
By Diogo Marques, 26 July, 2017
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

With this paper it is my intention to reevaluate the use of the adjective “haptic” with respect to a growing demand for tangibility between human and machine, namely through multisensory experiences made available by mixed reality/virtuality. From a haptological philosophic perspective, a tradition oscillating between the emphasis on vision and the emphasis on touch, this paper also intends to analyze notions of touch, gesture and contact, in their multiple meanings, in which the latter serves as a probe to explore the idea of cybrid bodies within processes of haptic perception in HumanMachine Interface (HMI).

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Com o presente artigo proponho-me reavaliar a utilização do adjectivo “háptico” na sua relação com a intensificação da procura de tangibilidade entre ser humano e máquina, nomeadamente através de experiências multissensoriais possibilitadas por processos de realidade/virtualidade misturada. Partindo de uma tradição haptológica de linhas filosóficas, que tem oscilado entre “ocularcêntrica” e “tactilocêntrica”, o artigo explora ainda as noções de toque, de gesto e de contacto, nas suas mais variadas acepções, utilizando-se esta última para explorar a ideia de corpo cíbrido em processos de experienciação háptica com base na Interface Humano-Máquina (IHM).

By Diogo Marques, 26 July, 2017
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The replacement of mechanical-electronic interfaces for tactile haptic contact with the screen, using hands, fingers and, in some cases, biological bodies, brings to the fore a series of literal gestures with obvious influence on the way we read and write in digital multimodal environments. Making use of a rhetoric based on perceptual qualities such as “transparency” and “softness”, this prosthetic reduction seems to give continuity to an ancestral desire of immediate and non mediated access to knowledge. On the other hand, it ends up by paradoxically reinforcing the domain of visuality propelled by Gutenberg’s paradigm as well as an understanding of reading as a visual process. Based on approaches and departures that paradoxes like these are able to trigger, I propose to examine notions of touch and gesture, in relation to writing and reading processes. Namely, taking into account the way it was understood by artistic vanguards such as the Portuguese Experimentalists – whose intermedial, cybertextual and intersensory concerns are still able to give birth to renewed readings when it comes to transactions between literature and digital. Furthermore, a special emphasis will be given to confluences of both analog and digital gestures, as one of the central characteristics of haptic reading processes produced by actual and virtual manipulations of the text in digital literary artworks

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

A gradual substituição de interfaces mecânico-electrónicas pelo contacto tátilo-háptico com o ecrã, através de mãos, dedos e, em determinados casos, todo o corpo biológico, acarreta consigo uma série de toques e gestos literais com influência evidente no modo como lemos e escrevemos em ambientes multimodais digitais. Fazendo uso de uma retórica com base em qualidades perceptivas como “transparência” e “suavidade”, esta redução protética parece dar continuidade a um desejo ancestral imediato e não mediado de acesso ao conhecimento. Por outro lado, e de modo paradoxal, ela acaba por reforçar aquilo que à primeira vista parece contrariar: o domínio secular da visualidade propulsionado pelo paradigma de Gutenberg e um entendimento de leitura enquanto processo mormente visual. É com base nas aproximações e afastamentos que paradoxos como o acima referido despoletam que me proponho analisar neste artigo as noções de toque e de gesto, na sua relação com os processos de escrita e leitura. Como forma de sustentar o argumento delineado utilizar-se-á como exemplo particular o caso do Experimentalismo Português, cujas preocupações intermediais, cibertextuais e intersensoriais continuam hoje a despoletar renovadas leituras nas transações e interseções entre literatura e digital. Por fim, dar-se-á especial destaque à confluência de gestos “analógicos” com gestos “digitais”, enquanto característica singular dos processos de leitura háptica que decorrem de manipulações atuais e virtuais do texto na obra literária digital.

By Diogo Marques, 26 July, 2017
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The present article proposes a reflection on the much-discussed theme of the ―neobaroque‖ in experimental literature. Drawing attention to the presence of baroque influence in the literary art of Italian Futurists and Experimental Portuguese Poets, I argue that, if cybernetic poetry is to be seen as a continuation of Experimentalism, its growing emphasis on gesture and touch should be analysed in accordance with theories pointing to the presence of a gestural dimension in the baroque and, as a consequence, in historical avant-garde movements. Particular emphasis will be given to the theoretical writings of Italian Futurist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and Experimental Portuguese Poet Ana Hatherly, two Vanguard exponents whose artistic works were directly concerned with the tactile/haptic dimension of arts.

Content type
CC Attribution Share Alike
Record Status
Description (in English)

Objects is a digital poem. It creates random combinations with the 27 seven names of the portuguese women killed by their spouses in 2015. The code is based on Silly Poet by Abe Prazos. 

(Source: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/244543)

Description (in original language)

poema digital que cria combinações aleatórias com os 27 nomes das mulheres assassinadas em Portugal em contexto de violência doméstica, durante 2015.feito em Processing a partir do código Silly Poet de Abe Prazos.

(Source: http://cargocollective.com/lilianavasques/e-poetry)

Description in original language
Screen shots
By Alvaro Seica, 31 March, 2017
Publication Type
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

A talk-performance delivered at the University of Coimbra on Torres's praxis. The talk was scripted with a constraint with the letter P. Bruno Ministro assisted by changing 'slides.'

Content type
Publication Type
CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Record Status
Description (in original language)

O primeiro livro publicado na Candonga é um pequeno livro de poesia que procura novos caminhos para se fazer e refazer. Nas suas páginas encontramos uma exploração conceptual e plástica da verbalidade, num emaranhado de estratégias discursivas que pretendem testar a natureza do texto ao transformá-lo em agente híbrido co-habitado por linguagens humanas e maquínicas. Source: Publisher website (https://projectocandonga.wordpress.com/trabalhos/quinquilharia/)

Description in original language
Screen shots
Contributors note

Googlism by Paul Cherry e Chris Morton (googlism.com)

By Rui Torres, 9 December, 2016
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in English)

The aim of this article is to highlight the dialogue established by Herberto Helder, in his poem Húmus – Poema Montagem, with the narrative Húmus by Raul Brandão, through examples of collage and textual combination processes carried out in the poem. Further description is provided, in an exploratory way, about the way by which Húmus – Poema Contínuo, a recombinational experience with both works carried out in the field of Cyberliterature using the textual engine Poemário, promotes a continuous textual metamorphosis of these creations, questioning the materiality of language and the uninterruptible metamorphoses of meaning.

(Source: Authors' Abstract)

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Pretende-se com este artigo evidenciar o diálogo estabelecido por Herberto Helder, no seu poema Húmus – Poema Montagem, com a narrativa Húmus de Raul Brandão, através de exemplos dos processos de colagem e combinação textual levados a cabo no poema. Descreve-se ainda, de um modo exploratório, a forma como Húmus – Poema Contínuo, experiência recombinatória com ambas as obras realizada no âmbito da Ciberliteratura com recurso ao motor textual Poemário, promove a contínua metamorfose textual dessas criações, problematizando a materialidade da linguagem e as metamorfoses ininterruptas da significação.

(Fonte: Resumo dos Autores)

Creative Works referenced