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Pricksongs & Descants, originally published in 1969, is a virtuoso performance that established its author”already a William Faulkner Award winner for his first novel”as a writer of enduring power and unquestionable brilliance, a promise he has fulfilled over a stellar career. It also began Coover’s now-trademark riffs on fairy tales and bedtime stories. Pricksongs & Descants is a cornerstone of Robert Coover’s remarkable oeuvre and a brilliant work by a major American writer.

(Grove Atlantic catalog copy for 2000 edition)

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Pricksongs and Descants cover
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Ulysses is a modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It was first serialised in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920 and then published in its entirety in Paris by Sylvia Beach on 2 February 1922, Joyce's 40th birthday. It is considered to be one of the most important works of modernist literature and has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement". According to Declan Kiberd, "Before Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the process of thinking".

Ulysses chronicles the peripatetic appointments and encounters of Leopold Bloom in Dublin in the course of an ordinary day, 16 June 1904. Ulysses is the Latinised name of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey, and the novel establishes a series of parallels between the poem and the novel, with structural correspondences between the characters and experiences of Leopold Bloom and Odysseus, Molly Bloom and Penelope, and Stephen Dedalus and Telemachus, in addition to events and themes of the early 20th-century context of modernism, Dublin, and Ireland's relationship to Britain. The novel is highly allusive and also imitates the styles of different periods of English literature.

Since its publication, the book has attracted controversy and scrutiny, ranging from an obscenity trial in the United States in 1921, to protracted textual "Joyce Wars". The novel's stream-of-consciousness technique, careful structuring, and experimental prose—replete with puns, parodies, and allusions—as well as its rich characterisation and broad humour, have led it to be regarded as one of the greatest literary works in history; Joyce fans worldwide now celebrate 16 June as Bloomsday.

(Source: Wikipedia entry on Ulysses)

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Ulysses cover
By Rui Torres, 9 December, 2016
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
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Abstract (in English)

The aim of this article is to highlight the dialogue established by Herberto Helder, in his poem Húmus – Poema Montagem, with the narrative Húmus by Raul Brandão, through examples of collage and textual combination processes carried out in the poem. Further description is provided, in an exploratory way, about the way by which Húmus – Poema Contínuo, a recombinational experience with both works carried out in the field of Cyberliterature using the textual engine Poemário, promotes a continuous textual metamorphosis of these creations, questioning the materiality of language and the uninterruptible metamorphoses of meaning.

(Source: Authors' Abstract)

Description in original language
Abstract (in original language)

Pretende-se com este artigo evidenciar o diálogo estabelecido por Herberto Helder, no seu poema Húmus – Poema Montagem, com a narrativa Húmus de Raul Brandão, através de exemplos dos processos de colagem e combinação textual levados a cabo no poema. Descreve-se ainda, de um modo exploratório, a forma como Húmus – Poema Contínuo, experiência recombinatória com ambas as obras realizada no âmbito da Ciberliteratura com recurso ao motor textual Poemário, promove a contínua metamorfose textual dessas criações, problematizando a materialidade da linguagem e as metamorfoses ininterruptas da significação.

(Fonte: Resumo dos Autores)

Creative Works referenced
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With the classic text of Gustave Flaubert as its starting point, this multi-channel installation is scheduled for exhibition internationally from early 2014. A work about the link between capitalism and romance, Mieke Bal and Michelle Williams Gamaker’s revisionist take on the 19th century novel was filmed in Åland, Finland in summer 2012 and Paris, France in winter 2013. The installations bring together the brilliant talents of actors Marja Skaffari, Thomas Germaine and Mathieu Montanier and many others. By creating deliberate anachronism and intertextuality, the work attempts to show how Flaubert was in many ways a post-modernist and feminist. It explores the way dominant ideologies – specifically capitalism and its association with emotions, and romantic love with its commercial aspects – are still dominant after 150 years. The Madame B. installation offers a radically new interpretation of the text, replete with powerful symbolism that evokes this reimagining. In this way, it questions visually the role of women in a society driven by masculine impulses. The installation pieces explore different visual modes, and demonstrate how these have themselves the power to create an immersive experience.


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By Hannah Ackermans, 3 November, 2015
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Abstract (in English)

The presentation will explore narrative, intertextual and ideological aspects of The Numberlys iPad/iPhone app ( The app, produced by Moonbot Studios and released in 2012, received an American Annie award for excellence in the field of animation in 2013.
The Numberlys is a fanciful tale about the origin of the alphabet. In a world where ways of organization and communication are based on numbers and nobody has a name, only a number, five friends decide to build the alphabet by transforming numbers into letters. By inventing the alphabet the five protagonists let the inhabitants acquire a personal name. Thus the app raises existential questions concerning the construction of identity and our needs for recognition.
The story is set in a futuristic cityscape inspired by the German-Austrian filmmaker Fritz Lang’s landmark 1927 silent film Metropolis. Other intertextual references include ABC books, German expressionism, popular early fantasy epics like King Kong, Flash Gordon and Superman, the Macintosh tv-commercial 1984 and more. Thus The Numberlys seems to address both children and adults.
By referring to the sci-fi universe of Metropolis, the depiction of an urban dystopia, The Numberlys may be understood as a critical commentary of a contemporary metanarrative: technology as a manifestation and a result of progress. Consequently traditional notions of history and nature are questioned in an unusual way.
The tale is worked out as a hybrid of a sequential film and an interactive game. Constructing a media rich mixture of linear storytelling and nonlinear, user driven components, the app challenges conceptions of narration, game activity and reader response.

(source: ELO 2015 conference catalog)

By Alvaro Seica, 13 December, 2013
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
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Abstract (in original language)

A teoria quântica, originariamente concebida como teoria física para ser aplicada à estrutura íntima da matéria e às propriedades paradoxais das micropartículas (electrões, protões, átomos, moléculas), encerra pressupostos filosóficos que abrem uma nova maneira de pensar a realidade. Sabemos o risco que comporta a extrapolação, tantas vezes fantasiosa, desta teoria para outros níveis de organização do real. No entanto, Lothar Schäfer (químico quântico) é peremptório em afirmar que não é só no campo da microfísica que tais propriedades se manifestam: “As moléculas são a base da vida e as moléculas são sistemas quânticos. Todas as coisas, pequenas ou grandes, existem em estados quânticos.” E o matemático Roger Penrose corrobora: “A mecânica quântica está omnipresente mesmo na vida quotidiana, e encontra-se no cerne de muitas áreas de alta tecnologia, incluindo os computadores electrónicos.” Longe a pretensão de invadir um domínio que não é o da nossa competência – são os pressupostos epistemológicos desta teoria que aqui nos importam, não a sua operacionalidade científica. Por isso não levaremos a nossa ousadia muito para além do direito de citar, propondo uma homologia entre o modelo quântico e a teoria do texto, homologia cuja aplicabilidade ao texto gerado por computador se nos afigura particularmente rica de potencialidades. As textualidades inauguradas com o advento da informática, caso do texto virtual, do texto automático, do texto generativo ou do hipertexto, requerem uma correspondente forma outra de encarar o texto e a construção do sentido.

(Fonte: Resumo do Autor)

By Alvaro Seica, 6 December, 2013
Publication Type
Journal volume and issue
Record Status
Abstract (in original language)

Uma vez fundado o Centro de Estudos sobre Texto Informático e Ciberliteratura na Universidade Fernando Pessoa, unidade de investigação transdisciplinar que se propõe desenvolver não apenas uma reflexão teórica mas também uma prática criativa assente nas novas modalidades de texto nascidas com o advento da informática e das novas tecnologias digitais - com particular destaque para o texto automático, o texto dinâmico e o hipertexto - será oportuno explorar aqui uma delimitação definitória destes conceitos no seu âmbito de aplicação.

(Fonte: Introdução do Autor)