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Textual engine of Rui Torres with dialogue between medieval cantigas (the poetry of the troubadourism) and the re-reading that of them was done by Salette Tavares.

Description (in original language)

Motor textual com diálogo entre cantigas medievais (a poesia do trovadorismo) e algumas releituras que delas foram feitas por Salette Tavares.

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Contributors note

Desenho, conceito e programação textual > Rui Torres Imagem de fundo > Desenhos, inscrições e rubricas dos séculos XV e XVI do Cancioneiro da Ajuda Fontes utilizadas > AuldMagick font (2011, AgaSilva) e Mawns Graffiti (2010, Måns Grebäck). Léxico usado na combinatória textual > Cantigas Medievais Galego Portuguesas [base de dados online]. Lisboa: Instituto de Estudos Medievais, FCSH/NOVA

Description (in original language)

Inspirado nos Homeóstatos de José-Alberto Marques, este Gerador de Homeóstatos responde, num primeiro nível, a um motor textual combinatório (10 versões programadas com o poemario.js) e, num segundo nível, 'em cima' de cada variação generativa, pode o leitor gerar indeterminados e variáveis homeóstatos. O Homeóstato N, por sua vez, permite ao leitor inserir o seu próprio texto poético para gerar homeóstatos com o léxico seleccionado.

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Gerador de Homeóstatos
Contributors note

Desenho, conceito e programação textual > Rui Torres e Nuno Ferreira. A partir de Homeóstatos, de José-Alberto Marques. In: Homenagem aos Homeóstatos de José-Alberto Marques. Arquivo Digital da PO.EX. http://po-ex.net/taxonomia/transtextualidades/metatextualidades-alograf…

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o anagrama, para ana hatherly (ah). 9 poemas infinitos, 9 superfícies sobrepondo esses poemas, 9 minutos. reiniciar. i.e.: 9 textos em metamorfose, fantasia breve. 9 poemas em indeterminação, palavra-espuma.

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Fantasia breve, a palavra-espuma
Contributors note

de: rui torres. com: ana hatherly, nuno ferreira. para: festival silêncio, fernando aguiar, galeria boavista.

Description (in English)

Digital poems by Rui Torres, through Antonio Ramos Rosa, with words silenced bodies and shadows. 

Description (in original language)

Através de António Ramos Rosa: com palavras corpos silêncios e sombras

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Contributors note

txt, pdf, xml: Rui Torres js: Nuno Ferreira vox: Nuno M Cardoso snd: Luís Aly

Description (in English)

MathX (Metadata-Eye) is an audiovisual software program with an infinite duration that is built using the open source processing programming environment. It is a navigator in a meta-symbolic space, that travels a 3D network of codes and text contents.

A collaborative piece by André Sier and Álvaro Seiça, MathX (Metadata-Eye) was developed for Sier's solo exhitibition 02016.41312785388128 at Ocupart Chiado, Lisboa, from May 19 to June 4, 2016. The navigator presents a poem by Álvaro Seiça made as an invitation to create a text based on the philosophical-archaic-metaphysical references of André Sier's work.

Sier's initial navigator, MathX, was developed in 2010.

Seiça's text departs from Sier's works, MathX Java code, Dziga Vertov's Kino-Eye (1924), and Ted Rall's Snowden (2015).

The collaboration branched out into sound, text, and visual pieces.

(Source: Adapted text from https://thenewartfestival.wordpress.com/catalogue/)

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MathX (Metadata-Eye) (screenshot)
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Description (in English)

«oceanografias» or «a memória da água» is a poetic operation made in a computador from a linear numerical relation of correspondence with some signifiers, which are semantically and phonetically close to each other. [...] The project was developed in an 8-bit microprocessor Sinclair ZX Spectrum in January 1986.

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Description (in English)

Combinatory poem written and programmed by Antero de Alda and Jorge Santos in BASIC for a Spectrum ZX in Sever do Vouga, Portugal, on Jan. 1, 1986. The piece was later renamed as A Memória da Água.

Description (in original language)

Combinação de texto programada por Antero de Alda num microcomputador Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Sever do Vouga, 1/1/1986.

(Source: Po-ex.net)

Description in original language
By Alvaro Seica, 7 November, 2016
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Journal volume and issue
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Abstract (in original language)

O experimentalismo português iniciou-se na década de 1960, com um propósito comum de conferir ao acto poético valores artísticos, políticos e sociológicos assentes numa ruptura de vanguarda. O presente ensaio situa a intervenção experimental como invenção, transgressão e metamorfose, visto que perpassa as obras dos autores de "Poesia Experimental" e, mais tarde, de um novo conjunto de autores que exploraram a poesia visual, sonora, digital e a performance. Através do arquivo Po-ex.net, que documenta e dissemina o seu estudo, traçam-se dois itinerários, revisitando algumas das obras com carácter interventivo e transformativo, desde os anos 1960 até à actualidade.

(Fonte: Resumo dos Autores)

Description (in English)

The initial idea of The Cosmonaut came from a suggestion that we work on the story of Ed Aldrin, bringing it to the digital environment. Of course, the philosophical or anthropological record did not seduce us in any way, but the possibility of fictionalizing a history of religious conversion (or reconversion). On the surface, what is known of this episode is that Aldrin, having remained alone in the Lunar Module while Neil Armstrong made his historic walk ( a small step for a man, a great leap for mankind ...), had a kind of religious epiphany. From there, he became (or came to be) a convicted Christian. On top of that, we proposed to change the location of the epiphany, which became a spacecraft in outer space, orbiting the Moon. The astronaut, on the other hand, would be a cosmonaut because of the etymological implications of this term


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