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Poetry. Women's Studies. To the question posed, to Job, as obviously unanswerable—have you seen to the edge of the universe?— Strickland's poems answer, we can, we have. Strickland probes the shape-shifting (reformatted) body and tests our changing (reconfigured) capability of caring for others as she expresses grief for historic, mystic, and mythic women; for women who burn, in space, at the stake, and as they sweep; for her mother and only daughter. Job is asked, Where is the road to light? In these poems, gathered from a lifetime of writing open to history, to code, to mathematics and matter as these translate each other, an abundance of pointers: no road that is not a road to light.

Description (in original language)

"Calar-se não é ser mudo, é recusar falar, portanto falar ainda". (Jean-Paul Sartre)

Por entre os processos centrípetos/centrífugos de rarefacção que permeiam a comunicação, uma sequência de processos palavrofágicos por meio do qual a palavra é devorada, mastigada, digerida e devolvida, para de novo ser engolida. Apresentando-se sob a forma de três variações – “Absorção” (instalação fotográfica), “Devoração” (publicação em papel e tinta comestíveis), “Consumição” (interface digital) – a série “PALAVROFAGIA” pretende explorar possibilidades intermediais e transliterárias de representação da palavra poética. Da visão háptica na fotografia/cromatografia ao toque háptico na poesia digital, passando pela multisensorialidade do livro comestível, esta série sugere uma contaminação constante entre tecnologias analógicas e digitais, representada por três formas geométricas mutáveis de disposição da palavra.

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Description (in English)

This multimedia work is a remake of the 1960s collection "El hacedor" by Jorge Luis Borges. Agustín Fernández Mallo maintains the structure and chapter titles, but changes the content to demonstrate how the material gains symbolic significance over time. One paradigmatic example includes the remake of Borges's story "Mutations". Agustín Fernández Mallo's take on it presents a narrator who recreates Robert Smithson's 1967 famous journey through the use of google maps as well as images that compare the journeys. In this regard, the text conveys a comparison between the in-person and the virtual journeys, thereby exploring the temporal difference and the impacts of technology and societal context. 


Description (in original language)

Es una pieza multimedia, categorizado como un remake de la colección "El hacedor" de Jorge Luis Borges publicada en los 1960. Agustín Fernández Mallo mantiene la estructura y los títulos de la capítulos, pero cambia el contenido para demonstrar cómo el material gana significado símbolico al pasar el tiempo. En un capítulo paradigmático, el narrador en la obra de Mallo recrea el célebre viaje de Robert Smithson en 1967 a través de google maps y presenta imágenes que comparan los viajes. Por lo cual se puede demostrar la comparación del viaje en persona y un viaje virtual y también explora la diferencia del tiempo y el impacto de la tecnología y la población.  

Description in original language
Pull Quotes
  • "A este tipo de cosas me refiero, cosas que no estaban programadas porque parecen no aportar nada significativo, aunque de pronto cambien el curso de una película." (95)

  • "Pero, de alguna manera, tengo la sensación de que todo sigue igual, como si la personalidad de un lugar la otorgaran las fotografías como si las fotografías valieran no para distinguir y clasificar épocas sino para buscar la constante de una ecuación que involucra al tiempo y al carácter." (69)

Technical notes

Agustín Fernández Mallo's book is currently out of print. It was taken out of circulation due to possible copyright infringement, following the request of Borges's copyright executor María Kodama. 

Contributors note

It is recommended to read "El hacedor" by Jorge Luis Borges before reading this text, as it enables maximum comprehension of the novel and the references to the original work. 

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Description (in English)

Vicente Luis Mora is a literary critic and Spanish author of Alba Cromm, a book that takes place in a sinister dystopian future. It tells the events that lead to the capture of the infamous pederast, highly wanted by the National Police, NEMO, through a dossier. Utilizing the print form, Alba Cromm adopts the review structure through a variety of stylistic resources, such as diary entries, publicity announcements, and interviews. The obvious theme elapsed through most of the work is the fight with the embodied passions in the human institution, such as the protection fo the most vulnerable, like children.

Description (in original language)

Vicente Luis Mora escritor Español y crítico literário, escribió Alba Cromm, un libro que toma lugar en un futuro distópico siniestro. Relata la historia de los acontecimientos ocurridos que conducen a la captura del pederasta más buscado por la Policia Nacional, NEMO, por medio de un dossier. Utilizando la forma impresa, Alba Cromm adopta la estructura de una revista a través de una variedad de recursos estilísticos, tal como entradas diario, anuncios de publicidad, y entrevistas. Un tema evidente transcurrido a lo largo de la obra es el lidiar con las pasiones encarnadas en la institución humana, tal como el proteger a los más vulnerables, como los niños. 

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Description (in English)

Crónica de Viaje by Jorge Carrión is a literary work printed in the form of a laptop that uses the Google search engine. Carrión is on a mission to find and learn more about the history of his Andalusian family. He uses Google's features such as images, videos, and maps to discover his identity and history.

Description (in original language)

Crónica de viaje de Jorge Carrión es un texto literario en la forma impresa de un ordenador que usa el buscador de Google. Carrión esta en una misión para encontrar y aprender más sobre la historia de su familia andaluza que fue perdida durante la guerra civil española. Usa los recursos de Google como las imágenes, los videos y los mapas para descubrir esta parte de su identidad.

Description in original language
Pull Quotes

"Solo fui una vez, se hacia en el Parque Forestal, me choco ver a una niñá que yo conocia, no me acuerdo si del colegio o del barrio, vestida de sevillana, a mi nunca me disfrazaron, de hecho no recuerdo nada tipicamente andaluz en mi infancia, a parte de los viajes periodicos a Santaella y aquella unica vez que fuimos a La Alpujarra..." (p. 9)

"Si yo te contara... Mi abuelo, el padre de mi madre, se murio sentao, cavando en la viña, cerca del rio, lo encontraron sentao, y muerto." (p. 13)


Screen shots
Contributors note

Text was originally published in 2009. Republished in 2014 to mimic a laptop.

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Description (in English)

The Ice-Bound Concordance is an award-winning interactive narrative game where story pieces are as fluid as building blocks, and where endings are discovered with the help of a physical printed art book, The Ice-Bound Compendium.

(Source: Website)

Part of another work
Screen shots
Front Cover