Written for the opening of the Stavanger Concert hall and its custom built organ, the poetry film The Pipes is an ode to the industrial history and former backbone of the city. Published as part 9 of the electronic poetry film series Gasspedal Animert, intended for electronic distribution through the internet, the film combines text, sound and digital animation. This particular film is a collaboration between the small press Gasspedal and the publishing house Gyldendal. (Source: ELO 2015 Conference Catalog)
BwO (Body without Organs): All the words of the text from 'Mille Plateaux' are floating in space, disembodied from their pages, interconnected by a luminous thread; the code follows each word in its reading order, embodying a meta-body-without-organs in 3d space, charting diffuse abstract paths united by generative's logic thread. (Source: Author's homepage)
Den arabiske skrift er omgærdet af mystik og uforståelighed, måske fordi den er udspændt mellem den største betydning og den rene abstraktion - gennemsyret af metafysisk betydning og fuld af ærefrygt. Samtidig har forbudet mod det figurative og repræsentationen avlet en ustyrlig vækst af mønstre og arabesker. Karen Wagner introducerer en række moderne kalligrafer: mellemøstlige, ofte eksilerede kunstnere, som skaber forbindelse til fortidens tradition, såvel som vestlige “asemikere”, for hvem kalligrafien åbner en alternativ indgang til skriftbilledet, oplevelsen af sproget, ja måske endda selve tanken.
Han, som underviste i pennens brug,
lærte mennesket det, det ikke vidste.
-Qur'an, Sura Al-'Alaq (96:4-5)
A short text and comic: The characters are three peas waking up after a nightmare, fight, take a walk, get scared and go back to bed. [Source: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/loryuno/litterature-francaise/XX-SIECLE/QUENE… ]
Un texte bref et comique: les personnages sont trois petits pois qui se réveillent après un cauchemar, se disputent, font un tour, prennent peur et retournent se coucher. [Source: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/loryuno/litterature-francaise/XX-SIECLE/QUENE… ]
The scrambled, fragmented diary of a man going slowly insane, featuring cinematic cut-sequences and interactive texts. This project was the very first online project by 'Dreaming Methods' - a fusion of writing and new media.
Requires Flash Player 5 or higher.