an e-learning or blended learning activity. In that case the student would follow the process of the activity by reading the instructions published on the Virtual Campus of the university and having an online communication with the instructor. In the first place the teacher would briefly explain what is electronic literature and which are the main genres in Hispanic Electronic Literature:
1. La narrativa hipertextual
Subgenres: A) Escritura colaborativa B) Narrativa hipermedia
2. La ciberpoesía
3. El ciberdrama

In the second place the website of Literatura Electrónica Hispánica would be visited:…

In the practical part of the session students are invited to analyze and criticize a Spanish literary work about young and social issues which students can find interesting. The sections of the critical analysis are:

1) Read/Watch one of the following works:
El diario del niño burbuja de Belén Gache
Wordtoys de Belén Gache
Heartbeat de Dora García
Pinzas de metal de Tina Escaja
2) Make a Power Point indicating:
Genre: narración hipertextual interactiva, hipermedia or blog novela
3) Write what electronic literature provides that the printed cannot
4) Analyze the elements: characters, speaker, conflict, style, tone, background and themes

To conclude the student sends his project to the professor by the university virtual platform

Description in original language
Spanish (Castilian)
Abstract (in original language)

La duración de este ejercicio es una sesión de dos horas en el aula de informática de la universidad. También puede llevarse a cabo como una actividad de educación a distancia o semipresencial. En tal caso el alumno seguiría el proceso de la actividad leyendo las instrucciones publicadas en el campus virtual de la universidad y manteniendo contacto una comunicación online con el instructor. En primer lugar el profesor o profesora explica brevemente con ayuda de un Power Point qué es la literatura electrónica y los tres géneros principales que pueden distinguirse dentro de ella:
1. La narrativa hipertextual
Subgéneros: A) Escritura colaborativa B) Narrativa hipermedia
2. La ciberpoesía
3. El ciberdrama

En segundo lugar se presenta a los alumnos la página web de libre acceso de Literatura Electrónica Hispánica:…

En tercer lugar comienza la parte práctica de la sesión en la que se invita a los estudiantes a analizar y criticar obras de literatura electrónica hispánica de temas juveniles y sociales que puedan despertar su interés. Los apartados del análisis crítico que deben realizar son:

1) Leer/visualizar una de las obras siguientes:
El diario del niño burbuja de Belén Gache
Wordtoys de Belén Gache
Heartbeat de Dora García
Pinzas de metal de Tina Escaja
2) Crear una ficha en Power Point indicando:
Género: narración hipertextual interactiva, hipermedia o blog novela
3) Qué aporta esta obra digital que no puede aportar el texto impreso
4) Elementos de la literatura: Personajes, narrador, conflicto, estilo, tono, ambiente, temas

En último lugar el alumno envía su trabajo al profesor vía la plataforma virtual de la universidad.

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Abstract (in English)

Digital media and computational technologies are revolutionizing our lives by altering relations between our selves, others, and the world. Literacy studies, this course proposes, can help us better understand the digital revolution’s impact by situating its innovative technologies, those “new media” that rapidly lose their aura of newness, within a longer discursive history.

Students will study literary mediations of technological developments from the late-19th century to the present. The emphasis will be on analyzing how modern writers, active in 20th- and 21st-century literary discourse networks, have engaged with technology and responded to the technologization of culture. In an historical survey spanning several literary movements and stages of modernity, we’ll explore how literature, literary theory, and criticism have transcribed the technological imaginary and reconfigured people’s everyday lives and experiences.

Students will be introduced to several literary resources in the digital humanities. Interested students may have opportunities to collaborate in digital-humanities projects affiliated with a literary database (the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base, or one of the Web’s longest-running, open-access, literary-critical journals (ebr, the Electronic Book Review

This course was offered in the Spring 2014 semester to MA students enrolled in the Literacy Studies program at the University of Stavanger.

Database or Archive Referenced
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

An Annotated Bibliography Of Interactive Fiction Scholarship Including Fan-produced Criticism and Theory

The term "interactive fiction" is here applied to a specific form of computer-mediated textual narrative that responds to user input, generally in the form of brief typed commands (e.g. "take keys" or "headmaster, tell me about Malcolm").  The text unfolds collaboratively, with the "player" actually writing part of the narrative. This bibliography does not examine literary hypertext.

(Source: Author's introduction)


§ 1) Academic/Professional Sources 1.1: Books, Articles and Theses 1.2: Conference Papers, Project Reports and Student Papers § 2) General (Non-academic) Publications 2.1: Reportage (Journalism and Non-academic Books) 2.2: Essays (Nostalgia and Reflection) 2.3: Literature (References to IF in Other Genres) §3) Manifestos and Taxonomies Reviews, commentary and criticism from the IF community.§ 4) Archives and Meta-resources Newsletters, weblogs, and other compilations.