A product, a novel, a meeting place, or rather, as it is perhaps more correct to say, a catalyst of creative energy, which exceed the web to the real world, from lands of Second Life to the pages of blogs and magazines, to the cities of the world, from architecture and design to writing, music, visual art. It's a multilinguistic and multimedia project, therefore, that left itself to be discovered and interrogated during its construction, on the blogs dedicated to and on the occasion of various presentations and exhibitions in Bologna, Florence, Rome, Milan, Potenza;
"The Asian Tower ", as a virtual construction, comes from the testing of the idea of virtual space as a story of its builder and owners in Second Life,, Asian Lednev aka Fabio Fornasari, an architect and designer from Bologna in real life;
"The Asian Tower ", as a collective novel, comes from the narrative experimentation, as a literary refund of contemporary experiential and linguistic babel, by the writer from Potenza, Lorenza Colicigno, in Second Life Azzurra Collas. Professional writers, like the writer Rai Giuseppe Iannicelli aka MacEwan Writer aka William Nessuno, and not professional writers, at least in fiction writing, as Susy Decosta, AtmaXenia Giha, Sunrise Jefferson aka Albamarina Cervino, Margye Ryba aka Carmen Auletta, Piega Tuqiri aka Piero Gatti, Aldous Writer, have partecipated to the project with the involvement of the musician / artist Paolo Ferrario and multimedia artist Elisa Laraia: a group of avatars / people who have accidentally met nearby the Tower, in the land of Post Utopia, and built around it a complex web of stories and interpretations of stories. Today, while the project has nearly come to an end with the publication of “The Archive of the Asian Tower”on the web site www.paroladidonna.net of Lorenza Colicigno , a sort of memorial repository in which is concentrated all its history as a project and as a product, “The Asian Tower” becomes a sort of permanent garrison of the story, a metaphor for that special novel whose protagonist is everyone with his own life and in his own words in the deep space of internet universe. The Asian Tower is also an auteur book with a preface by Mario Gerosa, which contains the concept of the novel, part of the novel itself, a music CD with music by Paolo Ferrario and a video by Elisa Laraia. Some chapters of the novel are the central chapter of Mario Gerosa web-literature anthology, “Parla come navighi”, ed. Il Foglio letterario. At the moment, a mystery surrounds the publication of the complete work, which web-literature experts as Mario Gerosa, prefer to imagine as infinite. The Asian Tower, then, is not only the container of the words containing it, much more, is a symbol, a metaphor for our time as possible. If the contemporary world, in fact, costantly risks of being a fragmented and alienating place, indeed of being a non-place, without personal and social profile, painted with the dark tones of war and death, with no prospect of the future, just in this contemporaneity, even if it starts from the Babel of communication, The Asian Tower means to be the opposite of the tower of Babel, that is, a combining place, a place where the encounter, the exchange, the multiplicity of languages, of roles, of characters, make you believe you can still understand each other. If Borges said that “ a book exists, as long as it is possible” Azzurra Collas adds, with all humility, that “ the future exists, as long as you make it possible”.