The study of what is collectively labeled "New Media"—the cultural and artistic practices made possible by digital technology—has become one of the most vibrant areas of scholarly activity and is rapidly turning into an established academic field, with many universities now offering it as a major. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media is the first comprehensive reference work to which teachers, students, and the curious can quickly turn for reliable information on the key terms and concepts of the field. The contributors present entries on nearly 150 ideas, genres, and theoretical concepts that have allowed digital media to produce some of the most innovative intellectual, artistic, and social practices of our time. The result is an easy-to-consult reference for digital media scholars or anyone wishing to become familiar with this fast-developing field. (Source: JHUP website)
Book (collection)
The original essay, published in English as Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, 1981.
Collection of computer-generated texts based on an exhibition of cybernetic art curated by Jasia Reichardt, shown at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London in 1968.
Writers and professors such as Jordi Carrión, Vicente Luis Mora, Juan Francisco Ferré, Francisca Noguerol and Daniel Mesa sign up articles of this volume that is about the technological and mediatic presenses and its links to processes of deterritorialization in the globalization of literature from the last twenty years, trying to face these presences which are already a tradution in media narratives or seduced by the canon of Latin American literature.
Escritores y profesores como Jordi Carrión, Vicente Luis Mora, Juan Francisco Ferré, Francisca Noguerol y Daniel Mesa firman artículos de este volumen se ocupa de las presencias tecnológicas y mediáticas y sus vínculos con los procesos de desterritorializacion propios de la globalización en la literatura de los últimos veinte años, tratando de confrontar estas presencias con lo que ya es una tradición de narrativas mediáticas o seducidas por los medios en el canon de la literatura latinoamericana.
A collection of essays as a result of the Seminario Internacional X0y1: Arte e industria digital: aproximaciones desde el género y el ciberespacio. January 22rd and 23rd of 2014, CAAC. The debated research papers during the conferences and theoretical projects have been selected to be public. The editors have also added a translation of a brief selection of feminist and digital culture papers by Mary Flanagan, Gesche Joost and Sandra Buckmüller.
Una colección de ensayos como resultado del Seminario Internacional X0y1: Arte e industria digital: aproximaciones desde el género y el ciberespacio. January 22rd and 23rd of 2014, CAAC. Los editores publicaron en este volumen los diferentes trabajos de investigación que fueron debatidos en las conferencias y los proyectos teóricos presentados en el encuentro y seleccionados en la convocatoria pública. A ellos han sumado además la traducción de una breve selección de trabajos sobre feminismo y cultura digital de Mary Flanagan, Gesche Joost y Sandra Buckmüller.
Tras la red is a collection of 16 stories by writers, editors and critics who wrote them after a meeting celebrated in Asturias to debate the future of literature and the influence of the new technologies in it and in our lives. This collection of stories respond to the need of reflecting about this topic and give an answer to the questions that kept without any answer of the debate about literature in the digital age.
Tras la red es una colección de 16 relatos obra de escritores, editores y críticos quienes después de un encuentro celebrado en Asturias para debatir el futuro de la literatura y la influencia de las nuevas tecnologías en ella y en nuestras vidas. Esta colección de relatos responde a su necesidad de reflexionar sobre este tema y dar respuesta a las preguntas que quedaron sin respuesta en su debate sobre la literatura en la era digital.
Nowadays minds tend to be nomad and bodies tend to have a sedentary lifestyle. We may dare formulate another paradox: if orality went together with nomadism, and writing with sedentarism, perhaps that is the reason why e-writing is using orality as a model for communication. In any case, we should be aware of metaphors we use. Within the process of converting the digital medium to a privileged space for information, communication and culture (in this sequence), we observe that two of the greatest impacts on literature arising from technology have been, in the first place, electronic editions for didactic and scientific purposes, and, secondly, the advent of digital literature, that is, literary works that have been created specially for the computer. The editors, Amelia Sanz and Dolores Romero are both lecturers at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Dr. Sanz has developed theoretical reflections on key concepts of twentieth century critical theory, such as intertextuality, systemic approaches, interculturality and hypertextuality. She is coordinator of the research group Literaturas Espanolas y Europeas del Texto al Hipertexto (LEETHI) and director of the E-learning Programme at the Faculty of Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid. Dolores Romero has published the following books: Orientaciones en Literatura Comparada (1998), Una relectura del fin de siglo en el marco de la Literatura Comparada (1998), Naciones literarias (2006) and Seis siglos de poesia espanola escrita por mujeres (2006). She is Chair of the Research Committee on Comparative Literature in the Digital Age (CLDA) of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) and the Vice-president of the International Commission on UNESCO-EOLSS Comparative Literature in the Digital Age.
This book is addressed to computer scientists interested in the creation of new tools for digital humanities and philologists who want to introduce ITC in teaching literature in the classroom. This volume collects a group of studies related to interaction between humanities and new technologies. It has been carried out by professors and researchers from Complutense University, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil) and Grupo Ciberimaginario-ICONO14, which deal with creation of repositories of learning objects, the construction of virtual museums and collaborative annotation from digital documents, specially literary ones.
Analyzing Digital Fiction offers a collection of pioneering analyses based on replicable methodological frameworks. It offers analyses of digital works that have so far received little or no analytical attention and profiles replicable methodologies which can be used in the analyses of other digital fictions. Chapters include analyses of hypertext fiction, Flash fiction, Twitter fiction and videogames with approaches taken from narratology, stylistics, semiotics and ludology. Essays propose ways in which digital environments can expand, challenge and test the limits of literary theories which have, until recently, predominantly been based on models and analyses of print texts.
1.Introduction: From Theorizing to Analyzing Digital Fiction Alice Bell, Astrid Ensslin and Hans Kristian Rustad
Section 1: Narratological Approaches
2. Media-Specific Metalepsis in 10:01 Alice Bell
3.Digital Fiction and Worlds of Perspective David Ciccoricco
4. Seeing into the Worlds of Digital Fiction Daniel Punday
Section 2: Social Media and Ludological Approaches
5. Playing with rather than by the Rules: Metaludicity, Allusive Fallacy and Illusory Agency in The Path. Astrid Ensslin
6. 140 Characters in Search of a Story: Twitterfiction as an Emerging Narrative Form Bronwen Thomas
7. Amnesia, the Dark Descent: The Player's Very Own Purgatory Susana Tosca
8. Wreading Together: The Double Plot of Collaborative Digital Fiction Isabell Klaiber
Section 3: Semiotic-Rhetorical Approaches
9. (In-)Between Word, Image and Sound: Cultural Encounter in Flight Paths. Hans Kristian Rustad
10. Figures of Gestural Manipulation in Digital Fictions Serge Bouchardon
11. Hyperfiction as a Medium for Drifting Times: A Close Reading of the German Hyperfiction Zeit für die Bombe Alexandra Saemmer
Afterword Roberto Simanowski.