Published on the Web (virtual world)

Description (in English)

Svaha, Tantra, Death is a shamanic operation on perceptions and inner experience. This performance does not involve showing existing work; instead, it creates a transformative event and its entangled representation. We will perform virtual generation, completion, and dance of Yamantaka, a Tibetan tantric deity. We will perform textual transformation of the world. We will be re-situating electronic literature performance practices in philosophical and corporeal register. The work moves from hi-speed text through generated clusters of Yamantaka, to ordered and disordered images of the natural world and its bodies.


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Description (in English)

The project is not a fictive game with still unexamined possibilities of genetics and it does not aim to popularize scientific discoveries. It is rather a sort of experimental observation of the development of consciousness and science. It raises a simple question: To what extent are we prepared to participate in all that we have made possible and that we yearn to make possible for ourselves? The project is based on an interactive game played on the Internet. Choosing among different genetically determined traits the players (participants in the project) create virtual embryos - their own virtual progeny. The created embryos are exhibited in an "embryo gallery". In the second phase of the project the society of virtual people created by Internet users is compared with the inhabitants of a "real" society. Monthly reports containing data analyses were issued during the first 6 months of the project. All Internet users willing to take part in the project are invited to join the mailing list, discuss the actual issues of genetic engineering and cloning, comment on the presented ideas, etc. [Taken from official website ]

Description (in English)

Web-art work that focus on the poetics of alterity – the game of identity and alterity. Based on interactors’ data (skin color, name, city, country, gender, height and weight) the work creates different visual kaleidoscopes intending to cause reflection about people’s differences and similarities.

(Source: Artist's site)

The artist also produced a version of the work for Second Life, where the kaleidoscope is formed by the leaves of a tree. Each avatar who interacts creates a leaf with his/her skin color and each 10 leaves created causes the tree to produce a coin of L$ 1,00, which can be taken by any avatar who touches it.

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Description (in original language)

So schreibt die _Viro.Logic Condition][ing][ 1.1_ Science Fiction im Wortsinne der
Wissenschafts- und Technikfiktion. Jenes „new flesh“, das David Cronenbergs Film
Videodrome 1983 als phantasmagorisch-sexuelle Verschmelzung von Körpern und
elektronischer Informationstechnologie imaginiert und auf das ikonische Sinnbild
des Bildschirms verdichtet, der seinen Betrachter erotisch einsaugt, verlagert sich
hier auf die abstrakt-symbolische Ebene einer algorithmisch virulent gewordenen
Schrift. An die Stelle herkömmlicher Science Fiction, die aus einer Beobachterposition
und in deskriptiver Prosa von Technologie als Quelle kultureller und epistemologischer
Verunsicherung erzählt, tritt eine teilnehmende Beobachtung in technischer
Hybridsprache, deren epistemologische Reflexion sich aus der Beschaffenheit
ihrer Codes ableitet. Diese Codes sind sexualisiert, weil sie an Körper und Subjekte
angeheftet sind. Technische Symbole akkumulieren so zu intimen Schriften und
imaginären, alphanumerischen Cyborgs; die mezangelle der _Viro.Logic Condition][
ing][ 1.1_ schreibt ihren phantastischen und grotesken Realismus.

(Quelle: Florian Cramer: Exe.cut[up]able statements. Poetische Kalküle und Phantasmen des selbstausführenden Texts)

Description (in English)

Ghost City is a website that focuses on the representation of the city by the mass media. It uses the space of the web as a sculptural space, allowing viewers to interact with animated graphics to delve deeper and deeper into an imaginary city.

Ghost City is a labyrinthine environment through which viewers can navigate, either following the linear narrative that unfolds by moving from page to page, or they can delve into the non-linear chaos of random links. Each space is made up of appropriated images and texts. The images are culled from various print media sources. The texts are either found passages from urban theory or specifically written poetic musings on the city.

Rather than present static images, Ghost City is a collage of moving parts. It is a pulsating grid of flashing images that loop indefinitely. The viewer is an urban wanderer moving through the site, step by step, page by page. One moves forward and back retracing ones steps within the urban grid, discovering new spaces and new meanings. Ghost City is about memory, and about traveling through time and space. The time is infinite. The space is finite. Yet the time and space of Ghost City metaphorically relate to the experience of the city where people walk and talk and interact. Within the confines of Ghost City visitors can pause and think and move backwards and forwards. Ghost City is a city of fragments. A memory. A ghost of reality. A ghost city. Ghost City was begun in 1997 and has been changed and updated over the last four years. Each visit to Ghost City while seemingly similar, upon close examination reveals new avenues to explore.

(Source: 2002 ELO State of the Arts gallery)

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Description (in English)

The Nowhere Dance is a performance that to place in Alan Sondheim's Second Life exhibition The Accidental Artist ( It was performed by Alan Sondheim and Sandy Baldwin February 11th 2009.