
By Sissel Hegvik, 20 April, 2013
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Abstract (in original language)

Den arabiske skrift er omgærdet af mystik og uforståelighed, måske fordi den er udspændt mellem den største betydning og den rene abstraktion - gennemsyret af metafysisk betydning og fuld af ærefrygt. Samtidig har forbudet mod det figurative og repræsentationen avlet en ustyrlig vækst af mønstre og arabesker. Karen Wagner introducerer en række moderne kalligrafer: mellemøstlige, ofte eksilerede kunstnere, som skaber forbindelse til fortidens tradition, såvel som vestlige “asemikere”, for hvem kalligrafien åbner en alternativ indgang til skriftbilledet, oplevelsen af sproget, ja måske endda selve tanken.

Pull Quotes

Han, som underviste i pennens brug,
lærte mennesket det, det ikke vidste.

-Qur'an, Sura Al-'Alaq (96:4-5)

By Joe Milutis, 22 January, 2012
Publication Type
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Abstract (in English)

A discussion of the film, The Matrix in the context of the future of books, the aestheticization of coding, and the insistence of the analog.  Appears online in CTheory and in Life in the Wires: The CTheory Reader

Pull Quotes

Near the beginning of The Matrix, Neo has hidden some data contraband inside a copy of Baudrillard's Simulations. The book is a joke of simulation in itself; bound in green cloth with gilt letters, it simulates the authority of a classic but has no backing or substance. It is all surface -- the inside has been cut out, is no longer essential. It is an empty prop in more ways than one. But is it a key to the film?

Description (in English)

This work employs animation, sound, graphics, and navigation as semiotic components working together with words to create multiple interpretive layers focusing on the spiritual preactices of a fictional medieval mystic, Saint Caterina. As the different voices offer varying perspectives, the user is immersed in a richly imaged and layered topography where the church hierarchy, academic scholars, the mass of believerss, and the female saint contest for the meaning and significance of her mystical experiences

(Source: N. Katherine Hayles, "Deeper into the Machine: the Future of Electronic Literature", State of the Arts)

Screen shots
stcath 1
stcath 2