
Description (in English)

„Street Flower” is application designed by Jan K. Argasiński and Piotr Marecki. The technical side of the project is based on the creation of a mobile application that runs in conjunction with iBeacon devices (Estimote Beacons). This technology includes a text generator in a spatial context and action based on the position relative to specified, "electronically tagged" objects. With this combination, dynamically created texts will operate in the context of a specially prepared micro version of the Internet of Things. In our project, we focus on the work of the Polish poet Tadeusz Peiper (1881–1969), sometimes referred to as the Pope of the Avant-garde, an artist and theoretician of the socalled Kraków Avant-garde. His greatest achievement was a poetic form he called a “blossoming arrangement”, in which the constraint stems from the fact that the poem gradually unfolds from smaller units of the poem. We adapt Peiper’s classic „Kwiat ulicy” („Street Flower”), a blossoming poem from 1924, for Estimote Beacons. Thanks to the spatial possibilities of the iBeacon device, Peiper's work gains the spatial shape of a blossom, which was limited by the page. The reader navigates the space with his mobile device in hand and by using the specially designed app, he/she discovers the 4 layers of the work. Operation of the proposed mobile application is based on three contextual aspects: the action of the paired smartphone and beacon working in tandem, the tracking capability of the beacon’s distance from the smartphone and recording the current direction of smartphone’s movement in relation to the beacon. The actors in the created application include: users (operator with respect to whom and in response to whose actions that text will be generated), application (as the recipient of user actions; works in real time and reacts to those actions), smartphone (on which the application is running; the operating system [Android in this case] allows for use of built-in device sensors and transmitters/receivers that enable proper operation of an application and communication with the beacon), and the beacon (passive sender of the radio signal; its task is to broadcast continuous information about itself; in the project we assume that the beacons are fixed in one position). The system consists of three main components and communication between them. The first component are passive signal senders, the Estimote Beacons. They broadcast information about themselves via Bluetooth Low Energy. Another component is the user application installed on the mobile device, smartphone. The application begins to listen for beacon signals in the vicinity. The last component is the Internet with freely realized connection between it and the application.  

By Trung Tran, 12 September, 2017
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

Visiting Egypt in the eighties, Noam Chomsky marvelled at the intellectuals and university professors who had invited him there in the midst of political turmoil. “They haven’t got water or electricity in parts of Cairo,” he is said to have remarked, “and all they are talking about is postmodernism.”

Description in original language
Short description

While there are strong centers of activity in electronic literature in North America and Western Europe, innovations in digital textuality are also taking place in Eastern Europe and in the Southern hemisphere. This exhibition focuses on electronic literature from Brazil, Peru, Poland, Portugal, and Russia.

This exhibition at 3,14 focuses on electronic literature produced by international authors and artists outside of the Anglo/American and Western European mainstream, including the countries Brazil, Canada, Peru, Poland, Portugal and Russia. The works in this exhibit were selected both via an open call and by curators from Poland (Piotr Marecki), Russia (Natalia Fedorova and Daria Khabarova), and Portugal (Álvaro Seiça). Both historical works and contemporary projects are represented. Bringing these diverse collections together provides an opportunity to consider how practices and genres in electronic literature are influenced both by the exchange of ideas on the global network and by important national and regional artistic traditions.

Works and Curated Exhibitions include:

  • Nicola Harwood, Fred Wah, Jin Zhang, Bessie Wapp, Simon Lysander Overstall, Tomoyo Ihaya, Phillip Djwa, Thomas Loh, Hiromoto Ida and Patrice Leung. High Muck a Muck: Playing Chinese.
  • Jose Aburto. Small poetic interfaces – the end of click.
  • Francisco Marinho and Alckmar Santos. Palavrador.
  • Jakub Jagiełło and Laura Lech. Labyrinth.
  • Natalia Fedorova. “This Is Not a Utopia”—Russian Electronic Literature.
  • Álvaro Seiça and Piotr Marecki: “p2p: Polish-Portuguese E-Lit.”

(Source: ELO 2015 catalog)

Record Status
By Eric Dean Rasmussen, 7 April, 2011
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

In this volume we wil continue to expand the Ergodic History theme started in the Yearbook 2006, with five articles dealing with the Polish literary history. In addition we have articles on various cybertextual themes.

(Source: Cybertext Yearbook Database).