The ontological question of the essence of cinema, embodied by Bazin and his "what is cinema" moves today, under the pressure of new forms of consumption of images to a "relocation" of cinema, summarized in this question: "where is the cinema? ". After having investigated the code, the generative, the algorithm, the flow, we could ask ourselves also where is the numerical literature, with an exit of the screen sometimes rendering obsolete this idea of a mainly electronic literature. The desire to write in digital "seems to abandon the tests and essays of digital literature for fear of seeing the possible tracks of new forms of writing to close one by one. Can we ask that this electronic literature resurface in a book in good form like stones in an open digital garden? This is what we asked with our multimedia design students from the DSAA Boulogne (France) whose four creations are detailed below in this proposal. It seems that these students, these digital natives - this strange generation whose lack of history with digital "appearance" allows them to reshape the fields of intervention and limit of digital writing - take up the question where it seems finally the most obvious: in the book, by exploring a digital writing that is written, visualized, sounded and becomes a literature of the sensory object. The four creations of these students are thus exploratory objects working the delimitations of the digital in a logic of the addition. Moved out of the central frame, digital writing is embodied in a diffuse way, sometimes off the screen, in a drift of meaning on the materiality of the digital, in the manner of our everyday, mobile and embodied in the object . Assume that the increased book allows you to climb the first steps of a future location. It is in this idea that we propose to expose these four books made by students of DSAA, today members of the research and creation workshop 3i (Images, Innovation, Interactivity), here is the description more detailed.
1. Insignificant noise Heloise of Almeida Insignifiés du Noise is a trans-media project conceived around the plastic and sound exploration of the noise domain. Grouped into three categories, the sounds used in this augmented edition belong to organic, mechanical and electronic fields. Noises from the first two fields, organic and mechanical, have been invested to produce the visual content of the book in its printed form, which the reader manipulates. The noises of the third field - the electronic field - were invested like material of the increase of the edition. This led to the creation of a book consisting of two booklets and a sound increase on smartphone. Thanks to an image recognition system, the reader is able to scan the pages of both booklets simultaneously, and to transcribe the visual translations into a new sound combination. Thus the sounds produced are really the sound signatures of graphic noises.
2. Rode B-6-9 / Anne Deurgroënd Lucie Plancon Rode B-6-9, Anne Deurgroënd (= Road B-6-9, Underground) is an augmented edition on the theme of everyday music, and more specifically that perceptible in transport. It is a call to travel, an abstract and offbeat poetry, composed of photographs and texts interpreted by three actors. In the unique tempo of the train, there exists a multitude of rhythms, singular and diverse, which can gradually appear absurd. This environment, perfectly realistic at the origin, gives way to the chimeras of each. The written text, like the path, is divided into three parts: B-6-9. They become forms of songs interpreted by three different actors. Each adds his sensitivity and his vision of the course to bring a radically abstract and absurd tone. These sound interpretations are readable thanks to NFC chips that must be scanned with your smartphone. In all its abstractivity, this project mixes new and old technologies in an editorial concept comprising 18 musics, 12 posters, 3 pockets and 3 voices united in the same box.
3. The invasion Marjorie Terral The invasion is an edition offering augmented reality content that mixes texts, photos and graphics. The edition evokes an idea of sounds that are repeated, accumulate in different places, at different times of the day, with a search for visual representation for sound environments. The shots, more evocative than figurative, are there to stimulate the imagination, as are the motifs that unfold throughout the book as an attempt at subjective sound translation. These motifs, present in the printed edition, then come alive in the increase bringing each photograph to life, transforming each page into an animated and sonorous picture. For each heard sound corresponds a pattern that invades the photo, these sounds come to accumulate, repeat themselves, register in a rhythm more and more charged to transcribe this feeling of invasion, saturating, blurring the photo, in revealing the presence of these noises in a new way.
4. The world of Hylae Guillaume Verguin "The world of Hylae takes you into a strange universe, inspired by a distant culture ... It's up to you to capture a talisman in this amazing world where only a wild fauna and flora live and to reveal what this magic stone hides ... " On this narrative thread for youth, The world of Hylae experiments with different digital devices: - an interactive installation - an augmented edition, between paper and digital - VR experience All three question the meaning of touch, exploring a digital materiality. The edition positions a paper notebook cut out on a tablet and proposes new interactions. The reader reads the story printed on the cut out notebook, turns the pages and sees the screen of the tablet through the shapes cut out in the notebook; creating new interactions. Each double page then offers a specific interaction for the viewer. Can we talk here about interactive publishing; indeed who comes here to increase the other, paper or digital? Because the notebook physically hides the digital, while digital offers new possibilities for paper. Moreover the two mediums were thought simultaneously, why talk of increase? Perhaps to better understand this new type of object and visualize the stakes.