artistic tradition

By Sissel Hegvik, 20 April, 2013
Publication Type
All Rights reserved
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Abstract (in original language)

Den arabiske skrift er omgærdet af mystik og uforståelighed, måske fordi den er udspændt mellem den største betydning og den rene abstraktion - gennemsyret af metafysisk betydning og fuld af ærefrygt. Samtidig har forbudet mod det figurative og repræsentationen avlet en ustyrlig vækst af mønstre og arabesker. Karen Wagner introducerer en række moderne kalligrafer: mellemøstlige, ofte eksilerede kunstnere, som skaber forbindelse til fortidens tradition, såvel som vestlige “asemikere”, for hvem kalligrafien åbner en alternativ indgang til skriftbilledet, oplevelsen af sproget, ja måske endda selve tanken.

Pull Quotes

Han, som underviste i pennens brug,
lærte mennesket det, det ikke vidste.

-Qur'an, Sura Al-'Alaq (96:4-5)

By Patricia Tomaszek, 12 January, 2011
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

What constitutes the distinctive aspects of digital art? In what manner is art (created by the possibilities offered by electronic writing) either breaking away from or innovating upon the previous artistic tradition? The search for an answer to these questions leads us to circumscribe five traits, many of which are common to more recent artistic traditions. These are, in order: reflections on language, the thematisation of the act of production, the conceptual value of the work, art in a place beyond its reproducibility and the consequent value of its uniqueness, but above all, the work as a fragmented assemblage.

“Self Portrait (s) [as Other (s)]” by Talan Memmott, published in the first volume of the Electronic Literature Collection, summarizes and provides a case study, and in many ways it is exemplary of these traits.


Creative Works referenced