Raine Koskimaa (b. 1968, Finland), PhD, professor of Digital Culture at the University of Jyvaskyla, Department of Art and Culture Studies. Author of Digital Literature. From Text to Hypertext and Beyond (2000, Doctoral Dissertation Thesis, University of Jyvaskyla). Co-founder and co-editor of the Cybertext Yearbook, established in 2000, available at: http://cybertext.hum.jyu.fi/. Member of the Electronic Literature Organization Literary Advisory Board. Member of the Game StudiesReview Board. Programme Chair for the Digital Arts and Culture 2005 Conference (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark).
Raine Koskimaa works as a professor of digital culture at the Department of Art and Culture Studies. He teaches researches in the fields of digital textuality, programmable media, and game studies. He has published widely around the issues of digital culture, digital literature, hyper and cybertextuality, game studies, reader-response studies, media use, and narratology. He is the co-editor of the Cybertext Yearbook Series and a member of the Literary Advisory Board for the Electronic Literature Organization and the Review Board for Gamestudies.
Updated bio (as of Dec. 3, 2014)
Raine Koskimaa works as a professor of contemporary culture studies at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. He conducts research in the fields of digital textuality, programmable media, and game studies. He has published widely around the issues of digital literature, game studies, and narratology, and his writings have appeared in several languages. He is the co-founder and co-editor of the Cybertext Yearbook, member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, the Literary Advisory Board for the Electronic Literature Organization and the Review Board for Gamestudies.