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Navega entre la permutación constante alrededor de tres palabras que solo se diferencian en una letra y cuyos significados varían completamente según los artículos que las unen. Se han dispuesto de forma fantasmal todas las variaciones conocidas de la unión entre estas tres palabras para que el lector explore y descubra los variantes. El poema abre un proceso de escritura normalmente oculto al lector y lo pone a su disposición desmitificándolo.

(Source: Author's page)

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By Svetlana Kuchina, 16 September, 2019
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Abstract (in English)

This paper deals with key aspects of the Oulipo and Dada methods and their implementation in electronic generative poetry. Oulipian constraints such as acrostics, tautograms, simple numerical limitations and combinatory algo-rithms are easily integrated into digital environments. The analysis of structural, lexical and stylistic peculiarities of generative poetry is illustrated by permuta-tional schemes (Poem.exe by Liam Cooke, Book of all Words by Józef Żuk Piwkowski), combinatory patterns (Frequency by Scott Rettberg) and syntactic templates (Dizains by Marcel Bénabou, Triolets by Paul Braffort) of electronic poems. Many combinatory and permutational electronic poems present tech-nologically improved versions of the Oulipo constraints and Dada techniques such as open-form poetry and the use of image and graphic components in its structure. However, the electronic environment gives them an ambivalent sta-tus. Although the surface of an electronic poem looks open and random, its inward structure is preconfigured to use established parameters.

kuchina_sa.pdf (1.26 MB)