computer writing

By Maya Zalbidea, 23 July, 2014
Publication Type
vii, 349
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Abstract (in English)

Nowadays minds tend to be nomad and bodies tend to have a sedentary lifestyle. We may dare formulate another paradox: if orality went together with nomadism, and writing with sedentarism, perhaps that is the reason why e-writing is using orality as a model for communication. In any case, we should be aware of metaphors we use. Within the process of converting the digital medium to a privileged space for information, communication and culture (in this sequence), we observe that two of the greatest impacts on literature arising from technology have been, in the first place, electronic editions for didactic and scientific purposes, and, secondly, the advent of digital literature, that is, literary works that have been created specially for the computer. The editors, Amelia Sanz and Dolores Romero are both lecturers at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Dr. Sanz has developed theoretical reflections on key concepts of twentieth century critical theory, such as intertextuality, systemic approaches, interculturality and hypertextuality. She is coordinator of the research group Literaturas Espanolas y Europeas del Texto al Hipertexto (LEETHI) and director of the E-learning Programme at the Faculty of Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid. Dolores Romero has published the following books: Orientaciones en Literatura Comparada (1998), Una relectura del fin de siglo en el marco de la Literatura Comparada (1998), Naciones literarias (2006) and Seis siglos de poesia espanola escrita por mujeres (2006). She is Chair of the Research Committee on Comparative Literature in the Digital Age (CLDA) of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) and the Vice-president of the International Commission on UNESCO-EOLSS Comparative Literature in the Digital Age.

By Patricia Tomaszek, 20 January, 2012
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Abstract (in English)

Work in progress, presented at the History of Material Texts workshop at the University of Pennsylvania 23 February 2004 (references therefore are omitted).

Montfort investigates into human-computer interaction before the screen and questions "how early print-based interfaces inform our understanding of print and paper metaphors in current computer interfaces."

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My own idea is that while the material experience of an interactive computer program is important, screen-essential approaches to new media tend to collapse important distinctions, and perhaps, by ignoring the print-based history of new media and the fact that computer interface was based on paper to begin with, even understate in some ways how the screen changed the experience of computing, while neglecting the formal and computational continuity that we've seen across computer interfaces.

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